k-sun's Blog



2016年04月30日 12時23分32秒 | Weblog
When faced with difficulty, some people ask others for advice, while
other people try to overcome difficulty on their own.
Which do you think is better?
State your opinion including specific reasons.

I think that overcoming difficulty by asking others for advice is better for two reasons.
Firstly, other people can give you some fresh advice from different perspectives.
Especially those who are close to you are likely to give you high quality advice and solutions
because they know well about your character and circumstances.
Secondly, speed is crucial.
When you want to overcome a difficulty, it's often pressing.
For example, when you face a difficult problem while fielding complaints from customers,
you should get advice from your seniors as soon as possible.
By doing this, you can make your response faster and more efficient.
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