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Girls' Generation's "Street Corner Stage"

Girls' Generation's "Street Corner Stage"

Girls' Generation dominates the top 3 "cosmetic models that don't need makeup"!

Girls' Generation members Yoona, Seohyun, and Yuri took the top three spots in an online vote for ``cosmetic model who looks prettier without makeup and doesn't need makeup,'' proving Girls' Generation's strength.

In this survey conducted by the community portal site "DC Inside (www.dcinside.com, CEO Kim Yoo-sik)" from the 19th to the 26th, Girls' Generation's Yoona was ranked 1st, Seohyun was ranked 2nd, and Yuri was ranked 3rd. It caught my attention.

Other actresses Park Shin Hye, Goo Hye Sun, and Miss A's Suzy followed.

Additionally, "DC Inside" is currently conducting a survey on the theme of "Which male cosmetics model makes women open their wallets?"
(From Entertainment News)

I wrote the article about ``Girls' Generation'' after listening to some of their music. I listen to music while looking at the information I've copied onto my notepad, thinking about my thoughts and thinking about how to write them down.
If the images get in the way, I lie down and just listen to music while staring at the ceiling and the time passes. I don't listen to music, I just look at informational articles about them and think about what I'm going to write, but I don't have much success with this either.
If I don't come up with anything after doing this for about 30 minutes to an hour, I end up writing about ``Girls' Generation'' with a disappointing result.
I am determined to write an article about "Girls' Generation" every day, but...

I went back in time about two years and watched a lot of live videos of songs like ``Gee'' and ``Genie.'' Of course, I also watched the MV.
I wanted to compare it with their new song "Paparazzi".
``Paparazzi'' feels like a ``special edition'' or ``digest edition'' of the music they have sung up until now. In particular, I thought that the busy movements were similar to ``Gee,'' and the large arm movements were similar to ``Genie.''
Is "Paparazzi" a dance music that was inspired by "Gee" and "Genie"?
``Gee'' is filled with the ``vitality'' and ``relatability'' of a daughter of her age. On the other hand, ``Genie'' successfully captures the ``elegance'' and ``elegance'' of young girls.
As I listened to these pieces of music repeatedly with this in mind, I got a strong impression that the music was choreographed by mixing the characteristics of the two songs.
In other words, it can be said that paparazzi is a group that engages in sophisticated adventures that maintain the "vitality" and "friendliness" of "Gee," while also incorporating the "elegance" and "elegance" of "Genie." be.
That's probably why it felt like a ``digest version'' of the ``music'' they had come up with. That's probably why I thought I was starting to see how they practiced.

Also, after watching the MV several times, I realized that. Although they are the same characters from ``Girls' Generation,'' they act out a story in which they suddenly appear on a quiet street corner as if they were other women, perform a ``flash mob,'' and then leave.
The curtain on the street corner stage opens, and we witness it like paparazzi.
It's really interesting.

When I saw the stage performance two years ago, I thought that not only Seohyun but all three of them had a youthful and youthful side to them. Now, all three (not just the nine) have become incredibly feminine and beautiful.
(If this happens, you should definitely get a ticket and go see them on stage!)

★Related articles

Girls' Generation's Yoona's airport shot draws attention to her clear no-makeup look

A photo of Yuna from the girl group Girls' Generation entering the country without makeup has been released, and it is monopolizing the attention of netizens.

The photo released was of Yoona at Incheon International Airport on the morning of the 23rd. Unlike her glamorous appearance on stage, she wore a rough T-shirt and black shorts, and seemed to be thinking about relaxing on the plane. Even without makeup, her skin was clear and beautiful, and many women said they were envious of her.

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