
過去の今日のTHE BEATLESだヨ(=^◇^=)

 ブログ■John Lennon~(Just Like) Starting Over♪
 音源◆(Just Like) Starting Over (Take 1) [Early August 1980]  https://youtu.be/OA8mC0ZDbsM
 音源◆(Just Like) Starting Over (Take 2) [Early August 1980]  https://youtu.be/7fZHM50jOyA
 音源◆(Just Like) Starting Over (Take 3) [Early August 1980]  https://youtu.be/WCm_zDZWNpo
 音源◆John Lennon - Starting Over (Compilation Album)  https://youtu.be/WSb6OeMQi70


 動画◆The Beatles - Live in Atlanta Stadium (1965) https://youtu.be/ze1Lb-xgrvU
‡On August 18th 1965, the Beatles and their entouarge flew from Toronto to Atlanta for a concert at the ballpark, where the group would performed at Atlanta's Fulton County Stadium as the third stop along their 1965 North American Tour. The group was still a-buzz from their legendary Shea Stadium concert just three days before.
 00:00  Intro
 03:03  Twist and Shout
 04:23  She's a Woman
 07:38  I Feel Fine
 10:12  Dizzy Miss Lizzy
 11:59  Ticket to Ride
 14:32  Everybody's Tryin' to Be My Baby
 17:21  Can't Buy Me Love
 19:51  Baby's in Black
 22:38  I Wanna Be Your Man
 25:38  Help!
 28:41  I'm Down
 ┃ THE BEATLES INTERVIEW   ┃  DM's Beatles site
 ┗━━━━━━━━━━━━━┛by Dmitry Murashev
①|Press Conference in San Francisco, California |No.22
‡1964(昭和39)年08月18日(tue) August 18
 On August 18th 1964, the Beatles touched down in San Francisco, Marking the start of their 1964 American tour. They gave the following press conference on the 18th, and performed at Cow Palace in San Francisco the following day.
 Q: "How was your trip?"
 John: "Pardon?"
 Ringo: "Very tiring."
 John: "It was sort of like a plane trip, you know... Boring."
 Ringo: "We've been going seventeen hours now, you know."
 Q: "How often do you get haircuts?"
 John: "Uhh, about once every three weeks."
 Q: "Each of you?"
 Paul: "Yeah. Actually, it's cut."
 Q: "This is your second trip to San Francisco, are you going to see more of it this time than you did last?"
 Ringo: "Well, I only saw the airport last time, so I've seen more already."
 John: "Can you direct your questions so that everybody can hear them, please?"
 Paul: "Just a minute... Here's Derek. I'd like to introduce you..."
 George: "A big hand for Mr. Taylor."
 John: "This is our press representative."
 Q: "Who is your tailor?"
 Paul: "A fella called Millings of London."
 Q: "In Savile Row?"
 John: "No."
 Q: "Where?"
 Paul: "A little back street in London."
 John: "Old Compton Road. He keeps moving with all the profit he makes... Hmmmm hmmmm, he said."
 Q: Are you working on another movie soon?"
 Paul: "Yes, in February."
 Q: "Is it coming out then?"
 Ringo: "No, we start making it."
 John: "We start making it then."
 Q: "How frightened were you getting in that cage today?"
 John: "What cage?"
 Paul: "At the airport."
 John: Uh, it wasn't bad, 'cuz somebody had been up there and tested it."
 Ringo: "In fact, all the press went up and tested it."
 Q: "Why did you leave so soon?"
 Ringo: "We got told, you know."
 John: "Some people said, 'Climb up on the thing,' and then we wave, and then they said, 'Get off,' You know. and we come down and wave."
 Paul: "and so we got off, you know. We're very obedient."
 John: "Oh we are! Arf arf!"
 Q: "Do you think San Franciscans are any worse than any other place in the world?"
 Beatles: "No!"
 Paul: (sings) "'San Francisco.' Good town."
 Q: "The people... the crowd that you had... Were they any worse?"
 Paul: "Marvelous. Very good crowds."
 John: "How do you mean, 'worse'? What's he mean, 'worse'?"
 Q: "Why did you start the tour in San Francisco?"
 Ringo: "Well, you'd better ask someone else. I don't know."
 John: We don't plan the tours. They're planned for us, you see. We just say we don't want to go to, sort of, Buh-boo-boo land... and we leave the rest of the world open. It's all planned for us with a hearty, healthy Hey! Jolly good."
 Paul: "True."
 Q: "How do you like not having any privacy?"
 Paul: "We do have some, you know."
 John: "We just had some before. Didn't we, Paul?"
 Paul: "We don't have alot."
 Q: (to John) "Your hair looks like it's red. Is it red or is it wind-blown?"
 John: "Red? Oh no. Well, I've had a shower, you see. It sometimes goes a bit funny. You know, one can never tell... One gets underwater."
 Q: "Ringo? You didn't look too happy when you got off the airplane."
 Ringo: "If you'd been on it fifteen hours, how would you look?"
 John: "How would he look, Ringo?"
 Ringo: "Look at him now!"
 Q: "Which one of you is married?"
 Ringo: "John's married. We'll all get married in the end."
 John: "Will you?"
 Ringo: "In the end. Two or three years, you know. Plenty of time."
 John: "Do you mean you're not 'funny' like the rumor says?"
 Paul: "Lots of rumors in America."
 Q: (to John) "Are you writing now?"
 John: "Yes. I wrote all the way over on the plane."
 Q: "'PartlyDave' and that sort of thing?"
 John: "No. I've already written that one, thank you. I wrote 'Snore Wife and the Seven Dwarts.'"
 Q: "What is the name of the next movie?"
 Ringo: "We don't know yet?"
 Q: "When is it coming out?"
 Ringo: "We don't know. We don't start it until February."
 Q: "Now that you've made a movie, do you dig the acting bit?"
 John: "We don't profess to be actors."
 Paul: "Besides... it's only Americans that 'dig.'"
 John: "Dig?"
 Paul: "Dig your baby, daddy!"
 John: "Oh, I get it."
 Paul: "With it!!"
 Q: "In America, the current slang is 'tough,' 'boss,' and 'dig.' What are some of England's?"
 Ringo: "Fab... Gear."
 John: "They're ever-changing, you know, Madam. 'Alec Douglas-Hume,' That's a big one. 'Wilson,' Everyone does it."
 Paul: "Harold Wilson?"
 John: "Always."
 Paul: "There's alot of slang. 'Barry Goldwater.'"
 John: "That's a new one over there. It means, 'Drag.'"
 Q: "What does it mean over there?"
 John: No, it means... uh... 'Happy days are here again.'"
 Paul: "Said he."
 Q: "Are you going to be back in time for the elections?"
 John: "Back here?"
 Q: "No. Back in England."
 John: "Are they having them again?"
 George: "They have 'em every week."
 John: "Drat."
 Q: "Ringo, how do you feel about the 'Ringo for President' campaign?"
 Ringo: "Well, it's rather... It's marvelous!"
 Q: "Assuming you were President of the United States, would you make any political promises?"
 Ringo: "I don't know, you know. I'm not sort of politically minded."
 John: "Aren't you?"
 Ringo: "No, John. Believe me."
 Paul: "I think you should be President."
 John: "I saw you dancing with Bessie Braddock."
 Q: "How do the other guys feel about Ringo being nominated for President?"
 John: "We think he should win, you know."
 Paul: "Yes, we think he should."
 George: "Definitely in favor."
 Q: "Ringo, would you nominate the others as part of your cabinet?"
 Ringo: "Well, I'd have to... wouldn't I?"
 George: "I could be the door."
 Ringo: "I'd have George as treasurer."
 John: "I could be the cupboard."
 Ringo: "He looks after the money."
 Q: "Are you going to be visiting Miami again this year?"
 George: "No."
 Ringo: "Not unless it's on the tour."
 John: "Aren't we?"
 George: "We're going to Florida to do a show in Jacksonville... the Gator Bowl. But we won't be going to Miami."
 Q: "Is Liverpool going to win the first division this year?"
 Ringo: "I don't know, I don't follow football, you know."
 Q: "You don't follow football?"
 Ringo: "No. I don't follow football! You got the message. I don't know, are they winning or something?"
 John: "We don't like any sport. Waste of time."
 Paul: "Swimming."
 John: "No, we can all swim."
 Q: "John, when do you write your next book?"
 John: "Uhh, well... All the time, you know."
 Q: "Do you keep little notes?"
 John: "Yes... here and there."
 Q: "Ringo, can we see your rings?"
 Paul: "Show 'em. Go on."
 John: "Show him."
 Q: "Ringo, can you look this way and hold your rings up?"
 John: (jokingly) "Could you do it again, Ringo?"
 Paul: "Ringo, just one more for the east coast! One more for the east coast!"
 John: "I've got it! I've got it!"
 Ringo: "Have you got it?"
 John: "Oh, me flash is gone."
 Paul: "One for 'Life' magazine."
 John: "Ha ha ha, eh, Ringo?"
 Ringo: "'Life'? That's a big magazine."
 Q: "Ringo, you're on the cover."
 Ringo: "Are we?"
 John: "Are we?"
 Q: "What do you boys plan to do in San Francisco other than sleep?"
 John: "Sleep."
 Ringo: "Just play the 'Cow Palace,' that's about it."
 Q: "You're not going to see the town?"
 Ringo: "No, we're not going to see your beautiful city that we've heard so much about."
 Q: "Why not?"
 George: "It'd take too much organization, wouldn't it?"
 Ringo: Oh, you wouldn't see anyway, just speeding along in a car."
 John: "Help, Derek! They're getting out of hand!"
 Source: Audio recording of the press conference
②|Press Conference in Atlanta, Georgia, USA|No.42
‡1965(昭和40)年08月18日(wed) August 18
 Q: "I want to ask what your unfulfilled ambitions are."
 Paul: "Uhh, I haven't got any."
 Ringo & George: "Neither have I."
 John: "Me too."
 Q: "How are The Beatles enjoying their tour here in America?"
 John: "Very much, thank you. Hello, hello."
 George: "Yeah, it's great."
 Ringo: "...having a great time."
 Q: "Is Ringo going to be a father soon, and if so, what will he name his child?"
 Ringo: "I am gonna be a father soon, and I haven't got a name yet."
 Q: "How come you're not hitting more southern cities on your tour?"
 John: "We don't know, you know. It's not up to us where we go. We just climb in the vans."
 Paul: "Philosophical."
 Q: "George, you being the only single one of the group..."
 George: "What about Paul? Haven't you heard about him? Let me introduce you."
 Paul: "Hello, you goofed!"
 Q: (rudely) "May I continue? What are your matrimony plans?"
 George: "Well that question, you know, it's stupid for a start because Paul isn't married either, is he? So if you'd like to ask the question again and count Paul in."
 Paul: "Right, and we'll both talk at the same time."
 Q: "What are your matrimony plans?"
 George: "I haven't any."
 Q: "Paul, what about you and Jane Asher? What's the story?"
 Paul: "What about us?"
 Ringo: "Go on, tell them."
 Paul: Well, I haven't said anything to anyone. But people keep writing about it, and putting it in papers and things. So um, you know... I'm getting to believe it. It's daft, you know. I never said a word about it, anyway. They just keep quoting."
 Q: "Do the boys have any Atlanta acquaintances?"
 John: "Not yet."
 Ringo: "No."
 Q: "I'd like to ask George Harrison... You fellas seem to have started a complete new trend in music, in clothes, and in hairstyles. When you think about what you started, are you proud of it?"
 George: "Yes."
 Q: "I'd like to ask George Harrison about having a nightclub named after your hair. Are you thrilled?"
 George: "Well, I was until I saw the nightclub."
 John: "How about that?"
 Paul: "How about a hand for that boy! A big hand! What a show!"
 Q: "I'd like to ask Ringo... I understand that you like country and western music, and I was wondering if The Beatles have any plans for recording in Nashville?"
 Ringo: "I do like country and western, and we have no plans of recording in Nashville."
 Q: "Does George like classical Spanish music?"
 George: "Yeah."
 Q: "Do the rest of you like any classical music?"
 Ringo: "Classical rock and roll."
 George: "The thing is, I like it but I couldn't get out of bed in the morning and put it on, you know. It's only certain times I can listen to it."
 Paul: "We all like different kinds of music. Only, sort of, bits of it. A bit of Tchaikovsky here and there, you know."
 Q: "Where do John and Paul get their ideas for writing songs?"
 John: "Out of John and Paul's heads."
 Q: "If The Beatles could attend someone else's concert what artists would they go and see?"
 John: "There's lots of them, you know."
 Paul: "...at the Apollo or something like that."
 John: "Like, to go to the Apollo and see everybody that goes there."
 Q: "I have a question for all The Beatles here. If you were sitting at home listening to record albums of other recording artists, who are some of the American recording artists that you prefer?"
 John: "Otis Redding is one."
 George: "Yeah."
 Paul: "James Brown."
 John: "There's lots of them."
 George: "Nina Simone."
 Paul: "Chuck Jackson."
 George: "There's hundreds of them."
 John: "Many, many."
 Q: "What do you think of Elvis Presley?"
 John: "We liked his early stuff, you know."
 Paul: "We liked it a lot more than the stuff that he does now."
 John: "We still play his..."
 Paul: "He was wilder then, you know, and he's gone a bit middle-aged. You know the image. You know what I mean. We still like him, though."
 Q: "Is this The Beatles last tour?"
 Beatles: "No."
 Q: "Of America?"
 Beatles: "No."
 Q: "I heard something about Nashville, and... did you say you were not going to record there?"
 Ringo: "There's no plans to record there."
 George: "There's no point of us recording anywhere else, you know. I mean, we'd probably end up with the same sound wherever we record, you know, so what's the point?"
 Q: "Do the Nashville music companies, do they send you their material or do you ask them to, like Carl Perkins stuff?"
 John: "We just bought that years ago when it was out, you know."
 Paul: "We just do it 'cuz we've got the records."
 Q: "I'd like to ask any Beatle, what do you think of the groups - American or otherwise - copying your style, hair, and your style of music?"
 John: "We don't mind. It's no worse than the British ones doing it."
 Q: "Who is your A & R man?"
 John: "George Martin."
 George: "It's written on the back of every album."
 John: (to George, about the question) "He doesn't own the albums, he just wants to know."
 George: "Well, you gotta buy some."
 Source: Audio recording of the press conference





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