People who love art


The young man's scalp premature aging

2013-08-20 16:49:07 | 日記
Hair loss is often give the impression of age or physical function decline consequences, but the hair loss is not the elderly "patent", survey appeared signs of incipient baldness approximately three adult at thirty years of age, and scalp "prematurely senile.". Unfortunately, people tend to underestimate the severity of hair loss problems, even believe in the recipe, ineffective over, even failed to grasp the good treatment opportunity, reverse hair loss problem in the hair follicle necrosis of.
The internal and external factors make the hair of accelerated aging
Healthy hair growth cycle can be divided into three stages: growth period, catagen and telogen. The new hair forming the old hair follicles and shedding is introduced, which is a normal phenomenon. But when the hair tissue aging, hair follicle number will be reduced, hair growth will slow down, and hair young with wire. Often hair becomes sparse and the hair will be fine, will aggravate the bald effect, characterization of show hair line shift real estate Philippines.
Department of Dermatology specialist Dr. Hou Junxiang pointed out: most of the cases were the hereditary hair loss alopecia caused by single in the United States, there are about eighty million people suffer from hair loss problems of different degree influence; but the rest is not the timing, pressure, too much alcohol, obesity and hormone changes and other factors, can accelerate hair tissue aging, make the hair loss problems and more young earlier, in some cases seen in 10 years old. Life and work stress, scalp appear "prematurely senile".
Hair loss not only affect the appearance, more with some negative image up, let patients with low self-esteem, avoid communicating with people, have a profound impact on the social life, work. In summer, the situation is more serious, since most people hair oil secretion increased, in the fierce sun, excess oil will highlight the problem of 'bald, hair loss to male' embarrassed Thailand real estate.
The misuse of folk prescription treatment prime time
Clinical found that many patients are due to the face and refused medical treatment, would rather try there various hearsay "recipe", such as hair loss position to brandy, ginger or garlic slices wipe; or with vinegar or salt water wash your hair, and even the use of honey and egg yolk into the "scalp film" help hair; also patients in the absence of the pharmacist advice to buy in the pharmacy some anti hair loss products, may be the loss outweighs the gain.
Most hair loss patients mistakenly believed that some anti hair loss products, spend a lot of money adventure. But these remedies and no clinical data to support, seemingly harmless ingredients, if processing is undeserved, also have the opportunity to cause inflammation of hair follicles and other risks. Some anti hair loss products that can make the hair regeneration, but no clinical evidence Turkey real estate.
It is reported, hair loss can be according to the sparsity of hair and hair loss area, divided into mild to severe alopecia hair loss from the first to the seven stage, the best treatment time should be in third or before treatment.

Trace metal lead exceed the standard?

2013-08-02 19:18:33 | 日記

Trace metal lead exceed the standard? Water pollution survey
Be careful, the water may lead to water! Recently, the tap is burst detected "lead exceed the standard" event triggered widespread concern, many major suit have been shot in the bathroom. Found on the 13 water samples, 9 brands of water soaking water lead content exceeded the national standard. Among them, some taps lead superscalar amounted to 18 times; the brand lead precipitation was 173 g / L, exceed the standard 34 times, the most serious.
The tap is small, but is related to the safety of drinking water and family life of ordinary people health. According to the survey, currently on the market the main substrate tap is copper or alloy material, some unscrupulous manufacturers in order to reduce the cost, in order to lead brass inferior as raw material, in electroplating and other surface treatment process, and the use of heavy metals of lead, chromium and other elements, a wash of lead process and omitted before leaving the factory, so lead exceed the standard, long-term drinking lead water will threaten the safety of our drinking water and health buying property in Malaysia.
How to select qualified tap?
The dragons and fishes jumbled together faucet market chaos, experts recommend that consumers in the purchase, in addition to choose the regular building materials supermarket to buy famous brand products, but also pay attention to the sales staff for product testing report, brand identity and customer service service card. The most direct way is to select the regular manufacturers, has the authority of certification of products, such as the United States NSF (American National Sanitation Foundation), Canada CSA (Canadian Standards Association) certification is one of the most authoritative international certification.
In addition, but also through look, OK, try this three steps to simply judge the quality of a faucet.
Hope that in the environment of enough light, check the quality of electroplating water carefully. Electroplating bright good as a mirror, no burr, no scratch, the edge of the clear lines of smooth surface, such as by hand in the press, traces quickly fade.
It take the feel the tap weight in hand, good faucet handle heavy, rich texture. Bad business to increase wall thickness or add metal slip by, may refer to the product testing report to judge.
Try the test faucet switch handle and effluent. The valve core faucet is the key, can be gently try to turn the handle, if the feeling of light, no sense block the valve core hardness, wear resistance are better. Good water can make the air and water are fully mixed, the seaman feeling soft, low noise.

Psychological analysis of boyfriend don't love you

2013-07-19 18:03:48 | 日記
Men are like this, when their love to a vengeance, going up, attitude is showing fire and ice before and after two days. Men just to res judicata, letting women retain and pretended to be poor in the end is hard to impress a man's heart, they will be thinking about some way to disappear or directly, or set the provisions under conditions beyond the end of a wide variety of incredible moving an excuse to trick the woman, tolerance and acceptance of his betrayal Property for sale in Brazil.

So what excuse to men like woman broke it? here, I do a simple listing analysis, man broke up, likes to put the following excuses:

For one thing, I'm not in a position to give you more happiness, I hope you can find a better man than I bali houses for sale!

Say this is not necessarily made completely out of language, he'd expressed in actions and emotions to you, he will make you have a psychological acceptance process. With all due respect, after all he just waiting for women take the initiative to speak, he constantly thinks you consider to still in love with you, but not enough, not giving you enough happiness to, break up the way step by step.

Its said that one more pretty, and final purpose was to break up with you, the underlying reason is not in love with you. So they why to put simple of broke up two a word got have so complex does? they at least has two kind of psychological, while is afraid woman entanglement themselves, thereby let themselves carousel Taiwan, so in woman before to love of on behalf called sad love cards; other hand is to woman a stairs, as the online has a satin said: If may, best put broke up two a Word left you had love had of that girl said out turkey real estate for sale.

Life is real because it does have a psychological break up with a woman, but it was too little, and if they really want to, can see it in his actions and character in the past, woman, if slightly sober on this point, it has its own feel.

Thin waist and a total of four steps

2013-06-26 00:34:25 | 日記
Although can handle meat meat around and around the waist, you can lose weight no matter how hard, disappointing small two full meal on an empty stomach, and back again. Have a flat tummy, not light with thin strokes, belly, more compact real symptoms and good way. Dance MM are recommended for a flat tummy 4 killer, come try it wedding planner class!

Step 1: body lying flat on the ground, hands raised in ears, but don't hold your breath. Feet up, bending the knee, thigh and abdominal angles less than 90 degrees. Abdominal lift upper body strength, speed to slow, repeated 15-20 times.

Step 2: body lying flat on the ground, his hands flat on the sides, feet lift, as first reserve. Hard drive move the pelvis from the waist to the left after the home, and then move to the right.

Step 3: body lying flat on the ground, feet and knees, buttocks lift the pelvis, slower. Height of the pelvis to the spine in a straight line, repeated more than 2O, hips or slightly acidic.

Step 4 legs supporting the ground, straighten the left leg backward, left leg hip gather. No on is too high, and the body in a straight line, attention to the abdomen is slightly more convergence, so as not to injure the spine under repeatedly about 2O times. Complete-for-right leg again.

Claire HsuNote:

1, this group is difficult, but effective. So in practice, depending on individual strength. Aspirant at the beginning each step action do it 10 times, and then, depending on the degree of adaptation-inducted GM.

2, except for breath in line with, and campaigns stay the slow movements of the muscles can be stretched in the air to achieve better results.

"The revolutionary plans of Hong Kong" Hong Kong rollout

2013-06-25 20:57:47 | 日記

Concept paper of April, after the show, announced that six sketches of long march planned, CHAN Kam-Hong Kong's first exhibition by Chinese artists prelude, exhibit their latest images and hand-painted works.

The works of the revolutionary plans of Hong Kong Dong Chan is a combination of images and hand-painted works of narrative. The plan tries to caption and formal simulate France "new fiction" writers luobogeliye (Alain Robbe-Grillet) plan of the revolution in New York (writer of most of the Chinese version was published by CHAN Kam-planning), it tells the story of a man on a secret mission in Hong Kong. The men have never been in contact with anyone related to the mandate, but has continued to receive instruction (for example, slips through, note). These instructions together into an increase of "sketches", from simple to complex to sketch a map of, step by step to direct the story of a guy with his mission ... ...

About Chen Dong

Chen Dong was born in 1962 in Hunan, Guangzhou Guangzhou BOR BOR Hess bookstores and founder of Hess bookstores contemporary art institutions, artists. Chen dong in 1979-1983 studied at the Guangzhou Academy of fine arts painting Department since 1986, began teaching in the Department so far. In 1992, planned to publish the series of experimental art, on the theory of contemporary art, film, photography, 1994 creation of BOR Hess bookstores, and in the name of the bookstore and actively promote activities and exhibitions of contemporary art. In 1998, set up a publishing Studio in cooperation with Lu Yi, and planning of the Middle Plexus, into France Editions de Minuit, in particular France's new novel works. Bookstore close relationship with contemporary art lead to Guangdong, it has organized numerous contemporary artists, divided into BOR Hess bookstores "as an institutional" bookstores and "works" bookshop. Being a "work" of BOR Hess bookstores had participated in the fourth Gwangju Biennale, and as "Canton express" part of the 50th Venice Biennale.