

Heroes 1-19 "0.07%" 【後半】

2007年04月27日 | TV: Heroes

テキサス州。The Burnt Toast Diner。ベネット氏とマットとテッドがテーブルを囲み、今後の行動について相談する。テッドやマットらの体内には発信装置が埋め込まれているから、どこに逃げようと見つかってしまうだろう。ベネット氏は「まずは追跡システムを破壊するためにNYに向かうんだ」と、長距離バスの切符を見せる。



Mr. Bennet: Linderman isn't in New York. He's in Las Vegas.
Matt: So this is really "Linderman" Linderman, the mobster who owns all the casinos? What does he have to do with all this?
Mr. Bennet: Apparently more than I knew.
Matt: I say we go to Vegas, we take the fight to Linderman...
Mr. Bennet: No! We stick with the plan. We take out the tracking system. Then whoever's left standing can go after Linderman.
Ted: New York. I've always wanted to go...
Waitress: You boys ready to order?



NY。アイザックのアトリエ兼アパート。『7th Wonder』のメッセンジャーが原稿を取りに来る。メッセンジャーもアイザックのコミックの大ファンで、「ヒロはどうなるのか?」と、しきりに知りたがる。アイザックはメッセンジャーにコッソリと教えてやっただけでなく、「そのうち、高値が付くかもしれないよ」と言いながらスケッチブック(シモーヌ&ピーターの相合傘の絵が描いてあるやつ)もプレゼントする。

Isaac: Promise you won't post any spoilers.


Sylar: You really can paint the future. Just like the professor said. Fantastic.
Isaac: You're late.
Sylar: I guess you know why I'm here.
Isaac: You're the one who's going to kill me.
Sylar: That's true.
Isaac: ....
Sylar: This is usually the part when people start screaming.
Isaac: You can't fight the future.
Isaac: I tried fighting the future. It's too big for me. Maybe you can do better.
Isaac: I finally get to be a hero.


Claire: Your mom said you wanted to talk to me?
Nathan: I did. I do. Come in. Please. This should've happened a long time ago, under better circumstances. It shouldn't take someone nearly dying for the two of us to finally meet.
Claire: You know, you don't have to this... pretend to be nice to me.
Nathan: I'm not pretending. Claire, most people think the worst of me and I've probably given them a good reason to, but I want to do better. I want to be there for you.
Claire: (表情が明るくなる)
Nathan: But I can't. Not now.
Claire: (ガッカリし) Of course.
Nathan: I'm sorry, but there are things happening now that I don't expect you to understand. I barely understand them myself. I went into politics for the chance to do something good, to have a chance to help... to be a part of something big. And in order to do that, I have to...
Claire: The election. Can't have some illegitimate daughter popping up in front of the cameras.
Nathan: I need to win.
Claire: You need me to leave. Paris with my grandmother.
Nathan: She warms up... sort of. It's just one week.
Claire: And then what?
Nathan: And then you come home to your family, okay?



Hiro: Oh no... it's the future.
Ando: What happened?
Hiro: The bomb. We didn't stop it. I failed. So many people must have died.
Ando: Hiro, you have your sword now. You have your power. You can teleport us back... so we can fix this. And get us out of here. I don't like the future.
Hiro: No. If this happened, then we must have done something wrong. We must find out what mistakes we made. Then we can go back and stop it. Mr. Isaac! He will know what to do.
Ando: You said Mr. Isaac was dead when the bomb went off... because of the brain man.
Hiro: You're forgetting. In the past, the brain man got caught, remember? Mr. Isaac could still be alive. Come on!
Ando: I'm confused.




Future Hiro: You!
Hiro: Me?




Angela Petrelli: (Claireに) You get that mouth from me.


関連記事 (英語→ネタバレ注意):
- Shocking Heroes Preview: The Final Countdown!
- The Tease: 'Heroes' begins its final chapters
- 'Heroes' hype: A chat with James Kyson Lee
- 'Heroes' hype: On set with the Nakamuras
- TV Watch: Fighting the Inevitable
- Heroes Redux: Another One Bites the Dust
- 'Heroes': Enough talk, let's get to the action
- A Heroes Death Paints an Uncertain Future


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