JO2SLZ Ham Radio Blog


Spiderbeam packing

2008-03-17 | VK9ANU_Norfolk Is.
When I went to Belconnen in Canberra last week for purchasing electronic parts last weekend, I luckily found a ski and snowboard shop opening in a hot summer. Though I do not enjoy winter sports, I consulted with the shop keeper I am looking for a big bag. Special request more than 80cms or longer in diameter. They do not have any ski carrying bags in stock, but the master promise me that he would bring a second hand one from his house so that I can have a look if it would fit my shipment size.

Today, I drop in the ski shop and bought the second hand one. After back to my appartment, drinking cold apple juice, I tried to pack the longer mast (length 1.7m when collapsed) and all components of a 5 band spider beam. It was exaclty the just size for them. I managed to pack them all.

It weighed 19.4kg. All seats of QANAS for Norfolk Island is Economy class that allows 20kg. I already comfirmed QANTAS that my baggage for antenna and mast can be on board with extra charge for AU$18 per kilogram. Unexpectedly and amaizingly, I found by an enquiry to Australin Air Express that using air freight is much expensive. AU$2,000 for one way to Norfolk. The shipment cost of a spiderbeam and a mast for air cargo was only about US$500.
There is no space to put guy ropes in it. Anyway, I can carry them much better than I use a cardbord box.

Belconnenにあるスキー用品店で1.7mのマストとスパイダービーム一式が 入る中古のスキーバッグを見つけることができました。先週末に電子パーツを探しに行ったときにたまたま見つけた店です。スキーバッグの在庫がなかったのですが、店長さんが家にあったものを店に持ってきてくれることになっていたので、今日店に寄って大きさを確認し、50ドルで分けてもらいました。バッグの胴回りはぎりぎりの大きさですが、何とかマストとスパイダービームを収納することができました。スキー板を2式入れる袋のようです。この大きさでもステー用のロープやほかのアンテナ用竿を入れる余地はありません。別の竿ケースを持参することになりそうです。
