

[Deep StateNewsUSA

Military Arrests Liz Cheney]RRN

By Michael Baxter -April 2, 2023


The imminent arraignment of President Donald J. Trump hasn’t stopped White Hat efforts to cleanse the nation of Deep State traitors and saboteurs, a source in General Eric M. Smith’s office told Real Raw News. On Saturday, United States Marines under General Eric M. Smith’s command arrested January 6 Committee architect Liz Cheney at her posh home in Jackson Hole, Wyoming, a ritzy tourist town famous for its mountainous landscape and majestic views of the nearby Grand Tetons.


The belated arrest comes nearly two years after a military court, in May 2021, indicted Cheney on charges of treason and interfering in the 2020 presidential election. In late 2022, the U.S. Navy Judge Advocate General’s Corps revised the indictment to include the charge of seditious conspiracy, a response to her role on the January 6 Committee, which sought to falsely charge President Trump with conspiracy to defraud the United States, conspiracy to make a false statement and attempts to “incite,” “assist,” or “aid or comfort” an insurrection. Our source said that Cheney would face a military tribunal to answer for her crimes against America and its people.


He said several factors contributed to the prolonged delay between indictment and arrest: When it became clear the January 6 Committee’s implausible allegations against President Trump held no weight, JAG put her on a watchlist while opting to pursue other Deep State despots. Also, like many Deep Staters, Cheney seldom lived or traveled alone, and she, the daughter of a dictatorial former vice president, still had Secret Service protection.


Our source said that the military prefers to isolate Deep Staters before affecting an arrest. However, he admitted the postponement was highly unusual.


Until recently, Cheney had been hiding amidst a throng of armed security—private and taxpayer-funded–and “Never Trump” RINOs and Democrats at her house in McClean, Virginia, a Deep State bastion. On March 29, she and two Secret Service agents traveled aboard a commercial plane from Dulles International Airport to blustery Jackson, Wyoming, where they caught a limo to her $6m Creek Ranch cabin.


When Gen. Smith verified Cheney’s itinerary, he activated a Marine reconnaissance platoon, ordering them to travel to Wyoming and arrest her by any means necessary. To maintain the element of surprise, they avoided public transportation and were flown from Camp Pendleton to Jackson, a 1,800-mile, 7-hour round trip, on a V-22 Osprey, the Corps’ accident-prone VTOL aircraft. Since neither the V-22 nor the CH-53 Sea Stallion helicopter—also considered to fill the mission role—had a ferry range of 1,800 miles, Gen. Smith tasked a KC-135 Stratotanker, a massive military refueling plane, with orbiting the AO and refueling the V-22 after the Marines had grabbed Cheney.


The V-22 touched down in a clearing slip-covered in snow two kilometers southeast of Cheney’s home at approximately 1:00 a.m. The Marines deplaned wearing cold-weather gear and armed with lethal and non-lethal weapons, then hiked across the frozen ground until they reached the wooden fence and wrought iron gate that opened onto Cheney’s expansive property. They disabled several surveillance cameras before stealthily approaching the house. Light shone through upstairs and downstairs windows, but the Marines saw no movement. After circumventing a home security system and a “Ring” doorbell, they prepared to breach the door—and surprisingly found it unlocked.


No sooner had the lead element stepped into the foyer than a Secret Service agent, bewildered and shocked, fumbled for the sidearm on his hip. He took three rounds to the head from suppresser-equipped rifles and fell down dead. His death moan alerted the second agent, who shouted up a staircase, “Get up! Get up! They’re coming for you,” and took cover behind a wall.


“The Marines gave him an ultimatum: surrender or die. They told him they surrounded the place and had a military warrant for Cheney. About this time, Cheney was screaming in her bedroom. She said kill the intruders. He must have felt pragmatic with self-preservation. The guy was smart–dropped his pistol, said something like f*** that bitch, and surrendered. He escorted the Marines straight to Cheney’s bedroom,” our source said.


Cheney, wearing only a nightgown and slippers, was reaching for her cell phone when the Marines burst into the bedroom and hit her with Tasers, causing her to collapse to the floor and wiggle around like a sun-scorched worm. One Marine injected a sedative in her arm, and she fell unconscious.


The lead Marine, a 1st lieutenant, gave the agent the option of either sharing Cheney’s fate or helping them carry her to the Osprey.



“He exceeded his purview, telling the agent he could die with the Deep State or join the fight against it. The agent was in no mood to die, I guess, and helped put some clothes on the witch and carry out her and the dead guy. They also seized electronic devices,” our source said.


They egressed to the V-22 undetected and lifted off into still dark skies. The V-22 refueled over Wyoming before returning without incident to Camp Pendleton.


“Cheney will face a military tribunal like her father did, and hopefully will be found guilty and hang, also like her father did. Evil runs in the family. It’s a praxis of the Deep State to accuse their enemies of the very crimes they are committing,” our source said.


Gen. Smith, he added, has yet to decide the agent’s fate.[end]




マイケル・バクスター著 -2023年4月2日付


ドナルド・J・トランプ大統領の罪状認否が迫っていても、ディープステートの裏切り者と妨害者を、米国家から一掃するホワイトハット軍の努力は止まらない、とエリック・M・スミス将軍事務所の関係者は、リアルローニュースに語った。4月2日土曜日、エリック・M・スミス将軍の指揮下にある米国海兵隊は、1月6日キャピトル謀略事件委員会の創案者リズ・チェイニーLiz Cheney元下院議員を、山の風景と近く、グランドティトンの雄大な景色で有名なワイオミング州ジャクソンホールに所在がある、彼女の高級邸宅で逮捕しました。




起訴から逮捕までが長引いたのには、いくつかの要因があるという: トランプ大統領に対する1月6日暴動委員会のありもしない主張が何の重みも持たないことが明らかになったとき、JAGは彼女を監視リストに入れた。つまり、他のディープステート賊の専制君主を追求する訴追裁判を選択しました。また、多くのDeep Statersのように、リズ・チェイニーLiz Cheneyはめったに一人だけで生活したり、各地に旅行したりせず、ギトモ刑務所において数年前死刑になった(ブッシュ政権)の独裁的な元副大統領ディック・チェイニーDick Cheneyの娘で、いまだシークレット・サービス(SS)の保護を受けていたからだった。


我々の情報筋によると、軍はチェイニーLiz Cheney逮捕に至る前に、先だって標的ディープスティターを孤立させることをよく好むという。しかし、情報筋の彼は、この逮捕遅延や延期が、極めて異例であることを認めているという。






偵察海兵隊員たちは、寒冷地仕様装備を各自身につけ、殺傷力のある武器と非殺傷力のある武器で武装していた。そうこうして、凍った地面をハイキングしながら、チェイニー所有の広大な敷地に面した木製フェンスと錬鉄製ゲートに到達したという。そして、監視カメラ数台を無効化し、こっそりと夜陰に紛れて彼女の住む自宅家屋に近づいた。自宅は2階と3階の窓から光が差し込むものの、海兵隊員たちにはまだ何の動きもしていない。ホーム・セキュリティシステムと、玄関 "Ring "通報式のドアベルを回避して、玄関ドアをコジ開ける準備作業をした。だがしかし、驚くことに鍵はかかっていなかったという。



















『4月2日土曜日、エリック・M・スミス将軍の指揮下にある米国海兵隊は、1月6日キャピトル謀略事件委員会の創案者リズ・チェイニーLiz Cheney元下院議員を、ワイオミング州ジャクソンホールに自宅所在がある、彼女の高級邸宅で逮捕した。





「娘リズ・チェイニーはギトモ裁判で死刑になった(※過去のRRN投稿January 29, 2022参照)父親ディック・チェイニーのように、まもなくギトモ裁判軍事法廷に臨み、恐らく有罪が確定して、父親のように絞首刑になる運命だろう。悪の邪悪行為をしたDSは、血族一族に宿るのである。自分たちが犯した極悪犯罪の因果原因そのものを、敵になすりつける卑怯千万な投影行為は、ディープステートの常套手段で悪の習わしだ」と情報筋が語っている。ハルジャス』





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