

Bull Run, Mrs. Henry's House, 21 July 1861

2023-08-15 22:34:01 | The Met's OpenAccessPolicy

From the public domain images of artworks in the Metropolitan Museum of Art collection - Open Access Policy

Title: Bull Run, Mrs. Henry's House, 21 July 1861

Artist: George N. Barnard (American, 1819-1902)

Former Attribution: Formerly attributed to Mathew B. Brady (American, born Ireland, 1823-1896 New York)

Date: 1861

Medium: Albumen silver print from glass negative

Bull Run


1. アメリカ南北戦争で二度の戦いが行われたヴァージニア北東部の入り江

a creek in northeastern Virginia where two battles were fought
in the American Civil War.

2, 南北戦争の間の2つの戦いのどちらか(1861年および1862年)

either of two battles during the American Civil War (1861 and
1862); Confederate forces defeated the Federal army in both battles.


from 英ナビ!辞書

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