雨の記号(rain symbol)

“A world made possible only by Apink”

“A world made possible only by Apink”

Apink, US Billboard pays attention to their new song “Hibatsunai”… Analysis and high praise of the song and MV

It was clear that Apink, which built an era with ``innocence,'' decided to take the plunge and compete with a new concept.
However, I remembered something else that made me feel uneasy about my impressions. I'm missing something somewhere. I don't know what that is.
I was confused for a long time, but after reading the Billboard article, I finally understood.

Sexy may be sexy, but it does not focus on the exposure, sensuality, and sensationalism that can be seen in dramas, movies, plays, and music stages in general.
The lack of depth to the sexy side of their stage performance is probably due to the fact that they have always had a general idea of sexy in mind. It was an incredible look.
If you think about it, Apink, who is synonymous with ``innocence,'' showed up there and no matter how much they tried to dig into their vulgarity, there was no way they would be well-received.

The sexyness seen on stage for their comeback title song "I'm So Sick" is how the girls, who have embodied the "early to middle" stages of their youth as innocent idols, will color their "later" stages. It seems like a glimpse of something like that.

If we try to compete with conventional sexy looks, we will destroy our previous colors. It seems their challenge was to move on without destroying their colors.
Naturally, hesitation and control come into play in various forms. Wasn't it a struggle?
What I saw as inadequate may have reflected my "mental struggles" in that area.
The awkwardness of sexiness that Hayoung felt was probably a high-level "struggle" to hold on to her "innocence" and move on.
Choron, Bomi, and Naeun have added a touch of sexiness without losing their innocent elegance. Maybe she was raised as a young lady at heart? Or maybe she has been an innocent idol for a long time and has acquired the personality of a real young lady...?
There is a truly ``Apink world'' on stage.

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