

Military Arrests Moderna Clot Shot Creator

By Michael Baxter -August 30, 2023


A prominent Moderna chemist, Melissa J. Moore, was arrested at her Everett, Massachusetts, home Sunday evening after trying to evade U.S. Navy JAG investigators who had been surveilling the residence and awaiting an opportunity to serve a military arrest warrant, a JAG adjunct told Real Raw News.



Our source said the investigators had staked out Moore’s summertime domicile in the outskirts of Boston following several failed attempts to isolate her at her primary residence in Cambridge and pricey timeshare in Lake Tahoe, and at Moderna’s Boston headquarters, where she pioneered the pharmaceutical giant’s mRNA clot shot.



The investigators, he added, were in a nondescript vehicle on the opposite side of the road when Moore’s Land Rover pulled into the driveway. As the windows had a dark tint, they could not immediately see the driver or determine whether the SUV held any passengers, so they waited until the door opened before approaching. Moore, though, must have spotted the investigative duo, for she flung open the door, grabbed her purse, and began hobbling across the horseshoe driveway, snagging a heel in the grass while shouting for help. She tumbled to the ground clutching her handbag, withdrawing what investigators thought might be a firearm. But it was a syringe.



“She almost got shot,” our source said. “They realized at the last second it wasn’t a gun and kicked the syringe out of her hand. She was trying to jab herself.”



He added that the investigators cuffed Moore and placed her in the backseat of their vehicle.



He explained that JAG started building a case against Moore in January 2023, a few months after hanging her former employer, Moderna CEO Stéphane Bancel, at Guantanamo Bay. JAG unearthed personal correspondence in which Bancel heralded Moore as the “Queen of mRNA,” writing that her expertise and determination helped put Moderna’s mark on the map as a global COVID-19 vaccine manufacturer. Moore’s perseverance, Bancel wrote, made them wealthy Beyond the Dreams of Averice. In response to Bancel’s flattering communique, Moore said that “history will eventually report that human guinea pigs are necessary to advance revolutionary medicine” and admitted the company’s vaccine was a colossal killer: “If it kills three million to save three billion, I’ve done my job. I have the utmost reverence for human life, but martyrs must be made in the name of science,” to which Bancel replied, “There will be no martyrs because we will attribute their deaths to the disease.”



Those letters, our source said, led to added evidence to be presented at a military tribunal.



“This woman was the Walter White of mRNA clot shots,” our source said.



In October 2016, Moore was appointed Chief Scientific Officer, Platform Research, at Moderna Pharmaceuticals. While serving this role, the National Academy of Sciences bestowed upon her the 2021 RNA Lifetime Achievement Award, primarily for her participation in vaccine improvement. Although knowing the vaccine was lethal and had killed trial participants, she convinced the FDA to grant emergency use authorization to the mRNA-1273 clot shot.



“The evidence on her is encyclopedic. It should be a slam dunk,” our source said. “She tried to jab herself with something, and it is being analyzed. We’ve already taken blood and know she was never vaxxed.”[end]




マイケル・バクスター 記 -2023年8月30日


著名なモデルナ社の化学者であるメリッサ・J・ムーアMelissa J. Mooreは、8月30日日曜日の夕方、マサチューセッツ州エベレットの自宅で、自分の住居を外から監視し、軍の逮捕状を出す機会を狙って待機していた米海軍JAG捜査官から、一目散に逃れようとして暴れて逮捕されたと、JAG補佐官がリアル・ロー・ニュースに語った。















彼は、JAG捜査班が2023年1月に、ムーアに対する起訴立件を始めたのは、彼女の元雇い主であるモデルナ社のステファン・バンセルCEO=死刑囚を、グアンタナモ湾刑務所で絞首刑にした数カ月後だったと説明した。JAGは、バンセル死刑囚がムーア容疑者を "mRNAの女王 "と讃え、彼女の専門知識と即決の決断力がCOVID-19ワクチンの世界的メーカーとして、モデルナの名を馳せて広く世に知らしめたと記した私信を、発掘していたという。ムーア容疑者の忍耐強さが、アヴェリスの夢を超える富をもたらしたと、バンセル死刑囚は当時書いている。バンセル死刑囚のお世辞のようなこのコミュニケに対し、ムーア容疑者は「革命的な医学を進歩させるためには、生きた人間のモルモットが必要であると、歴史はいずれ証明し報告するだろう」と述べ、同社の猛毒ワクチンがとんでもない殺人兵器であることを認めた。「私は人命には最大限の敬意を払うが、科学の名の下に殉教者をつくらねばならない」と記していたのだ。















『モデルナ社の化学者であるメリッサ・J・ムーアMelissa J. Mooreは、8月30日日曜日の夕方、マサチューセッツ州エベレットの自宅で、自分の住居を外から監視し、軍の逮捕状を出す機会を狙って待機していた米海軍JAG捜査官から、一目散に逃れようとして暴れて逮捕されたと、JAG補佐官がリアル・ロー・ニュースに語った。



ギトモ死刑だったバンセル死刑囚が、ムーア容疑者を絶賛 "mRNAの女王 "と讃え、彼女の専門知識と即決の決断力がCOVID-19毒ワクチンの世界的メーカーとして、モデルナの名を馳せて広く世に知らしめたとのことだ。







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