

Treasonous Army CSM Who Planned War Against Trump Supporters Scheduled to Hang

By Michael Baxter -September 20, 2023





The trial of an Armed Forces member who mustered a personal militia for a future war against Trump supporters lasted only one hour, ending when the accused, Army CSM Nema Mobarakzadeh, a radicalized Muslim infiltrator, shouted “Allahu Akbar” and said he would avenge himself upon the jurors unless they found him not guilty on the charge of high treason. He said “his people” were everywhere, and no one was beyond their reach.



As reported in August, White Hats arrested Mobarakzadeh and his commanding officer, Maj. David Dunbar, near Fort Drum after discovering the duo had a personal vendetta against President Donald Trump and recruited at least 165 Biden-sympathizing soldiers who participated in mock assault drills against dummies festooned in MAGA attire at a “plywood town” 15 miles from Drum. Once in custody, Mobarakzadeh, separated from Dunbar, refused to answer questions but demanded to speak with the criminal Lloyd Austin. His off-post residence was later searched by CID, who found an unsecured iPad that held a video of Mobarakzadeh standing before an American Flag and pledging allegiance to Joseph R. Biden. He also proclaimed, “Death to all Trump supporters.” They also found a manifesto.



On August 15, JAG flew Mobarakzadeh to Camp Blaz, Guam, to await a military tribunal.



The brief trial finally took place September 11, with Rear Admiral Johnathon T. Stephens showing video of the plywood village, which he crudely compared to the expeditious construction of Los Alamos in 1943, pointing out the splintered remnants of wooden targets in MAGA hats and the thousands of rifle casings left behind. He read aloud abstracts of Mobarakzadeh’s manifesto: “I’ve only stood by two presidents, President Barack Hussein Obama, a believer, and President Joseph R. Biden, because Barack picked him and Barack knows all. He leads, I follow. I hate Trump and his people, hate his people, civilians and military corrupting the uniform, the Armed Forces. I despise his supporters and wish them death, all of them, everywhere. The enlightened see, and together we’ll have a future free of Trump and his followers.”



Adm. Stephens said the defendant exemplified “Trump Derangement Syndrome,” a pejorative phrase for a pseudo-psychological illness that causes liberal Leftists to blame Trump for myriad societal and personal problems.



Mobarakzadeh’s JAG-assigned counsel claimed without evidence that his client was a “victim,” that Lloyd Austin and Maj. Dunbar manipulated his views on President Trump, even invoking the word “grooming.” He argued that Mobarakzadeh had neither the skill nor resources to erect a plywood town. Nor was he charismatic enough to warp the minds of a company of soldiers.



“That’s false,” Mobarakzadeh said. “They came to me ready to fight, and I bettered their skills.”



His attorney urged him to stay silent.



“Yes, we know all about the recruitment procedures and the illegal payouts and we still have others to try. What Mr. Mobarakzadeh is guilty of is every UCMJ infraction in the book and treason against the United States of America,” Adm. Stephens said.



Mobarakzadeh whispered in his attorney’s ear.



“My client again requests to speak with Defense Secretary Austin. He says he can clear this up with a 30-second call,” the defense counsel said to Adm. Stephens.



“This court doesn’t recognize his authority.  If he wants, he’s welcome to stop by. We’d like to talk to him, too,” Adm. Stephens said.



“CSM Mobarakzadeh believes he was acting upon orders of the president,” defense counsel said.



“Allah? Biden? Obama? Which one?” Adm. Stephens said. “They’re all illegitimate.”



“Allahu Akbar. The difference between us, Adm. Stephens, is that I accept death as a transition between worlds. I knew your plans to kill me before I was here. You are a dead man, as are they,” Mobarakzadeh yelled, glancing at the panel. “It won’t be my hand to kill you, but you will die. We have people all over. You, your families—it makes no difference to us.”



The admiral drew a deep breath, steeling himself. “Given the defendant’s candor, JAG and the Office of Military Commissions needn’t wait for a verdict. I am unilaterally finding this defendant, former CSM Neema Mobarakzadeh guilty of treason and sentencing him to hang by the neck at the earliest opportunity.”



Mobarakzadeh did not flinch. Did not say a word.



“This is what we deal with,” Adm. Stephens remarked after the MPs escorted the condemned to his cell.



I am awaiting updates to see if his execution has occured, as well relevant tribunals.[end]




マイケル・バクスター著 -2023年9月20日





トランプ支持者に対する将来の無期限戦争のために、個人的に私兵民兵を招集計画していた軍人の裁判法廷は、グアム基地でわずか1時間の裁判だけで終わった。被告人ネマ・モバラクザデNema Mobarakzadeh元陸軍中佐(=過激化したイスラム教徒潜入者)が、軍事法廷で「アッラーフ・アクバル」と叫び、大逆罪で無罪とされない限り、陪審員に復讐してやると宣言で語ったのだ。彼はその時、[彼の同志仲間]が世界の何処にでも居るので、誰も彼らに手の届かない場所空間には居ない」と、予告で脅して語っていた。









ジョナサン・T・スティーブンス少将は軍事法廷で、ベニヤ板で作られた村のビデオを見せ、1943年のロスアラモス砦の迅速な建設になぞらえて、マガ帽子をかぶった木製の標的に見立てた破片や、残された何千ものライフル弾の薬莢を具体的に示して指摘した。彼はモバラクザデ容疑者の檄文マニフェストの抄録をそのまま朗読した: 「バラク(オバマ)が彼を選び、バラクがすべてを知っている。彼が主導リードし、私はそれに従う。私は敵トランプと彼の仲間たちを憎み、彼の仲間、軍服、軍隊、堕落させる民間人と軍人を憎む。私は彼の支持者を軽蔑し、彼らの死を強く願う。こんな悟りを開いた者は見ている。」「トランプとその支持者のいない未来を共に手に入れよう」と叫んでいたという。















「モバラクザザデ氏は、「それは嘘だ」と言ったのだ。モバラクザデ氏が罪を犯しているのは、UCMJ(=Uniform Code of Military Justice軍事司法統一法典)に書かれているあらゆる違反行為であり、合衆国に対する反逆罪である」とスティーブンス提督は断言して言った。









「この法廷は彼被告の権限を認めていません。 彼オースティン国防長官が望むなら、立ち寄ってくれて構わない。我々も彼と話をしたい」とスティーブンス提督が返答した。

























被告人ネマ・モバラクザデNema Mobarakzadeh元陸軍中佐(=過激化したイスラム教徒潜入者)が、グアム基地軍事法廷で「アッラーフ・アクバル」と叫び、大逆罪で無罪とされない限り、陪審員らに復讐してやると宣言して語ったのだ。彼はその時、[彼の同志仲間]が何処にでも居るので、誰も彼らに手の届かない場所や空間には居ない」と、予告して脅してまで語っていたという。









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