

Bipolar Disorder and Diabetes Mellitus

2008年09月27日 04時24分46秒 | 友達の平和
When did you record that video?
It means Candy Candy video?
It was 9 month ago.

Now I am challenging to sing a English song.
It is very difficult for me.
But this activity is good for karaoke.
Japanese develop karaoke and like it very much.

Snow Flower by Park Hyo Shin is your favorite Korean music?
I don't know Korean music.
Do you know Japanese song?

I don't know playlist.com.
I only use YouYube.
Sometimes I use Google Video.

I sing Stairway to Heaven by Led Zeppelin.
Do you know this song?

I have a great disappointment at Canon new DIGITAL IXY 3000 IS.
I think that marketing of Canon fall down.

When I was young in your same age, I was week at stress.
But gradually I become strong to stress.
I suffer from cureless disease of Bipolar Disorder and Diabetes Mellitus(1type).
So I decrease every stress.

What will you wait till the end of October?
Is it a secret of your business?

Tomorrow I and my wife will go to a big park in Nasu.
We will walk around and spread out thin sheet of plastic material so that we eat rice ball and
read a book or sleep.
There will be Utsunomiya Facebook party in the night.
It is my first time to join the party which I know each other in Internet.

LCD TV and DVD recorder will arrive to my home this Sunday.
I will connect note PC to LCD TV and enjoy Google Earth and YouTube.
My wife will go to the citizen farm to take in green peppers.

Tonight it is very cool.
Take care.


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また 着ました!! (Ekia)
2008-09-27 08:07:51
はじめに 私の ブログに 訪問ありがとう ございます!! ヤフ-ブログも お持ちなんですね!!

そちらにも コメントしました!!

この 日記は 晴彦さんの 過ごし方ですか!!

私も 休みの日は ネットに かじりついてます!!


では また!!!
