倉富和子の女のひもとき in USA


元祖反転住宅紹介「注連原」住宅Originator reversed housing" Shimebaru "housing is introduced.

2020-07-29 08:49:36 | Weblog








 尾花さんに誘われて中に入った。工事完了時は がらんどうだった屋内には、アンティーク調の机や座布団が置かれ、宿泊施設としての設備は万全。かつて布団地として使われていた久留米絣(かすり)がタペストリーとして壁に掛かり、寝室には京都の表具職人によるアート作品が飾られていた。


Enlarged view
Shimebaru Village Map

Enlarged view
"Shimebaru House" is an accommodation facility opened along the Kumakami River. The thatched roof that blends into the scenery of the mountain village is impressive

Enlarged view
Between "Gozen" decorated with old Kurume Kasuri. Beams and columns reused building materials before the heavy rain disaster.

"I want you to forget the time and stay slowly" says Obana Hikaru

You can enjoy self-catering because there are sinks and cooking utensils in the soil called "Niwa".

Shimebaru Village

The accommodation facility "Simebaru Housing" opened along the Kumagami River. I came to an old folk house with a thatched roof that blends in with the scenery of the mountain village.

The long rainy season is finally over and it's summer. During the rainy season, the mountainous areas of the city are popular spots where you can forget the heat of the plains. The best place is along the Kumakami River, a tributary of the Chikugo River, in the Shinkawa/Tago district of Ukiha-cho, where the scenery of old-fashioned mountains remains. Recently, a house of thatched roof has opened as an accommodation facility in the most upstream area. When I visited, there was a luxurious space where the serene stream and the retro furnishings were soothing.
Passing through the Gosho Dam from the center of the former Ukihacho and entering the Shinkawa/Tasago area, a nostalgic view spreads out. The whole area is a national important traditional building preservation area (denken area), which is typified by the Hirakawa family housing, which is a national important cultural property. At the innermost part of the traditional district, which extends for about 6 km along the river, there is a target village. Altitude 315 meters. The air that comes into contact with the skin is also cool.

l"Beyond this is Oita Prefecture (Maetue Town, Hita City)"
Mr. Mitsuru Obana (38), who runs the "Ibiza Smoke Restaurant", which serves Spanish cuisine in the village, welcomed me. Obana also serves as the representative of the "Shimebaru Village Making Society", which is made up of seven local residents.
≪Standing in front of us was a “Shimebaru house” which was a reconstructed private house built about 150 years ago. It is a flat house building (approx. 150 square meters), and there is a dirt floor called "Niwa" with a stable inside and a "Gozen" space. As a thatched house when selecting a traditional district. It has received high praise.
However, the Kumagami River is flowing just beside it, and most of the buildings were damaged by the heavy rain in northern Kyushu in July 2012. After that, the owner donated the house to the city. The city has decided to "revive as accommodation facilities and become a symbol of regional reconstruction". The beams and columns were rebuilt by reusing them and reassembling over about three years, and the Village Making Society became the designated manager to prepare for the restart.

Mr. Obana invited us to enter. After the construction was completed, there were antique desks and cushions in the interior, which was perfect as an accommodation facility. Kurume Kasuri, which was once used as a futon, hung on the wall as a tapestry, and the bedroom was decorated with art pieces by Kyoto's tableware craftsmen.

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