

Second-order motion: Demo

2005-12-10 | Education for 3,4年
Psychophysical and neurophysiological studies have revealed that the visual system is sensitive to both “first-order” motion, in which moving features are defined by luminance cues, and “second-order” motion, in which motion is defined by nonluminance cues, such as contrast or flicker.

Lu and Sperling [Vision Res. 35, 2697 (1995)] proposed that human visual motion perception is served by three separate motion systems: a first-order system that responds to moving luminance patterns, a second-order system that responds to moving modulations of feature types―stimuli in which the expected luminance is the same everywhere but an area of higher contrast or of flicker moves, and a third-order system that computes the motion of marked locations in a ‘‘salience map,’’ that is, a neural representation of visual space in which the locations of important visual features (‘‘figure’’) are marked and ‘‘ground’’ is unmarked.

Shin'ya Nishida@NTT: Motion Perception Demo
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G Sperling: Motion perception

2005-12-10 | Education for 院生以上
Lu, Z.-L., & Sperling, G. (2001). Three-systems theory of human visual motion perception: Review and update. J. Opt. Soc. of Amer. A, 18, 2331-2370.

Sperling, G., & Lu, Z.-L. (1998). A systems analysis of visual motion perception. In T. Watanabe (Ed.), High-level motion processing. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. Pp. 153-183.

Lu, Z.-L., & Sperling, G. (1995). The functional architecture of human visual motion perception. Vision Research, 35, 2697-2722.

Solomon, J. A., & Sperling, G. (1995). 1st- and 2nd-order motion and texture resolution in central and peripheral vision. Vision Research, 35, 59-64.

Sperling, G., Chubb, C., Solomon, J. A., & Lu, Z.-L. (1994). Full-wave and half-wave processes in second-order motion and texture. In Higher-order processing in the visual system. Chichester, UK: Wiley (Ciba Foundation Symposium, 184). Pp. 287-303. Discussion: Pp. 303-308.

George Sperling
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Nishida, S. and A. Johnston (1999).

2005-12-10 | Research: V. Interp.
Nishida, S. and A. Johnston (1999). "Influence of motion signals on the perceived position of spatial pattern." Nature 397(6720): 610-612.

Vision Research Laboratory at Psychology Dept, UCL
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