

Harris Speaks to CGI Fans at Atlanta Campaign Rally
 Michael Baxter
August 1, 2024

Harris Speaks to CGI Fans at Atlanta Campaign Rally | Real Raw News

The Deep State has all but forgotten its former puppet, Joseph R. Biden, supplanting him with the most detestable woman to wade into the political realm, Kamala Harris, broadly considered the most liberal politician in American history and an imminent threat to the constitutional values governing a magnificent nation. Since replacing Biden, Harris has enjoyed a media honeymoon–CNN, MSNBC, the Washington Post, and Newsweek—all the usual suspects—granted her Queen-like stateliness. The failed “border Czar” who had rarely shown her face in public suddenly became the media’s majesty. The Fake Stream journalists have leaped to her defense and shielded her against legitimate criticism, even fabricating polls showing her overtaking President Trump in battleground states and criticizing anyone lampooning her.
When Elon Musk shared a video last week featuring an A.I. representation of Harris’ voice belittling Biden and referring to herself as the ultimate DEI candidate—the video was obviously a parody—the media and liberal lawmakers accused the Tesla CEO of instigating election interference. They cried out to the federal government to install guardrails to stop people from using A.I. to emulate Harris, with some begging the DOJ to charge Musk with a crime.
Although Musk had a few laughs at the liberals’ expense, Harris and her campaign, and their MSM colluders, have taken digital subterfuge so deep that it transcends parody.
On Tuesday, Harris held a Georgia campaign rally at which she was mocked for speaking with a pretend Southern accent before 10,000 fawning fans. But there were no cheering fans, only a cornucopia of sinister Dem delegates and a healthy heap of computer-generated imagery the Deep State had cunningly created to make it appear as though Harris’s popularity had suddenly surged.
On Wednesday, a digital forensic specialist at Marine Corps Forces Cyberspace Command told Real Raw News that they had reviewed footage of the rally and concluded that the audience was comprised of five percent people and 95% CGI. He said that even an untrained eye should spot evidence of fakery, pointing to a segment where one Harris supporter holding a “Harris 2024” sign above her head is standing motionless, catatonic, while those around her are highly animated, bouncing on their toes and seemingly applauding Harris at the top of their lungs. The woman stands motionless for three minutes without moving a muscle or blinking an eye, a physiological impossibility.
“It’s a glitch in their delivery, or sloppy programming. But that’s no person; it’s Deep Fake. The Deep State wants the nation to believe Kamala has an army of supporters out there, and, yeah, there are plenty of hive-minding bootlickers in the country, but they weren’t at her Atlanta shindig,” our source said.
He showed us another anomaly, a rally attendee with six fingers on one hand and four on the other.
“We found 23 similar glitches,” our source said. Those alone prove the deception, but it gets worse.”
He said Cyberspace Command’s 8K resolution footage of the rally was clean enough to isolate audience members and perform facial recognition searches against the Department of Homeland Security’s Next Generation Identification (NGI) database—he wouldn’t say how Cyberspace Command accessed it. An analysis of 2640 faces yielded alarming results: 2136 “no matches,” bolstering the CGI claim, 458 “inconclusive,” and 46 matched known Dem superdelegates—the people who will nominate Harris at the DNC this month.
“Is it theoretically possible the 2136 aren’t in the database? It’s possible but highly improbable. We’ve been living under a government police state for a long time now, and by our estimate, four-fifths of U.S. citizens are in Homeland’s database,”
Additional evidence of duplicity came from security footage after the rally. Although 10,000 purportedly attended the event, only 500 people, including Harris, her handlers, and media personalities, can be seen leaving the venue through three exits.
“The Deep State’s in a desperate bid to generate enthusiasm for the bitch,” our source said. “Simple fact is she couldn’t fill a bus with fans. No one likes her, just as no one liked Biden. Unbelievable levels of trickery, and some gullible people fall for it.”



ハリス、アトランタの選挙集会で、嵩上げされたCGIファンにスピーチ|Real Raw News






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