Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)

Hit-Chan's exciting life in MN!

1 人生の後半戦を考える (How I want to spend the second half of my life)

2021-05-08 16:45:10 | Hit-chanが思う事(My Random Thoughts)
Hi there!

How's your life treating you today?

Mine is spoiling me as usual.

I got a little late to update my blog than usual since Andy, May-chan and I had such a fun day today.

So today, I want to share my recent random thoughts here.

I'm 37 now and I've been a stay-at-home mom since May-chan was born.

When I looked back to my childhood, I always answered, "I wanna be a mom!" to this typical question for kids, "What do you wanna be when you grow up?" So, becoming a mother was always such an essential dream in my life.

Then, when I grew up a little bigger like in junior high school, I was very into American dramas and came to have another big dream, "I wanna live in the US in the future!" I actually had kept the dream in my mind for a long time, and I still wanted to make it come true even when I was working full time after high school. In other words, I chose to work full time for some years to actualize the dream.
(I always had a financial challenge and thought that it's the best way for me to reach the dream by getting over the challenge first.)

Luckily, I met Andy, married to him, moved to MN and had May-chan after a long-term infertility treatment and now have the happiest life that I couldn't want more for, which means that I've already accomplished all the dreams that I'd had in the first half on my life.

However, as I've been a stay-at-home mom in the last 2 and a half years, I started having this feeling which I'd never had before.

It is, "I wanna be more dependable person!"

In the some years after I moved to MN, I wanted to get used to the new life and culture, so I got a job at Caribou coffee which was a local chain coffee shop and ended up working there for almost 7 years. Through the experience working at Caribou, I could make some precious friends and some confidence in speaking English or having my new life itself here.

Though, the reason why I chose to work at Caribou coffee was just because I simply loved coffee, and I didn't even think about it as a career path to a restaurant manager or something for the future.

In the entire time from the beginning of our marriage to now including the time when I was working at Caribou, Andy's always told me, "You can do whatever you wanna do. If you wanna work, you can work, but if you don't wanna work, you don't have to work."

When Andy and I got married 10 years ago, we didn't have much money. Though, Andy's been working so hard and surely moved up the career ladder for the family saying, "I'll make my income enough to support the family for sure."

Thanks to his hardworking and commitment, I've never had to worry how much money I have to make at least like, "I gotta make this much money to pay bills!" or something. I've been living without having such a type of pressure on my shoulders since I married to Andy.

Even after May-chan was born and I became a stay-at-home mom, he always give such sweet words like, "Thank you for doing all the house stuff. Thank you for taking care of May-chan. I know it's a lot of work. I really appreciate you for doing things that I can't do." Yeah, I know, he's really like an angel for me.

In the last decade since I moved to MN, I've been very blessed with my family and friends and always supported by them in many different cases. I can't describe how much I thank them.

Though, as I've spent the blessed time for more than 10 years, I started wondering, "I've been always helped by others, but am I really able to be a help for them?" and my answer has been always, "No, I can't do anything for them."

Oh well, this is getting longer than I expected, so I want to stop here for today and write the rest on the next article.

Thank you for reading again!!!

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