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"KARA" to resume activities

"KARA" to resume activities

KARA "Activities in Korea this year, currently working on an album" Shocking announcement at fan meeting

 KARA announced through a fan meeting that they would resume activities in Korea this year.
For the first time since the split up, KARA met with fans at the second fan meeting "The story I want to tell now" on the afternoon of the 11th at Jamsil Indoor Gymnasium in Seoul. During the fan meeting, KARA announced that they would make a comeback to the K-pop world this year in the 'Happy News' corner prepared by KARA members.
In 'Happy News', in which Kuri and Seungyeon are anchors and Hara has transformed into a reporter, Hara said, ``KARA will be active in Korea this year,'' and ``Currently, they are working on an album.'' predicted a comeback. When asked about the specific schedule of activities, Hara blinked her eyes, "Soon?" In response to Hara's ambiguous reply, Seungyeon responded, "Then it won't be 'soon', is it?"
Hara said, "All the members are tight-lipped about what kind of song it is and what kind of concept it is." represented. Kyuri and Seungyeon hinted at the timing of their comeback, saying, "If we're preparing now, it'll probably be around autumn." ”, asked the expectations of the fans.

Five members of KARA "From now on, I want to show you only bright smiles" (full announcement)

On the afternoon of the 11th, KARA announced ``The story I want to tell'' directly before starting the second fan meeting ``The story I want to tell now'' held at the Jamsil Indoor Gymnasium in Seoul.

Next is the full text of KARA's "Story I Want to Tell".

First of all, thank you from the bottom of my heart for showing great interest in KARA and participating in this way. From now on, each member of KARA will talk about the heart they want to convey. (cucumber)

Today is the day that all KARA members have been looking forward to. The members have gone through a lot of hardships over the last five months, but the most difficult thing during that time was whether they would be able to stand in front of their fans again and meet them again. I had to wait to meet the fans without any rules. Since there was a misunderstanding, we were able to clear up the misunderstanding through many conversations and get to know each other's hearts. (Hara)

In that confusion, we became one KARA and stood in front of our fans again. To get to where we are today, we and our agency put a lot of thought and effort into it, and even during the period when we weren't active, there was unchanging affection, encouragement, and support among the five of us. And there was a lot of help from people involved in the entertainment industry around me. (Jiyoung)

Above all, I think we were able to get together again because of your unchanging love and support. From now on, I will not forget that I have done what I should have done in the future, but I will engrave it deep in my heart as a debt that must be repaid forever. (Seungyoun)

Fans watched over us KARA, so I wanted to return that feeling as it is, so I prepared it. I hope the fans can finish this event and go home with a happy feeling. Not only today, but every time I meet fans, I will do my best to cherish every moment. (Nicole)

KARA's true new start is today. Of course, we were one before, but I think we'll be able to see KARA connected with an even stronger bond. From now on, I want to show you only bright smiles. I know that I have to work harder than before to do that, and I will work even harder. Now, I will do my best without forgetting this heart. Thank you for watching over KARA. I love you all. (cucumber)
(From K-POP News)

The "KARA" split turmoil that began at the end of last year has caused more damage than expected.
DSP Media, to which "KARA" belongs, seems to think so.
In addition to the 4-month hiatus of lawsuits, the K-POP trend in Japan, Asia, and even the world is visibly gaining momentum. Even if it's only temporarily, the cost of getting off the leading ship is huge.
In order to get on that trend again, we have to start again from 1 with more horsepower. This is a big deal. It is not easy for marathon runners to regain their original speed once they stop or start walking.
It can be said that "KARA" is in the same situation. That probably made them decide to start over from scratch.
At first, they probably sought to continue their activities by going back and forth between South Korea and Japan, but it may have been a wise choice.
I thought it would be fine if it went well, but if things went wrong, it could be fatal.
I see the current popularity of "KARA" as bubble-like.
"Even if I want to buy a new CD, there are no new songs." Even if I want to see it live, I can't. Even if you want to see it on TV, it's just a commercial.
The depth of the feelings of the fans who support them seems to be in a state of idleness. It seems likely that other idols will slide into it. It's likely that I'll switch saddles because I like the CDs of other singers I bought casually.
However, it is very likely that creating an easy song and rushing to win back the hearts of such fans will backfire.
Rather than that, it's decided that it would be better for us to reunite and create music that will appeal to the fans how we've started over and how we've changed.
Their ideal form must be for fans who have temporarily left them to come back with music that will make them say, "As expected, KARA is the best."
Whether it's summer or autumn, it would be correct for them to start full-scale activities from their home country of Korea.
"It would be great if they regained their power and came to Japan again."

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