Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)

Hit-Chan's exciting life in MN!

自分で配管工事 (Plumbing Project DIY)

2021-02-15 08:59:10 | MN生活(11年目)(MN2020-21)
Hi everyone!

How's your day going today?

Yesterday was Valentine's day! Did you guys do something special to celebrate it??

Andy and I took out some delicious food from a fancy restaurant to make special dinner and exchanged presents and cards.

I'm going to write about it on the next article.

So, I shared this story that multiple home appliances at our house got broken at the same time early in last November on this blog.


家電ご臨終週間 (Pandemic Week in Our Home Appliances) - Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)


家電ご臨終週間 (Pandemic Week in Our Home Appliances) - Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)



新しい食洗機&電子レンジ (New Dishwasher & Microwave) - Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)


新しい食洗機&電子レンジ (New Dishwasher & Microwave) - Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)


Thankfully, we ordered new ones and Andy and Brad installed them well.

Though, we got a problem right after we got the new dishwasher installed.

The problem was the garbage disposer attached under the kitchen sink.

Yeah, the black one.

Well, we actually had never used the garbage disposer since we moved in this house about 8 years ago. It'd have been probably very useful if we had used it though.

I actually use the right-side sink which the garbage disposer was connect to as a place for the drying rack all the time, and it's kind of too tiring to put the drying rack aside just to use the garbage disposer. So, that's probably why I'd never used it.

Though, something got stuck in the garbage dispose and the dirty water drained from the dishwater started overflowing from the hole in the sink.

This drying rack got under dirty water in the sink when the dishwasher drained the dirty water into the sewer pipe, so I always had to move the rack out of the sink every time we used the dishwasher.

Actually, we'd had the same issue once before because a small rock got stuck in the garbage disposer, but at that time, Andy got rid of the rock and fixed it.
(You might wonder why there was a rock in the kitchen, but both May-chan and Andy loves collecting rocks and they sometimes put their favorite ones on the kitchen counter.)

Anyways, we had the same issue again (though we didn't know if it was a rock stuck again or something else), and it made using the brand new dishwasher less enjoyable.

It was the 2nd time for us to get the issue and we hadn't used the garbage disposer at all anyways, so we decided to get rid of it underneath the sink.

Of course, Andy was in charge of the project.

Andy and I both first thought that the process to detach the disposer would be most difficult, but it was thankfully much easer than we expected. Instead, It took much more time and effort to reassemble the sewer pipes than we expected.

Andy had some knowledge about plumbing, so he ordered some parts for this project from Home Depot beforehand and got ready.

Though, his original plan (which was what you're supposed to do) didn't work due to the tight space underneath the sink, so he ended up doing a Plan B which was not the ideal way for him.

This is it.

Even if it was an unexpected Plan B, it practically worked very well. Dirty water from the dishwasher didn't come out of the sink hall anymore and it flowed into the new pipes great.

The only thing that we a little bit cared was that it makes kind of a big noise when dirty water flowed through the new pipes because the water goes into the pipes straight from the dishwasher (Not going through a curved pipe at all). Though, it only hears a couple of times a cycle, so it's not a big deal at all.

Thanks to my handy hubby, my daily chores have become much more comfortable.

Anyways, today I just shared another DIY project at our house. I hope you enjoyed it.

Thank you for reading again!!!

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