Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)

Hit-Chan's exciting life in MN!

ベイビー・メレディスとの生活 (Days with Baby Meredith)

2021-10-05 08:08:55 | MN生活(12年目)(MN2021-22)
Hi there!

How's everything going in your life today?


祝・4年振りプレゼント企画(第九弾)(Hit-chan's WakuWaku Present!) - Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)


祝・4年振りプレゼント企画(第九弾)(Hit-chan's WakuWaku Present!) - Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)


I'm doing a present event now for the first time in 4 years! Anybody can have a chance to win delicious MN coffee beans, so please feel free to join the event!

So, I wrote this article the other day.


ベイビー・メレディスと初対面!(First meeting with Baby Meredith!) - Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)


ベイビー・メレディスと初対面!(First meeting with Baby Meredith!) - Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)


I mentioned this in the article above, but I've been watching Baby Meredith 3 times a week from the 2nd week of September.

Andy and I have been thinking about trying to have a 2nd child for a while, but unfortunately we've got stuck due to the pandemic. Still, considering about the time when we have another child and May-chan has a sibling, I thought that it's going to be a good practice for May-chan and me to spend some time with Baby Meredith for the near future.

I'm simply happy to be a help for my precious friends, Tom&Kat too.

By the first day that Baby Meredith came to our house, I had taken out the swing, baby cloths, bottles, pacifiers, etc...which baby May-chan used to use. (I was actually very excited when I got things ready for Meredith.)

Welcome to our house! She's not 2 months old yet at the time. Literally, a newborn baby. How cute!

May-chan was so excited to have the baby in the house and tried to put her pacifier into her mouth every time she cried. (A little bit rough move though. Haha)

It was the very first time for me to watch 2 kids all by myself at once, so I was a little bit overwhelmed for the first couple of hours.

I had expected this, but May-chan was a little upset and jealous for Meredith because the world was rotating around her and she could always keep Mommy's attention before Meredith came to our life.
(That is why I thought it'd be a very good practice and lesson for May-chan to learn being patient.)

Besides watching 2 kids at the same time, I hadn't taken care of a newborn baby for almost 3 years, so "What was it like when May-chan was a baby?" I tried to remember. On Day 1, I needed some time to get used to doing things for Meredith, but once I got the routine settled down, "Oh yeah, it's like that." I could handle more things much better.

I didn't have enough courage to drive them somewhere on the first day, but May-chan still wanted to play outdoor as usual, so we spent some time in the yard together.

I actually tried to push the stroller for Meredith and walk along with May-chan on our usual walk route, but May-chan ran away from me as always though I couldn't either leave the stroller or run with the stroller. Yeah, it was very dangerous and I'm not going to do that again.

When the first day was over, I was very impressed by May-chan being a good girl more than I expected her to be. Though, she needed to catch up with some affection from Mommy and Daddy at night. She usually goes to bed and hangs out there by herself until she falls asleep, but that night she kept calling me in the bed, "Mommy!!" over and over.

She was crying there and "What's wrong??" I asked her, but all she wanted was like, "Wipe my nose!" or something small and unnecessary, which'd never happened before.

After all, she just missed Mommy and Daddy more than usual after she spent a day with Baby Meredith.

Andy kindly stayed with her until she fell asleep.

On Day 2. Meredith showed up as cute as she was the day before.

May-chan also thought that the baby was super cute as well. "You can lie down next to the baby." I said and then she showed me this big girl smile.

I was comfortable enough to take them to our favorite park on Day 2.

Baby Meredith slept so good outdoor and let May-chan play for one hour or so.

Though, Meredith didn't want to sleep in the car seat where she slept well on Day1, so I needed to hold her for a longer time and my upper body got sore on the next day. Haha.

On Day3, she felt asleep shortly after she came to our house. She slept in the car seat for a while.

I was a little tired that day, so we just hung out in the yard.

Baby Meredith liked the bouncer and slept very well there. Easy to me.

We actually 3 hours in the yard that day.

Baby Meredith was in the middle of a growth spurt or something and super sleepy all day. Thanks to that, I could have a lazy day. Hehe.

In general, Baby Meredith is such an easy baby. She only cries for a reason, milk, diapers or sleepy. Even if she's sleepy, once I hold her in my arms, she quickly falls asleep. She sleeps well on the bouncer, so I don't have to keep holding her either.

On Day 1, May-chan became extra needy at night, but after that, she's been fine as normal. I'd say that not only I but also she's getting used to have a baby in her life.

In Friday morning on the same week, the day that Meredith didn't come to our house, "Hey, Mey-chan. The baby isn't coming here today. Only May-chan and Mommy!" I said to May-chan. Then, she looked super happy and excited.

When I looked at her happy face, I thought that she'd learned that the time just with Mommy wasn't taken for granted through the first 3 days that she spent with Baby Meredith.

From now on, I hope that the more fun and cute time coming with Meredith would bring a lot of inspiration and lessons to May-chan's life.

Okay, this is how May-chan and I spend time with Baby Meredith, which started very well.

Bye for now and thank you for reading again!!!

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