English Collection


engaging smile

2011年04月29日 | 英語学習
行動経済学者である "PREDICTABLY IRRATIONAL" の著者が行った "the influence of arousal" のテストに応募してきたMITの男子学生、マイクの描写です。
Mike was slender and tall, with short hair, an artistic air, and an engaging smile.
"engaging smile" ですが、"engaging" のこの様な使い方、意味は知りません。早速辞書を見ます。
・Merriam-Webster's Online Dictionary: tending to draw favorable attention or interest : attractive (an engaging smile); movie stars often have an engaging aura that is hard to describe
・V2 Vocabulary Building Dictionary: so charming or pleasing it captivates your attention
 I was mesmerized by her engaging smile. (charming, magnetic, attractive)
 The artist’s work was so engaging, I returned to the gallery several times. (captivating, attractive)
Tips: When learning the word engaging, think, gaining and holding a person's attention. Engaging describes things or people that are so charming or attractive they captivate attention. The verb to engage has several meanings, including, to participate, employ, occupy, fascinate, and to interest someone with something.
"engaging" にこんな魅力的な意味があるとはね。
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RD 10月号にNEW ONLINE GAMEを紹介する記事があり... (Bane)
2011-11-23 16:54:43
Globs: Path of the Guru is a simple yet engaging game where you match the colorus of the globs to make them merge.

