


Rich, poor, old and new

2011年08月31日 | central & latin america

Left Costa Rica with so much regretful tan on my face,

I stopped in Panama for one night.

What surprised me in Panama was that,

in this metropolitan city with giant skyscrapers,

people don't speak A WORD of English.

Even a lady from a hostel.

How did this city grow with so much American influence?

I know it is the Canal.




With Spanish colonial architecture, Casco Viejo was cute, though under major reconstruction.

Wanted to buy a hat for my dad,

but no money left...


Turned out, it was a surfing trip

2011年08月31日 | central & latin america

While I went on a solo-trip to Costa Rica, my computer also went on a real solo-trip.

And I don't know how he is doing (of course it is masculine)

Yes, I got mugged in a bus!

Believe it or not, it was my first time to get mugged while traveling (as far as I remember)

Panicked. My money. My passport. My computer. My favorite shoes.

And my Spanish is too basic to get over this.

But in a foreign town, when you are in trouble, there is always someone who helps you.

This time it was a charming Brazilian guy carrying three surfing boards.

"I can help you, I speak Spanish. I can go to a police station with you."

I wanted to say that I am okay, I hate to get a help from someone,

but, shit, no one speaks English here.

An angel. I saw a ring above his head.

Why are you so nice?

Maybe he finds I am cute?

No. You stupid. It was a simple generousity.

Being desperate, it was like a tampopo on winter road!


To my surprise, the Costa Rican police was helpful and efficient.

Though there isn't really anything they could do.

Theft in a bus in Costa Rica is like green tea and rice in Japan. 

(Did you get it?)


I've always wanted to be like him.

When did I lose this?

When did I become so selfish?  

I found it again in Costa Rica.


With a little bit of money left on me, I continued my trip, a real stingy one.

Back-packer type. Haven't done that for a while.

Crushed into a cheap surfers' cottage,

and my un-planned trip became a real surfing trip.

Wake up.







Had a lot of surfing discussions with some exceptions of interesting lives.

No girls talk.

Good waves there, bought the boards there.

Okay, time to go sleep.


Totally random.

Found waves and warmth.

That was my Costa Rica.