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18th place is not a good ranking (TWICE)

18th place is not a good ranking (TWICE)

TWICE is ranked 18th in Billboard's "21 under 21 next generation representatives in the music industry"

Korean girl group TWICE is the only K-pop artist to be included in Billboard's "21 under 21 2017: Music's Next Generation," proving their global influence.

Billboard published an article titled "21 Under 21 2017: Music's Next Generation" on the 28th (local time) and introduced TWICE at 18th place.

Billboard explained, "This ranking includes concert headliner artists, famous musicians, and newcomers who are growing rapidly in the music industry." The article also introduced TWICE, which is ranked 18th, as "They are a JYP Entertainment group formed in 2015. They have an easy-to-follow refrain and a unique concept and choreography that has kept them at the top of Korea. The title track of TWICE's fourth mini-album, SIGNAL, reached third place on the Billboard World Albums Chart."

The list includes such notable musicians as Shawn Mendes (19, Canada), whose debut album topped the Billboard charts at age 16, Lorde (20, New Zealand), who won the Grammy Award for Best Song with "Royals" in 2014, and Khalid (19), whose album "American Teen," released in March of this year, rose to ninth place on the Billboard album chart.

(From K-POP News)

This article was written in 2017.

TWICE was already establishing itself as a top girl group, but at that time, the status of K-POP girls in the global sense was limited to this level.
Five years have passed since then, and now TWICE has become a girl group well-known enough to hold a stadium concert in America in May.

Even if they include some big-name musicians, 18th place is not a number to be happy about...
Asia seems to be local after all...

TWICE will eventually want to make a breakthrough with a tour aimed at New York in America. This is the only way to wow the world.

It's a path that Girls' Generation once tried, and TWICE are certainly qualified to do so.

I don't know what it's called, "21 Under 21 2017: Music's Next Generation," but I would love to see them show that they're not just 18th place.

TWICE are already the top girl group in Asia, which has a large population.

I thought, "If they're going to feature 21 groups, why not at least put them in the middle?"

However, the title of the article was "21 Under 21 2017: Music's Next Generation," the next generation of 21 groups in the music industry. They were picked with the hope that they will do well in the future.

If that's the case, then perhaps it's easier for them to be ranked this low.

It makes a much better impression to gain attention from a more comfortable position than to be expected to rank higher and then be forgotten.

There seem to be some impressive names at the top. But TWICE has also reached the top in Asia. There's no need to be intimidated. They're only content with being ranked 18th because they're in the English-speaking Billboard arena.

I realized that "SIGNAL" is popular in the Americas when I saw the K-pop flash mob.

When it was announced, I thought it was a bit iffy. Perhaps it wouldn't have sold well in Asia if TWICE hadn't sang it. But the waves that came back to them after it went out into the world were unexpectedly large. The response was great outside of Asia. Flash mobs of joy and enthusiasm were taking place in the Caribbean. If SIGNAL was released as a strategy to capture the US market, JYP should not limit itself to Asia, but rather take a chance by releasing a sequel song at the right time.

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