Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)

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16 ひとり帰国日記/免許更新完了 (Japan Trip Alone 2024 vol.16/Renewed My Driver's License)

2024-05-16 20:18:21 | 旅行日記 (Travel Diaries)

Hello folks!




How's your life treating you? 




Okay, here's another article of my Japan trip. 




On February 7th, I did one of the chores that I usually did whenever I have a chance to go back to Japan, which I renewed my driver's license. 




They opened a new office close to Kyoto station in 2016 and since then I renewed my Japanese driver's license there. The office is only available for good drivers who haven't violated any traffic rules for 5 years at least or elders. I don't drive in Japan, which means I haven't violated any traffic rules eiter, so I'm a good driver and eligible to renew my driver's license at the office. 




"Why do you still renew your driver's license even though you don't drive in Japan??" people in the US might wonder, but as people in Japan know, it's way more pricy and time-consuming process to get a driver's license in Japan. Besides that, if you have a driver's license in Japan, it's very convenient as an ID, so I'm going to keep renewing my driver's license as long as possible. 




I always do "Renewal for exceptions", which means that you can renew your license early in case you can't go to an office around the expiration date for reasons such as you're giving a birth or you're out of country etc... I was applied to the case that I would be out of the country around the expiration date. 




Though, I had a hard time to answer this question at the counter, "When are you going to come back to the counry next?" 




Oh well, I permanently live in MN, so I have no idea when I can go to Japan next! If I had abundant money, time and energy, I'd love to visit my family and friends anytime I feel like to!! The reality is not there yet, so 




The lady at the counter said, "We just need to verify that you're not going to be in the country until the expiration date on the current license." So, "Okay then..., l'll say my next return will be in May of the expiraton year." I randomly picked a time and told that to her. 




FYI, for renewing your driver's license at this office, you can make an appointment online beforehand. Then, you can stand on a priority cue and be taken cared of first. I didn't make an appointment this time since I wasn't 100% sure which day and time I would go to the office. 




Though, I should have made an appointment. If you use the office, I strongly recommend you to make an appointment beforehand.  




Anyways, my renewal work was done in about 1 hour. 
(In Japan, you need to take a class to renew your license. For good drivers, the class is for 30mins, but depending on your traffic violation record, the class can be for up to 2 hours.) 




I felt so good after one of my usual and important chores in Japan was done well. Then, I met up with my sister, Skatch, at Yodobashi. 




Long time no see, Yodobashi! I bet that Andy wanted to go there too. 




I got a couple of jeans for me, undershirts for May-chan at Uniqlo in the same building. Also, I purchased a set of frying pans since Andy had asked me to. 




Also, I got more undershirts for May-chan at Nishimatsuya next to Uniqlo. 



I marked all on my to-do list for the day, so we headed to a shop where Skatch wanted to check. 




Kyoto station



During this return, I could tell that there were obviously more tourists coming back after the pandemic. Wherever I went out, I could hear foreign languages around. 



Skatch wanted to check this shop. They temporarily opened the shop in Kyoto station. 



I knew nothing about trends in Japan or anywhere, but they were selling merchandise featuring popu;ar characters made for LINE which is one of the most used App in Japan. 




Skatch was browsing around at the shop and ended up doing...



this capsule toy machine.  They were button budges. 



Lucky her! She got the gold one for the first try! 




She did it again and got the exact same gold one! (Was she lucky or not? haha) 




"I'd rather I had got a different one!!" she said. LOL




Anyways, it was good that she could check the shop. 



After we're done with what we wanted to do, we're hungry and grabbed late lunch or early dinner. 




We entered this Okonomi-yaki resutaurant, Hajime (English), in Kyoto station.




We ordered Caesar salad for an appetizer. 




Of course, the main dishes were Okonomi-yaki. This one was green onions and beef. 




This one was a featured one named after the restaurant name, which had pork, shrimp, squid and cheese. 



I guess, you could get a desent Caesar salad at any restaurant. Their Caesar salad was pretty good too.  




The green onion and beef one was very rich, so it'd match alcohol drinks like beer or sake.



The featured Okonomi-yaki might be a love-it or hate-it type because the cheese on the top had a lot of smoky flavor. Skatch loved it, but you might think it too much.  




I actually loved this oolong tea!




Thanks again for hanging out with me on your off days!




This is all about the day when Skatch and I hung out around Kyoto station. 




Thank you for reading agian!! Bye for now!!




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