幻の詩集 『あまたのおろち』 by 紫源二

幻の現在詩人 紫源二 の リアルタイム・ネット・ポエトリー


2016-06-22 20:51:27 | Weblog



Anand Hoshitaro. Anand means bliss, hoshitaro means a star – a star of bliss. Man is searching for bliss, and not only man but all beings are searching for bliss even trees are searching for it. Bliss is the goal of all existence. It is the star far away, calling everybody, inspiring everybody, to come closer and closer and to be dissolved in it.

Man lives in darkness, but his heart goes on beating for the distant star of bliss. It is our birthright to attain it. It is not difficult either; one just has to become a little more intelligent. One has to become a little more alert, aware, more understanding. That too is our intrinsic quality; it has to be sharpened a little bit.

Meditation is a sharpening of understanding. The more silent you become, the more intelligent you become. So while you are here be as silent as possible. Be still, be quiet, be silent, and out of that will arise a new understanding in you. That understanding transforms one’s whole being. It takes you from the world of misery into the world of bliss.
