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GFRIEND's new song "Natsu no Ame" to watch out for

GFRIEND's new song "Natsu no Ame" to watch out for

GFRIEND Reveals Part of Performance in New Song "Natsu no Ame" Teaser Video

At the age of 18, when Bancha is also Debana, there are some girls who have perfected their early beauty, but there is still obesity, and their plumpness is delayed.
She sees that the average woman is past 20 when she gets her first beauty.

When I looked up GFRIEND, Sowon and Yerin are 21 years old. Una is 20 years old. Yuju, Shinbi and Umji are 19 years old. The average age is 20. It is no wonder that she has been surrounded by an aura that smells of faint sex appeal and beauty.
In other words, they have doubled and tripled their beauty. I miss the simple cuteness when she debuted.
It is only natural that the music and performances they create will be in line with their beauty.
The last comeback title song "LOVE WHISPER"
It became a masterpiece that made full use of their beauty and excellent performance.
If the school song "ROUGH" is the representative song of the early days, "LOVE WHISPER" is the starting song for the maturity of women, saying goodbye to youth in the period of growth.

It is natural that more attention and expectations will be gathered for the new song "Natsu no Ame".

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