English Collection


Kick in the pants

2014年01月26日 | 英語学習
I selected a pair of jeans as a gift for my extremely skinny friend. When I went to pay for them, the cashier looked me up and down and said, "Well, you're pretty optimistic, aren't you?"
(from Reader's Digest October, 2013)
タイトルのKick in the pantsは明らかにjeansとのシャレで選ばれていますね。
・Collins English Dictionary
1.a reprimand or scolding designed to produce greater effort, enthusiasm, etc, in the person receiving it
2.a setback or disappointment
例文: 'It's a kick in the pants for the politicians who promise to deliver and then don't', said 57-year-old fireman Peter Kloed.
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