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Taeyeon is an adult after a long time (Girls' Generation)

Taeyeon is an adult after a long time (Girls' Generation)

Girls' Generation's Taeyeon's spring/summer lip gravure released...What's your preference?

Taeyeon was able to wear makeup that looks a little more mature, but she still looks young. He only looks like he's between 23 and 25 years old. If I remember correctly, I was born in 1989, so I'll be 28 years old soon.
This photo is nice... I'm sure people will say later that it's the most beautiful photo of their lives.

Her face is shiny and her skin is glowing...I think this photo will be floating around the internet for decades to come, so I decided to paste it on my blog as well.

Spring fashion is great, but I want something even better...I want Girls' Generation's ace to come back this year. There are so many fans who wish that, but I wonder if their voices aren't reaching you...

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