
The Role of Holding Urine in Prostatitis Aggravation

It is a well-known fact that prostatitis often presents a challenging and lengthy treatment process. Ignoring this condition can result in the inflammation worsening or recurring, significantly disrupting men's everyday lives. What might surprise you is that the chronic prostatitis you're battling with could be exacerbated by your habit of holding back urine.

It is entirely possible for prostatitis to worsen due to the practice of holding urine.

For individuals with prostatitis, delaying urination can lead to disruptions in the nervous system's ability to control bladder contractions. This, in turn, weakens the tone of the urethral muscle, making urinary obstruction and retention more likely. Simultaneously, the act of holding urine for extended periods can elevate bladder pressure, potentially causing urine reflux into the prostate, leading to the deposition of crystals in the prostatic tissue. Over time, this can significantly contribute to the exacerbation of prostatitis.

Furthermore, retaining urine can trigger tension in the pelvic muscles, adversely affecting local blood circulation, exacerbating prostate congestion and edema, which can act as a precursor to prostatitis. For individuals already dealing with prostatitis, holding urine can intensify their existing condition.

Hence, it is imperative that individuals do not make a habit of delaying urination, as the consequences can be severe. To prevent prostatitis from recurring and to alleviate its symptoms, men should take active measures and explore common treatment methods, which include:

1. General Treatment:
   - Abstaining from alcohol.
   - Avoiding spicy and stimulating foods.
   - Refraining from holding urine.
   - Limiting prolonged periods of sitting.
   - Ensuring proper warmth.
   - Engaging in suitable physical exercise.
   - Note that warm sitz baths can help alleviate pain symptoms, but their use should be exercised with caution by men with reproductive needs, as they may affect sperm quality.

2. Drug Treatment:
   - Antimicrobial drugs, with a preference for sensitive drugs, commonly quinolones such as ciprofloxacin and levofloxacin.
   - Due to the prostate's membrane interfering with drug penetration, acute treatment should span at least 4-6 weeks.
   - Alpha-blockers can be considered to improve urinary symptoms and pain.
   - Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, such as celecoxib, can effectively alleviate local pain and discomfort.
   - Traditional Chinese medicine, exemplified by the Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill, offers a significant treatment effect by addressing both symptoms and causes.

3. Surgical Treatment:
   - Options vary based on the specific issue and may include urethral stricture dilation, prostate abscess drainage, bladder neck removal, and partial or complete prostate removal.

4. Prostate Massage:
   - A traditional treatment method, it can promote the emptying of prostate gland ducts and enhance the local drug concentration, aiding in symptom relief and potentially reducing the disease's duration when combined with other treatments.

5. Physical Therapy:
   - Options include biofeedback therapy, heat therapy, red light therapy instruments, transperineal extracorporeal shock wave therapy, among others.

In conclusion, men experiencing prostatitis should seek professional medical assistance promptly to determine the root cause of the disease and embark on appropriate treatment. Simultaneously, they should pay close attention to improving their daily habits, avoid holding urine and prolonged periods of sitting, both of which can exacerbate the condition. Engaging in appropriate exercise to enhance physical fitness and resistance is also an effective means of symptom alleviation.





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