
方丈記と平家物語について1 完成版

方丈記と平家物語について 鴨長明の関与に関する考察
About The Houjouki and The Heike Monogatari; It is consideration about the participation of Chomei Kamo.


It was a place known widely about happened The four major disastersand one accident, major fire, tornado, famine, earthquake and capital relocation in the end of the 12th century of Japan,of The Houjouki and agreement of The Heike Monogatari, but, from agreement characteristics of the suitable parts of The Heike Monogatari variant text said to that it was copied, considered establishment of The Houjouki and participation of The Heike Monogatari of Chomei Kamo.
As s a result , The Heike Monogatari referred to The Houjouki , " which did not exist that is original The Houjouki ", because the different notation of The Daifukukouji-book , The Maedake-book and the popular edition were mixed in a short sentence in each variant text of The Heike Monogatari each .
When I regard Jien(The Director General of the Buddhist priest)as executive-producer, Yukinaga Fujiwara producer , knowledge and participation in master hand Choumei Kamo composition of the biwa are thought about as participation and a poet of the Kujous by by participation of " Genkyu poetry tanka game in 1205 year the person of Article person concerned such as Choumei Kamo and Yukinaga Fujiwara .
Furthermore, from style of talk of the colloquy of one The Houjouki four major disaster accident, it is rather thought with the manuscript for the talk of The Heike Monogatari.
Based upon the foregoing, Takaaki was in charge of composition and a manuscript of the part and thought of the correction to The Houjouki omitted edition during writing of The Heike Monogatari, and it was thought that I wrote Wide of The Houjouki.
In addition, far-off most, Sibu Kassesnjou-book that there is much resemblance leaves a phrase of first The Houjouki for Nakanoin-book from other variant texts when you look at the type of The Heike Monogatari by the common difference of each variant text of The Houjouki and The Heike Monogatari and may think with the result that you left a model before you talk about Hyakunijukku-book from the agreement of a part different each, and a book changes each for.
As talk book system,
① Takano-book, Meiwa Kunen-book, Simomura-book, Atsuta-book, Hyakunijukku-books
② The Hiramatsus-book, Yashiro-book
③ Nnakanoin-book, Joukata-book
It dies for に, but the Yashiro-book is related to these Hyakunijukku-book using ② and ③ and a common phrase mutually with ① and ③ which are major earthquake of the Genryaku.
As novel system,
④ Enkyou-book, Genpei Jousuiki-book, Nagato-book, Tousouroku-book
⑤ Sibu Kassenjoubook
It dies for, however, there is the point of the form of Sibu Kassenjou-book same as description of ups and downs ,① same as ,① group and Joukata-book, and the novel system can say unconditionally, and there is the part which there is not.
I was to vary in original The Heike Monogatari that I quoted with an author every winding even if I watched these The four major disasters and one accident (I include Odamaki).

1 はじめに
 2011年3月11日の東日本沿岸部を襲った東北地方太平洋沖地震と津波や兵庫県南部地震の神戸市で同時に発生した火災、2006年9月17日 宮崎県で発生した竜巻、2014年8月の高知県や広島県での豪雨災害を見、そして聞くにつれ、源平時代の災禍を記録し、鎌倉初期に書かれた方丈記が思い起こされ、その価値が見直されている。






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