

Crew144_Report_12/8 切磋琢磨で素晴らしい友情!

2014-12-11 00:04:21 | MARS on EARTH

Commander Report
Gregory Leonard









Although it’s Monday on this our 7th sol in Mars analog simulation, it sure felt like a classic Sunday. All crew enjoyed a well-earned day off from EVAs, and we spent the day together in the Hab. Knowing that we had the day off today, we all stayed up till just-past midnight last night, listening to music, sharing personal videos from past explorations, some playing cards, joking, singing and chatting, and binging just a bit on our allotted stash of snack foods. This group can sometimes be quite electric together, kinetic and really fun. Before the evening was over we all learned and tried our hand at Japanese calligraphy, both Kanji and Katakana styles, this under the expert guidance of Biologist Yusuke Murakami. All took turns at painting the letters for “Mars”, and then having Yusuke paint our given names and then the meanings of our surnames. These small paintings are true works of art, and our individual names (including some new crew nicknames), are now nicely adorning the doors of our respective staterooms. It looks like an art museum in here!

Considering late evening party, most crew slept-in this morning, past our normal waking hour. Yusuke and I both enjoy photography, and we were up at 0700 to watch the unfolding of an incredible blood-red Mars-like sunrise, and also view the setting gibbous moon. Later this morning, we all enjoyed a hearty breakfast of eggs, bacon, and porridge, and for some of us, several cups of coffee. Fortunately there are few coffee drinkers here on MDRS-144; and so those of us that are, have a veritable surplus of java on hand. 

There was a brief engineering EVA this morning, checking on generator diesel, propane gas, and water; plus the requisite taking out the garbage. Additionally, Engineer Victor Luo, XO, Heidi Beemer, and Yusuke completed some much needed routine repairs on some EVA suits (see Engineer report).

Much of the late morning and afternoon was occupied by movie script writing; we are prepping to record an action / adventure / sci-fi film to be used as one of our several MDRS-144 outreach projects. The script is mostly written, the cast selected, and the props designed. Filming is set to begin later this week. Yusuke Murakami is Executive Producer and Director. 

Scientist Juho Vehviläinen and I spent some afternoon time working on building the MDRS 7th stateroom in the loft. We both enjoy building and working with wood; and as a relatively new homeowner back on Earth, I especially delight in home improvement projects on Sundays. I certainly did today as well. The Hab will soon have a basic, but professional-grade framed and secure stateroom in the southwest quadrant of the loft.

Meanwhile in the kitchen, Heidi Beemer baked another delicious loaf of bread this afternoon, and made pizza dough for the pies we each created and devoured tonight. This is such a fine group of people assigned to MDRS-144. We live together, work together, laugh together, create together, and there is a palpable and increasing sense of comfort, safety, and team loyalty developing amongst us. This is not simply a good sign or convenient, it is absolutely essential for this (and any) group to have established some level of real team trust before considering participation in the very serious and unforgiving conditions that the FMARS site will dish out during the yearlong, high Arctic-based MA 365 mission. We are here, the crew of MDRS-144, growing stronger each day in trust, loyalty and friendship. Goodnight from the Hab.

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Crew144_Report_12/7 Toniさんの写真が少ないです

2014-12-10 01:22:14 | MARS on EARTH

Commander Report
Gregory Leonard





2人は、Rube Goldberg’ type system というものを構成しました。予備試験は、限定的な成功を収めたようですが、更なる改善が行われるでしょう。

これは、 outreach Q & A video sessionとして完了しました。

日本火星協会 MDRSページ


For many people on Earth, weekend days like today Sunday are days off, a day for rest. For us here at MDRS, and on a rather short two week mission, we choose sometimes to take advantage of our precious time and continue our Mars surface analog work. We are human however, and in addition to having meaningful work, we too require ample rest, play and sleep. So after last night’s card games shared amongst the crew, all crew slept in for an extra couple of hours this morning before prepping for a scheduled EVA. 

Geologist Toni de Morais Teles Biologist presented his EVA plan and field objectives and directed his EVA team members Biologist Yusuke Murakami and HSO Susan Jewell with their specific EVA tasks. Engineer Victor Luo managed HabCOM. Toni’s research is focused on correlating geologic, geomorphic, and petrologic characteristics with possible biologic activity and biomarkers as an analog for ancient Mars environments. He evaluated several near-Hab geologic units, collecting rock drill samples and site characteristics. The EVA team was out of airlock at 1002, and first completed the engineering EVA duties. Being our first clear sunny day on this mission to date, the EVA proceeded with caution so as not to overheat. Yusuke assisted with Toni’s field survey and sampling, and both he and Susan photo- and video-documented the EVA, and captured updated images of the Hab, GreenHab, and Musk Observatory. Post-EVA briefing revealed similar challenges experienced by virtually all EVAs on warm MDRS days: some fogging of helmets due to condensation from astronaut exhalations and light sweating. Occasionally, sunglasses were bumped slightly, or hats slipped downward off the head to partly obscure visibility. This is partly a matter of optimally securing the headware before EVA departure from the Hab, and partly a matter of the relatively loose helmets repeatedly bumping against glasses and hats (this related to proper fit of helmets to individual crew members, and overall helmet design and condition).

Engineer Victor Luo and Biologist Yusuke Murakami attempted improvements on the internal water tank located the Hab loft that seems to have been plaguing MDRS crews with occasional and completely unwanted in-Hab water spills. The problem arises when the filling system remains unattended and the tank overflows. Why is the filling tank left unattended? This usually occurs since the tank fills very slowly and the person monitoring the tank-filling process sometimes decides they can complete another task for a few minutes and return in time to switch off the filling pump. Occasionally the tank monitor has apparently forgotten the prime directive of observing the process and the tank overflows. So Victor and Yusuke have devised a ‘Rube Goldberg’ type system comprised of a (sterilized) inner tank float, strings, pulleys, and a mouse trap system; it is a glorified ‘kill switch’ it has been installed and is in trial phase. Pretesting shows limited success; further improvements will be trialed.

I worked on final measurements and designing the second wall for the 7th stateroom. Victor completed further 3D infrared stereo scans of the Hab, this time with crew performing in-Hab daily and research-related activities on decks 1 and 2. 

All crew completed further requisite in-simulation testing measures. 

In addition all crew completed an outreach Q & A video session, answering Mars exploration related questions submitted by school children from all over world. Our crew introductions and recital of questions and answers will be posted for viewers on social media, and made available as special internet video links to the schools that submitted the questions. Answering questions submitted by children from around the globe really reminds us, the crew of MDRS-144, of the technical challenges of Mars exploration and colonization, the harsh Martian conditions, and the day-to-day pragmatic issues of traveling through space or living on Mars. More so, we are reminded of why we are here, because each of us, all of us were once inspired in the past, by persons at least a little bit just like ourselves.

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Crew144_Report_12/6 村上さん!丘をまたぐ!

2014-12-09 22:28:44 | MARS on EARTH

Commander Report
Gregory Leonard


チームは、Heidi さんとVictorを加えた3人です。





日本火星協会 MDRSページ

下図は、Commander Reportには、紹介されてませんが、トガちゃんです。


After a full week at MDRS, and our 5th day in Mars analog simulation, it is surprising that each day is quite different from the rest, this despite the somewhat dry and routine appearance of our weekly scheduling spreadsheet. I suspect that this stems from the fact that our comfort and annihilation are separated only by the metallic shell of the Hab walls or the thin skin of our EVA suits. We do not go about in fear of these facts each day, but they are routinely part of our ‘wiring’, we space-faring individuals. Days and nights on Mars will be no less different, routines yes, but each day different.

After breakfast Biologist Yusuke Murakami presented his EVA plan and field objectives and directed his EVA team members XO Heidi Beemer and Engineer Victor Luo with their specific EVA tasks. Yusuke’s investigation and outreach project is an observational analog survey characterizing geophysical and biophysical zones where extra-terrestrial life could exist. Victor also used Yusuke’s survey sites to attempt further stereo infrared scans for his 3D virtual reality modeling. 

The EVA team was out onto the surface at 0950 and completed their field plans using EVA vehicles, and also by foot. Upon return to the Hab, engineering EVA duties were completed. The entire team held our post-EVA debriefing. Fogging of helmets became an issue, due in part to sweating induced by slightly increased temperatures this morning, and also navigational choices. Base-map resolution, from which some EVA traverses are planned are sometimes insufficient to resolve topographic features that can become obstacles during EVAs. Sometimes a point-to-point approach, despite being the shortest distance is not preferable to slightly longer routes having gentler slopes. Good route planning is essential on Earth, and will be essential and at times life critical on Mars.

Scientist Juho Vehviläinen and Geologist Toni de Morais Teles completed an afternoon engineering EVA, collecting materials from the ‘Antarctica’ pile (aka the boneyard) to construct a medical evacuation litter. This emergency transport mechanism, in addition to cross-arm carry will both be trialed during an upcoming EVA medical emergency and Hab transport training. Toni has also completed final equipment preparation and checks, and prepared an EVA request for his science EVA tomorrow. 

HSO Dr. Susan Jewell prepared laboratory equipment this afternoon readying for her salivary sampling and biomarker analyses associated with her stress mitigation research. Some crew will soon be pre-testing particiants in her investigation to evaluate yoga and mindfulness meditation to mitigate negative effects of isolation and confinement in extreme environments. MDRS is a perfect environment to initiate this work. 

In addition to managing HabCOM operations for the first time, I also had my first cooking duties, paired up with Juho in the kitchen. Much to our surprise Juho and I managed to prep some rather tasty food today: pancakes and oatmeal this morning, tuna-veggie mac-n-cheese and lemon rice chicken soup (sans chicken) for lunch, and delicious pasta primavera with meat sauce for supper. We received two thumbs up on all meals, from an obviously hungry crew. I also began working on constructing the 7th stateroom in the loft. I framed out the first wall and it fits perfectly in the attic. This project requires careful planning during the building phase and will take up bits of my time for the next week. Like many crew on MDRS-144, I come here with multiple skill sets and experiences. My time in the carpentry and painting trades will come in handy here, at FMARS, and perhaps someday on Mars itself.

Last night, after CapCOM and evening chores were completed, the team settled in to watch a movie. There’s a small DVD library here at the Hab, comprised of donations from previous mission crews. Flipping through the two volumes of DVD’s we noticed a theme emerging: lots of science fiction and space exploration-based films. I suppose it’s relatively easy sometimes to select a movie with others who also embrace the same culture. We chose to watch an Australian made film “The Dish”, a ‘based-on-a-true-story’ docu-comedy which recounts the story of an Australian team of radio astronomers stationed at the Parkes radio telescope, and their role in providing vital deep-sky-network communications and video links for the Apollo 11 moon landing in 1969. Despite several technical glitches, the pressures of being thrust onto the world stage, and under the tight scrutiny of NASA technocrats, the radio observatory staff triumphed and fulfilled their objectives. This reminded me that despite all the preparations, the practice, the checking, the triple-checking, the testing, and evaluations, it is what was not prepared for, the ‘surprises’ that become the true test of individual and teamwork capabilities and resolve. After a week here on mission MDRS-144, it is gratifying to observe the cool, natural reactions of this crew to things unexpected, and the strength of the team as they support one another…essential stuff for all team exploration.

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2014-12-06 22:45:00 | MARS on EARTH

Commander Report
Gregory Leonard



このEVAは、地質調査を目的としていて、Crew144の活動期間に合わせてNASAがEarth Observatory-1 でMDRSを観測するとのことです。   http://earthobservatory.nasa.gov/ 




On this our sol number 4 in full Mars simulation, we awoke today to cloudy skies, this despite weather forecasts calling for increased sunshine. Cloudy desert skies however often produce fantastic sunrises, and today did not at all disappoint. Just before sunrise several crew collected in the kitchen / social space on deck 2 to begin the day with morning Zen meditation lead again by Biologist Yusuke Murakami; followed by an introduction to basic yoga positions and breathing exercises lead by HSO Susan Jewell. All participants agreed that it felt great to really stretch out after about a week in the Hab, and after XO Heidi Beemer’s wicked workout regime yesterday. Following group breakfast, I briefed the crew on my morning EVA plans, and directed my EVA team, including Scientist Juho Vehviläinen, XO Heidi Beemer, and HSO /Journalist Susan Jewell on their expected Mars surface tasks. This science EVA involves the use of some complex sensor – laptop – calibration field equipment; despite this, EVA preparation and suit-up was efficient and all four in the field team exited the airlock at 0945. 

With Yusuke and Engineer Victor Lou managing HabCOM, engineering checks were completed first. The field team then walked southward along Cow Dung Road for about 300 meters to the survey grid, also pulling a wheel barrow to tote supplies and equipment. My study is evaluating visible to near infrared (VNIR) spectroradiometric fidelity between in-situ, sunlit rock and soils with the same target materials brought back to the Hab and measured under calibrated artificial illumination. Averaged field spectra will also be used to calibrate / validate an Earth Observatory-1 Hyperion hyperspectral image acquired over MDRS site, and an Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Spectroradiometer (ASTER) multispectral image that I've requested from NASA to be acquired during our MDRS-144 mission period. Calibration / validation work is essential for expanding the range of accurate aerial platform and space-based sensor mapping and monitoring. This will be the case at FMARS (and also Mars) for more confident selection of study sites, and to complete interpretations of areas where field access is limited or not-possible. This was a productive and educational EVA: 17 of 28 primary field VNIR measurements and associated samples were acquired and returned to the lab (see Science Report).

With regards to the aforementioned cloudy skies, such conditions are rather welcome for the daily EVAs this crew has completed, and has yet to complete. Full-on sunny conditions can make for very hot in-suit EVA conditions which can more rapidly fatigue and dehydrate surface explorers, possibly decreasing effectiveness, shortening EVA times, or causing medical issues. All EVA crew today truly welcomed the lack of direct sun!

After lunch all crew attended a post-EVA debriefing, discussing what worked well, and what did not (see EVA report). Afternoon activities included Biologist Yusuke Murakami working on crew ‘portraits’ to be applied towards a cartoon / superhero version of MDRS-144 team (stay tuned for that). Yasuke and Geologist Toni de Morais Teles also worked on photo-documenting the newly constructed tunnel connecting the Hab, GreenHab and Musk Observatory structures. Engineer Victor Luo reviewed with us his first version of a virtual 3D tour of the Hab generated by numerous infrared stereo scans collected inside the Hab. OK this is jaw dropping stuff! (definitely stay tuned for this).

Last but not least, Juho and I had the undignified task of un-stuffing our stuffed toilet with a plumbing snake (oh the glamour of space exploration). All are relieved that it is functioning again. 

At last it is our first Friday night in full Mars simulation. Perhaps time for a movie, karaoke, games, disco…?

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2014-12-06 00:24:44 | MARS on EARTH

Commander Report
Gregory Leonard



Crew Scientist Juho VehviläinenがEVA-3のための計画と野外目標を概略説明しました。
Engineer Victor Luo と私は、EVA-1で活動した場所を再訪するよう計画されたJuhoの仕事を支援するため特定の作業を提供しました。この時、彼の誘電性土壌水分と温度の測定法のためにより深くまで垂直方向の断面図を集めました。(Science Report参照)
Executive Office Heidi Beemerは、Yusukeと協力してEVAのためのすべてのHabCOMの運用を管理します。

Juhoと Victorは、測定値を収集しました。一方、私は、近くの地質を調査しました。このエリアにはジュラ紀から白亜紀(海進期-回帰の堆積岩の配列)の見事な露頭があります。日常言語で、私は、赤、グレイ、茶色、白色の堆積を観察しています。それは、泥、沈泥そして砂粒からなる層状ケーキの岩です。これらの岩は、風化されて小さなメサや円錐やハーフドームとなりました。;そして、それらは、恐竜の化石の正確な年代を示します。

Crew Geologist Toni de Morais Telesは、彼の宇宙生物学のEVAのために準備をしています。
GreenHab Officer/XO Heidi Beemerは、グリーンハブの水耕栽培システムで水漏れ問題対処し続けています。しかしながら、漏れた水は、トイレで流す水として使用されています。

さらなるハブの清掃がYusuke とGeologist Toni de Morais Telesとで今日行われました。
HSO / Journalist Susan Jewellは、日々のハブの仕事や他の活動でのクルーのビデオ映像を撮るための準備を始めました。撮影は、始まった!
午後遅くには、いろいろなクルーがMDRS-144 XO and Army 1st Lieutenant Heidi Beemerが指導するトレーニングと運動で打ちのめされているのを発見しました。
*それは、下部デッキでI-beamから守る彼女のTRX-resistance strapsを使用して行われたようですが、今一分かりません。ビデオが完成したら分かるかも・・・



Days are very busy in Mars analog simulation: each day all crew have scheduled meetings, chores, tasks, inspections, planning, possible EVAs, and of report writing. Therefore the time we spend enjoying personal or team activities that fall outside these routines become more essential for a healthy and harmonious crew. In this regard we are fortunate to have a mission team that possesses many interests and talents, and importantly the willingness to share them. This day began with some crew participating in a lesson and some practice in Zen meditation lead by Biologist Yusuke Murakami. We found that giving the critically objective left-side brain a rest, for even a few moments is a rather a refreshing experience; and indeed a fine way to begin the day.

Group breakfast was followed by daily plan briefing. Crew Scientist Juho Vehviläinen reviewed his planning and field objectives for EVA-3. Engineer Victor Luo and myself were provided with our specific tasks to assist in Juho’s work which is designed to revisit the traverse sites from his EVA-1 work, this time collecting deeper vertical profiles for his dielectric soil moisture and temperature measurements (see Science Report). All crew then assisted in preparation for the EVA team. Executive Office Heidi Beemer along with Yusuke managed all HabCOM operations for the EVA. 

We are becoming very proficient at donning the space suits, today getting out of the airlock and onto the analog Mars-surface at 0937. An engineering EVA preceded the science EVA; this included refilling the Hab water tank. EVA-3 crew then used the motor-powered all-terrain vehicles for the remainder of the field work, which proceeded very smoothly. This EVA involved excavating holes in the soil, as deep as 30 centimeters for Juho to obtain regularly spaced vertical measurements. The exertion of digging holes often lead to sweat and condensate within our helmets, which quickly dissipated with a minutes rest. Juho and Victor collected measurements, while I investigated the nearby geology. There are absolutely stunning exposures of Jurassic to Cretaceous, transgressive-regressive sedimentary rock sequences in this area. In everyday language I am observing heaps of red, grey, brown, white colored, layer-cake rocks composed of mud, silt, and sand grains. These rocks weather into an array of small mesas and conical and half-dome shapes; and they are the correct age to host dinosaur fossils, which indeed they do. The EVA allowed for a 15 minute validation of sample grid coordinates for my planned EVA work tomorrow.

Crew Geologist Toni de Morais Teles is prepping for his astrobiological EVA, sterilizing his collection tubes, inspecting field sampling tools. GreenHab Officer/XO Heidi Beemer continues to address the leakage issues with the GreeHab hydroponics system. Leaked water has however been captured, to be applied towards toilet flushes.

More Hab cleaning occurred today with Yusuke and Geologist Toni de Morais Teles tidying up and vacuuming the entire lower deck space, and making more counter space available for the laboratory phase for several crew science investigations. HSO / Journalist Susan Jewell began preparing to collect video of the crew in day-to-day Hab work and other activities. Filming has begun! The late afternoon found several crew hammering through a workout and exercise session lead by MDRS-144 XO and Army 1st Lieutenant Heidi Beemer using her TRX-resistance straps secured from an I-beam in the lower deck. 

After almost three days in full simulation, we are indeed settled into the Hab, with our respective individual and team roles, and settled into the realization that this group is really learning to live, work, and develop new skills together. Something to add here: living on Mars, in the confines of the Hab is not only about regulating resources, and getting by on the minimum, but also about living in the abundance of what is provided here, and what we provide to each other, our team together. Indeed we've taken full ownership of this magnificent station and its incredible well-established mission support systems.

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2014-12-05 01:14:48 | MARS on EARTH

Commander Report
Gregory Leonard


クルー全員が昨晩は非常に良く眠れたと報告しました。たぶん、HSO Dr. Susan Jewellによって指導された非常に落ち着かせる消灯前の注意深い瞑想によるためでしょう。確かに、このような活動は、狭くそして隔離された長期間ミッションでクルーの状態を良く保つため必要なことであるでしょう。例えば、北極の高緯度でのFMARSとゆくゆくは火星において。

Crew Biologist Yusuke Murakamiは、彼のEVA計画と野外での目的を示して、EVAチームメンバーのEngineer Victor Luo と HSO/Journalist Susan Jewellに具体的な仕事を指示しました。Yusukeの調査とアウトリーチプロジェクトは、地球外生命が存在できる地球科学的ゾーンを特徴付ける観察擬似調査です。

3)HSO Jewellは、少し躓いた時に後頭部に小さな衝撃を受けました。(落下物ではない)そして、彼女のヘルメットが彼女に当りました。EVA後の調査でヘルメットに小さな風雨に晒されたボルトがついていて、それが彼女の頭を叩いた原因のようだということが分かりました。小さなボルトは、ヘルメットの縁に後ろのクリップを固定していました。ボルトは、今では小さなプラスティックキャップと発泡体でカバーされています。他のヘルメットも検査され、すべて発泡体で保護されていることが分かりました。

GreenHab Officer Heidi Beemeは、以前のクルーによって開発されて作られた水耕栽培システムを作動させました。彼女は、より一層の確認と修理を必要とするシステムでの漏れを報告しました。GreenHab レポートを見なさい)

Crew Scientist Juho Vehviläinenは、私が近く行うEVA作業のためリハーサルとEVA野外活動の手順について私を手伝ってくれました。その調査は、複雑な測定に関することがあります。Juhoは、このような仕事の経験を持っています。;彼は、それゆえに今日私にとって計り知れないほど貴重な存在でした。

Crew Geologist Toni de Morais Telesは、ハブ近傍の地形を写真で記録することを継続してやっています。




All crew reported very good sleeping last night, perhaps due to a very calming pre lights-out mindfulness meditation session led by HSO Dr. Susan Jewell. No doubt, such activities will prove essential for crew well-being on long duration missions in confined and isolated spaces, such as at FMARS in the high Arctic, and eventually on Mars. 

There was also apparently a few minutes of light rain last night, although it was insufficient to soak the terrain around the Hab and thwart our scheduled EVA. Therefore after a hearty group breakfast and daily plan briefing, the team supported the preparations for EVA-2. Crew Biologist Yusuke Murakami presented his EVA plan and field objectives and directed his EVA team members Engineer Victor Luo and HSO/Journalist Susan Jewell with their specific EVA tasks. Yusuke’s investigation and outreach project is an observational analog survey characterizing geophysical zones where extra-terrestrial life could exist (see Science Report).

The EVA team was out onto the surface at 1002 and completed their field plans using EVA vehicles, and also by foot. Upon return to the Hab, engineering EVA duties were completed. Post-EVA debriefing involving all mission crew centered on the following issues: 1) ventilation fan on Pack 3 failed after two hours, apparently losing battery power, this despite having left under full charge. We will troubleshoot the problem, and use Pack 4 in its place; Pack 3 may still be used for shorter duration EVAs, close to the Hab. 2) some condensation occurred in all helmets to varying degrees, apparently due to the warm day and perhaps some increased humidity resultant from the recent influx of a regional moist air mass. We replaced a silica desiccant pack in one of the helmets which may reduce some condensate build up. 3) HSO Jewell receive a small bump to the back of her head when she had a minor stumble (non-fall), and her helmet struck her. Post-EVA inspection showed that the helmet contained a tiny exposed bolt that likely caused the bump to her head. The tiny bolt fastens the rear clip on the helmet collar. The bolt has now been covered with a small plastic cap and some foam, secured by duct tape. Other helmets were inspected and they all had some type of foam protection.

GreenHab Officer Heidi Beemer activated the hydroponics system which was developed and built by a previous crew. She reported leakage in the system which requires further identification and repairs (see GreenHab Report). 

Crew Scientist Juho Vehviläinen assisted me in rehearsals and EVA field operational sequencing for my upcoming EVA work. The investigation involves complex sensor-data logger- software interfacing and calibration, and field measurement protocols. Juho has worked with very similar spectroradiometer instruments, and has considerable field experience in remote and rugged terrains as well; he was therefore quite invaluable to me today.

Crew Geologist Toni de Morais Teles continued photo-documenting the near-Hab landscape, and preparing his equipment for his forthcoming EVA work. In addition he singlehandedly cleaned the kitchen/mess/ working space in the upper Hab deck, which is now spotless. We all greatly recognize the importance of regular cleaning of the Hab; it promotes good and essential Hab hygiene, which is indeed important since the Hab is for this time, our precious and only home. 

Our HSO continues to monitor two crew members for illness (see HSO report).

The spirit of this crew is something remarkable. All crew are respectful, generous, and truly contributory towards each other and our mission. It is gratifying to observe this team as we continue to form stronger bonds together, forged through our common mission vision, hard work, and plenty of spontaneous discussions and laughter. Goodnight from our Mars.

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2014-12-04 11:48:44 | MARS on EARTH


Commander Report
Gregory Leonard



クルーの何名かにとっては、これに、まもなくHSO Dr. Susan Jewell. Susanによって手助けられて毎朝のヨガが含まれるでしょう。
Susanは、これから始まるMDRS field season 2014-2015のためのIRB証明研究の試験的段階を実施しています。それは、極限環境での隔離と監禁の良くない効果を和らげるためのヨガと深い瞑想の有効性を調査することです。研究は、革新的な科学技術の利用も含んでいます。たとえば、可能ならばGoogle Glass や 3D Virtual Realityなどです。



EVAを行ったクルー全員がかさばるEVA用手袋での機器の小さなボタンの操作の難しさを報告しています。また、もっと十分なポケット、クリップ、 carabineers?などを野外装備として要望しました。私たちは、学んでいます。


Crew Biologist Yusuke Murakamiは、彼の明日予定のEVA活動のための準備を完了しました。
Crew geologist Toni de Morais Telesは、機能のジャーナリストレポートをポルトガル語に翻訳しました。また、ハブの中からEVAチームの写真を撮っています。
最後にXO and Crew GreenHab technician Heidi BeemerがGreenHabからアルファルファの芽と小麦の葉を収穫しました。それは、Victor と Yusukeが今晩用意する鮨ディナーに使われます。火星でのグルメ鮨、その苦難、ああ悲しいかな・・・(笑)


Beginning 22:00 last night (December 1, 2014) MDRS-144 crew started full Mars surface analog simulation. Before we entered into simulation, all crew gathered outside the Hab, under the MDRS stars to discuss the importance of the next phase of the mission. We all affirmed our team’s resolution to complete the mission with full integrity and work and grow together as a team. This shifted rapidly into a team photo shoot that included some long exposure creative pictures in front of the backlit GreenHab. No doubt, all crew are amazed to finally be in Mars analog simulation, and are well prepared for our myriad of surface and in-Hab explorations and investigations. 

So, today began our first full day on analog Mars and as such our daily activities will become more structured than they were during pre-simulation. For some of the crew, this will soon include a daily morning yoga session facilitated by HSO Dr. Susan Jewell. Susan is implementing a trial phase for an IRB certified study for the upcoming MDRS field season 2014-2015 that investigates the effectiveness of yoga and mindfulness meditation to mitigate negative effects of isolation and confinement in extreme environments. The study will also include use of innovative technologies, such as , Google Glass and 3D Virtual Reality as possible delivery platforms of the programs. Our crew 144 will participate as the “pre-testing” team testing the videos and technologies in preparation for start of the MDRS season. This morning, Susan introduced us to a familiarization session and the requisite salivary drool samples to assess for the biochemical markers for stress. Apparently just thinking about some favorite foods or smells can trigger the salivary glands. This should be interesting indeed.

Our group breakfast was followed by a team meeting and an EVA brief lead by Crew Scientist Juho Vehviläinen who initiated his surface investigations today. Being our first mission EVA, all crew were eager to help in the preparation and support for the Mars analog surface work. The time each team member spent a couple days ago learning to use the EVA space suits proved to be quite beneficial. All EVA crew were fully and safely prepped, in the airlock at 0942, and exited the Hab at 0945. The EVA field team included myself, Engineer Victor Luo, and Scientist Juho Vehviläinen. This EVA supported Juho’s research, designed to investigate correlations of soil moisture with landcover type (see Science Report). Soil moisture at all traverse stations will be determined using the soil dielectric properties as a proxy for moisture; to accomplish this, a hand-held dielectric sensor was used at all traverse sites. It was found that several sites contained rather hard, indurated soils that could not be penetrated by the sensors probes. In this case, measurements were collected from the nearest penetrable soils.

The first survey zone was located ~2 kilometers northeast of the Hab, and therefore required the use of EVA vehicles. We had all practiced with the EVA vehicles a couple of days ago and subsequently had no issues with the vehicles themselves, or applying the mobile-vehicle EVA communication hand signals and driving protocols that we had established. Radio communication link with the Hab was apparently not possible from the first survey zone, and we attempted to establish a radio repeater link with Victor mediating radio checks between Juho and me at the field site, and the Hab. It was necessary for Victor to travel most of the way back to the Hab before he could re-establish a link. We later found out that the Hab could indeed hear all of our comms, but we somehow could not receive theirs. Periodic and relatively frequent radio checks are very important for the EVAs, forming the basis for EVA team safety. We learned rapidly the potential limitations of EVAs as a function of faulty or poor communications conditions. We are troubleshooting the one-way communication issue, although it is likely resultant from the relatively long Hab – EVA team separation. 

Fortunately the second survey zone was located only 150-400 meters east off, and in full site from the Hab, and communications were unimpeded. Surveying was quite efficient in this area, and there was time to collect additional survey data along small selected ground traverses en-route back to the EVA vehicles. Considering our proximity to the Hab, we also collected a series of new photographs of the Hab, GreenHab, and Musk Observatory, including the new tunnel connecting the Hab with the observatory. Before completing the EVA, we inspected the Antarctica pile and generator site, collecting a GPS waypoint at the generator.

EVAs apparently work up a healthy appetite, and we were delighted to return to the Hab to the smell of delicious (and spicy) food being prepared for lunch, compliments today of Susan. After lunch we held debriefing on the days EVA. All agreed that the EVA went quite well, although communications could be strengthened; this is partly a matter of site selections, and perhaps better radios. Two of us had incipient to minor fogging within the helmets which did not significantly impair our visibility or ability to conduct the EVA. A colder morning or increased exertion would likely exacerbate the fogging. All EVA crew reported some difficulties with operating instruments with small buttons while wearing the bulky EVA gloves, and having enough pockets, clips, carabineers, etc to secure required field equipment. We are learning.

One of the two crew members with reported illness yesterday is recovering well and is nearly back to full strength; the other is stable and remains under HSO monitoring.

Most crew spent part of the afternoon completing requisite in-simulation testing measures and compiling reports. Crew Biologist Yusuke Murakami finalized preparations for his EVA work, scheduled for tomorrow. Crew geologist Toni de Morais Teles translated yesterday’s journalist report into Portuguese, and captured photos of the EVA team from inside the Hab. The lower deck is currently functioning as a 7th stateroom and we’ve added some a small (temporary) carpet remnant for improved sleeping comfort until the new loft stateroom is completed. Finally XO and Crew GreenHab technician Heidi Beemer harvested alfalfa sprouts and wheat grass from the GreenHab to be included with tonight’s sushi dinner being prepared by Victor and Yusuke. Gourmet sushi on Mars, woe the hardship.

日本火星協会 MDRSページ

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2014-12-03 01:01:28 | MARS on EARTH




Commander Report
Gregory Leonard




MDRSディレクターから割り当てられた2つのチーム課題が更なる発展を見ました。一つは、「建設廃棄物」置き場が半分に減りました。;腐敗した半分は、取り除かれて捨てられました。そして良い方の半分は、直されて補強されました。そしてすべての再使用可能な木材、ハードウエアそして機器が修理されたデッキ上に改めてしまい込まれました。2つ目の仕事は、ロフトにハブの7番目の個室を作るための材料を集めるため Loa供給倉庫への移動を必要とした。(このために、ERV:地球帰還船を使用した。)

今日の午後、2人のクルーが病気の徴候を示しました。;彼らは、crew HSOによってチェックされています。(HSOレポートを見てください)




Today has been a highly eventful and once again productive day for all team members. The crew awoke this morning to find that a sleepless team member the previous evening had affixed our MDRS-144 mission patch and Mars Arctic 365 patch onto our black coveralls. It was a pleasant surprise and they look fantastic! 

After a group breakfast we reviewed planning for the day, this followed by the development of a team mission statement. Everyone shared their outlook on the purpose of this crew’s mission together, from which we constructed and proclaimed the collective, overarching principles of our mission, including our unifying technical, intersocial, and outreach themes and objectives. 

Two team tasks assigned by MDRS Director saw further progress. First the “Antarctica pile” platform was cut in half: the rotted half was dismantled and discarded, and the good half was re-leveled and reinforced, and all reusable lumber, hardware, and equipment re-stowed on the repaired deck. The second task required transit (using ERV, our Earth Return Vehicle) to the Loa supply depot to collect materials for the construction of the Hab’s 7th stateroom in the loft. All materials have been acquired and stowed neatly in the Hab tunnel, leaving ample room for crew to access the GreenHab. The stateroom will take shape in the coming days and provide much needed additional crew room for the Hab.

This afternoon, two crew members presented with symptoms of illness; they are being monitored by crew HSO (see HSO report). 

The team met early evening to fine tune our mission schedule and a high-level plan has been developed. Our plan lays out in fine detail, enumerated on half-hour increments, the planned activities for all crew for the planned mission duration. With our mission planning in hand we are now readying for entering into full simulation this evening. Additionally, a detailed EVA plan was made for tomorrow Mars surface work; a mission support request has been submitted. 

Before dinner we captured crew photographs in our new coveralls and t-shirts. This is a fine looking crew! Importantly too, we are well-prepared, confident, and quite energized to be nearing our crew’s initiation into full Mars analog simulation.

日本火星協会 MDRSページ

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2014-12-02 18:24:34 | MARS on EARTH

日本火星協会 MDRSページ


MDRS Crew 144
Commander Report
Gregory Leonard





A spectacular sunrise marked the departure day of crew MDRS-143, and the beginning of our MDRS-144 crew and command takeover of the Habitat station. Their relatively early departure at 08:40 provided us with considerable time to complete several important tasks today. All crew moved into their staterooms; having a seven-person team, our seventh crew member will temporarily bunk in the lower deck space until we complete the planned stateroom in the southwest quadrant of the loft level.

We completed inventory of our rotation food supply, digitized the inventory and stowed food in the kitchen storage dividing items for use as breakfast, lunch/dinners and proteins. During an extensive team meeting, we reviewed and discussed the overall scope and responsibilities for crew member roles, and our views and strategies relating to the use of Hab resources, namely water use and internet (see Engineering report for internet monitoring); we have devised some potentially novel water conservation procedures (to be documented). Additionally we individually shared our anticipations and expectations for our mission, and acknowledged each other’s objectives and purpose for this project.

We held four mini-workshops relating to Hab systems and procedures. These included 1) introduction to Hab health and safety issues which included a review of emergency procedures (e.g. Hab exits, location and use of fire- extinguishers, in-Sim and out-of-Sim emergency meeting point, hygiene, etc); 2) daily engineering checks overview (checking propane, and diesel fuel levels, and Hab water
levels); 3) introduction to using EVA space suits, radios and comms (several crew practiced putting suits on and taking off, and walking outside the Hab), and 4) introduction to ATV safety and use (most crew members practiced ATV operations and driving). 

MDRS-144 crew have been assigned three official tasks today from the MDRS director: 1) Cleaning up and modifying the layout of the “Antarctica pile” and the associated storage platform. Useful materials were sorted from junk, and the tomorrow the platform will repaired and final materials sorted; 2) Moving miscellaneous/extra MDRS gear that was scattered nearby the front of the Hab into the GreenHab (temporarily); and 3) Designing the aforementioned 7th stateroom in the loft. A design was conceived, and a materials list is being generated. 

Without a doubt, a highlight for many of the crew was wearing the EVA suits for the first time and appreciating today that we are joining in a legacy of other humans who are truly willing to pioneer new frontiers of knowledge and inspire others to join us as well.


Journalist Report
Victor Luo


Yusuke Murakamiは、crew biologistです。


Welcome to Mars: Population 7. As the new crew of Mars Arctic 365 candidates, we feel excitement and anticipation for the days to come. After meeting the previous crew of six, we feel comfort in knowing what is accomplish-able and anxious at the same time to make our own mark in the Martian deserts of the MDRS.

Greg Leonard is our commander and leader of our ambitious crew. He hails from sunny Arizona, but has been pretty much in every corner of the globe. We will look to him for his expertise in the field and charisma in the habitat.

Heidi Beemer is our XO and green hab officer. With her years of leadership experience in the army and aspirations as a Mars One candidate, we’ll have plenty to learn from her.

Dr. Susan Jewell is our health+safety officer and part-time journalist.
She’s got experience leading expeditions all over the globe including the very next MDRS crew 145. Susan has done significant work in space medicine with a degree from the International Space University. She’s been a driving force for our outreach campaigns and really helped unify the group even before our arrival.

Victor Luo is our crew engineer and part-time journalist. His day job is working at NASA JPL as a Human Interface engineer designing software for controlling robots and spacecraft. In his spare time, he likes to pretend to be an astronaut and participate in Mars One.

Yusuke Murakami is the crew biologist. He is also going to be our secret weapon. Yusuke seems to have all of the gadgets and supplies required for any mission at any time and his 15 months in the Antarctic probably had something to do with that. He has a huge fan base back home as he is an inspiration to schools of kids who he will be reaching out to throughout this mission.

Juho Vehvilainen is the crew scientist. Hailing from Finland (which is not Norway or Sweden), he is an accomplished geophysicists and apparently the sole representative for the Finland space agency. When he is not busy going into extreme environments to study meteorology, he is trying to finish his med school to become a doctor.

Antonio “Tony” de Morais Teles is the crew geologist. And also our team mascot. This guy is full of positive vibes and will round out our team of expert scientists with his skills in astrophysics and astrobiology.

Thanks for taking the time to get to know us. Sit tight for the next two weeks and we’ll have memorable stories to tell.

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2012-08-03 11:08:38 | MARS on EARTH

その内のひとつ、NASA ISRUの2012年度のミッション(The 2012 In-Situ Resource Utilization Analog Mission)について7月17日19日のMarsDailyで取り上げられていましたのでメモしておきます。

ハワイ大学およびPISCES(the Pacific International Space Center for Exploration Systems :探査システムの為の太平洋国際宇宙センター)が支援しています。
主となるシステムはRESOLVE(the Regolith and Environment Science and Oxygen and Lunar Volatile Extraction :表土および環境科学、および酸素および月の揮発性の抽出物)という機器です。
RESOLVEは、CSAのArtemis Jr.ローバーに搭載されます。



2012年度は、RESOLVEとMMAMA(the Moon Mars Analog Mission Activities:月火星アナログ・ミッション活動)の2つのテーマで実施されます。

1.RESOLVE includes multiple science instruments:




広い範囲の揮発性物質を探索する為にRESOLVEは、Artemis Jr.ローバーに搭載されます。

VAPoR:(The Volatile Analysis by Pryolysis of Regolith) は、鉱物及び化学物質を分析するため、質量分析計でサンプルを分析します。

Robotic Resource Mapping: 表土あるいは表土下で見つけられた資源の分布を確認する方法を実証するために、CSAのプロトタイプ探査ローバー(Juno)は、地下レーダーと磁力計を装備されています。これらのツールは、Juno搭載のロボットシステムのマッピング能力と人間による測定とを比較するでしょう。

MIMOS II/IIA: A Miniaturized Mossbauer Spectrometer (MIMOS II) 及びMiniaturized Mossbauer と X-Ray Fluorescence Spectrometer (MIMOS IIA)との結合体は、表土あるいは表土下にあるだろう資源を見つけるためにJunoローバーで使用される。

Testing Operations: エンジニアと研究者のチームは、設備の各部分の能力を評価するためのこれらのテストをすべてモニターするでしょう。
小型のMission control は、MMAMA試運転を支援するためにハワイにセット・アップされるでしょう。

NASA’s Johnson Space Center
Ames Research Center 
Goddard Space Flight Center
the CSA
the Smithsonian Institute
University of Mainz in Germany

4.Mission control centers
NASA’s Johnson Space Center  in Houston; Kennedy Space Center in Florida;
CSA headquarters in Montreal, Canada


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2011-09-17 18:48:10 | MARS on EARTH
9月14日にJPL(Jet Propulsion Laboratory)が発表したところによりますと、クエート北部の砂漠で地下深くに眠る帯水層を使って火星の探査技術の検証をしたそうです。

JPLと KISR(the Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research)が共同して、KISRによって調査済みのクエートの北部砂漠の帯水層を使って火星探査で使われているレーダーの性能確認をしました。
40-megahertzのレーダーは、the California Institute of Technology(Pasadena)とthe Institut de Physique du Globe(Paris)から提供されたそうです。

資金は、the California Institute of Technology's Keck InstituteとKISRが出しています。
また、 The Kuwaiti Police Air Force がヘリコプターによる飛行技術を提供しました。




現在活動している火星探査機でレーダーを搭載しているのは、ESAのMars ExpressとNASAのMars Reconnaissance Orbiterです。

Mars Express:MARSIS(Mars Advanced Radar for Subsurface and Ionospheric Sounding)
Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter:SHARAD(Shallow Radar)

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2011-07-07 15:22:22 | MARS on EARTH
6月29日のMarsDairyによりますとサイエンスライターのHenry Bortmanさんが Atacama砂漠で行われている生命探査に同行した第1報が紹介されています。
Jacek Wierzchos(Madridのthe National Museum of Natural Science)が率いる科学者のグループに同行したそうです。


それでも、過去に海であった証拠となるアタカマ塩湖(Salar de Atacama)が砂漠の中央部の低地に残されています。



Jocelyne DiRuggiero(a biologist with Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, Maryland)
Alfonso Davila(an astrobiologist with the SETI Institute who works at NASA Ames Research Center in Mountain View, California)

今回の主役は、Jocelyne DiRuggieroさんです。
また、世界中の他の非常に乾いた砂漠、南極Dryバレー、およびthe Negevでも微生物群が岩石の中、または、岩石の下で見つけらています。


他のサンプルは、無菌ポリ袋に置かれて、慎重に封をされました。 これらは、DNAを抽出するのに使用される。

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2009-09-13 12:46:16 | MARS on EARTH

今回は、スペインのValladolid大学のFernando Rull教授とAntonio Sansanoさんが、ExoMARSに搭載予定のラマン分光計のテストを実施している様子です。


Fernando Rull教授は、ExoMarsのための接触ラマン分光計の実験責任者です。
Antonio Sansanoさんは、Fernando Rull教授のもとで博士号取得を目指している学生さんです。






「AMASE 2009は、北極海のSvalbard(74-80*N)に作られたNASAとESAの将来の火星ミッションで使用予定の「生命の探索」機器のための国際実験場で今年も研究者が活動してます。」
コメント (4)
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2009-08-26 21:43:30 | MARS on EARTH

AMASE 2009(the Arctic Mars Analog Svalbard Expeditions)が活動中です。
今後の火星探査the Mars Science Laboratory (NASA)、 ExoMars (ESA)または the Mars Sample Return (NASA) missionsで使用することを想定してAthenaをSvalbard でテストしています。





ところで、Athenaは、アテネの守護神で知恵・芸術・学芸・戦争などの女神(ローマ神話のMinerva に当たる)だそうです。
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2009-08-16 00:01:09 | MARS on EARTH





ここでの研究を基に Exomars探査車(ESA)は2mの深さまでサンプルを掘ることができる掘削システムを用意するようです。

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