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Reminiscence of youth “I Got A Boy”

Reminiscence of youth “I Got A Boy”
青春回顧の『I GOT A BOY』 

Girls' Generation's Taeyeon confesses her first love, "I was young and had nothing but love"

Girls' Generation's Taeyeon expressed her regrets about her first love.

Girls' Generation's Taeyeon, Tiffany, Sunny, and Seohyun appeared on SBS Power FM's ``Jung Sung Hee's Night Like Today'' on the 18th.

On that day's broadcast, Taeyeon said, ``I've been starving for love lately,'' and revealed the story of her first love through a talk on the theme of ``Songs that are filled with memories of her first love.''

Taeyeon said, ``When I was very young, there was a love that I received, but when I look back, I feel like I wasn't able to give much and it's a shame. I feel like I put too much effort into my self-esteem.'' . Next, Taeyeon selected Brown Eyed Soul's ``Love Ballad'' as the song she would like to sing to her first love.

Tiffany also said that when she was in high school, there was a man who confessed to her by writing a letter on the back of the music score of Irma's "Love Me," and that he later played the song himself. revealed. Tiffany said, ``Even now, when she hears this song, it reminds her of how romantic and lovey-dovey those days were.'' It reminded her of her first love.

Listeners who heard this broadcast gave a variety of reactions, including, ``Taeyeon seems really lonely,'' ``No, don't remember the past,'' and ``Please love me as much as you want this year.''
(From Entertainment News)

We live in an age where information floods us from all over the world like a flood. This flood of information has the effect of accelerating the pace of the changing times.
There used to be expressions such as "ten years ago" and "seven years ago." That cycle is rapidly becoming shorter.
It's like ``five years ago'' now. However, in time, this will become ``three years ago,'' and a time will come when it will feel like ``last year was a long time ago.''

Speaking of "five years ago", "Girls' Generation", which debuted in 2007, is entering its sixth year this year.
When they debuted, they were just girls in their mid-teens, but they quickly transformed into adult women. The process of growing up must have been by no means a rush. However, the track record they have accumulated over the years proves their speedy time and energy.

"Five years ago" was the answer.
``I Got A Boy'' seems to be a step song that marked an era of ``Girls' Generation.'' It feels like the girls, who have transformed into adults, sing "I Got A Boy" with the concept of reminiscing about their youth.
At first, it felt like they were separate, but "I Got A Boy" and "Dancing Queen" are actually a pair.
Now you can understand why I took off my high heels. However, that is until the time for reminiscing about your youth passes.

In this program, Taeyeon talked about her "first love".
If you think about it, you can understand why they appear on variety shows and start talking about things like ``tears,'' ``loneliness,'' and ``first love.''

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