

[Feds and Military Traitors Train Together to Expose White Hats]RRN

By Michael Baxter -April 9, 2023


Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin and FBI Director Christopher Wray have pooled resources to create a task force whose mission includes identifying, isolating, and terrorizing White Hat “collaborators,” an FBI whistleblower, or “5th Columnist,” told Real Raw News.


The “5th Column” denote a growing number of FBI agents who, in the aftermath of the agency’s unlawful raid on Mar-a-Lago, began clandestinely helping White Hats in their mission to purge the Deep State. Sources in General Eric M. Smith’s office have put the number of “5th Columnists” at about 500, a figure the whistleblower confirmed. They have sworn to help White Hats topple the criminal Biden regime and its corrupt Dept. of Justice.


Christopher Wray, though, discovered that agents under his command were working alongside White Hats to subvert his authority, but he had no idea which agents were sharing his sinister agenda—to deprive Americans of the rights and freedoms they hold dear—with the White Hat community. The search for double agents sent a paranoid Wray plummeting headfirst down a conspiratorial rabbit hole filled with real and imagined plots to oust him from the FBI. The whistleblower said that Wray’s eternal quest to find “Trump-supporting traitors” drove him mad.


In January Wray tasked group supervisors and special agents in charge in D.C., Spokane, Dallas, Houston, Chicago, Oklahoma City, New York City, and Miami with ferreting out “5th Columnists,” giving them three weeks to produce a list of names. When three weeks elapsed and the supervisors and agents in charge hadn’t uncovered even a single “5th columnist,” Wray went bonkers and accused them of being spies, demanding they take polygraphs to prove they were not counterintelligence agents secretly working for Donald Trump and General Smith. They all passed, and Wray’s insanity soared to new heights; he saw spies everywhere and plots hatching around him.


“It’s gotten to the point Chris Wray trusts no one; even his immediate subordinates are suspect in his eyes. If I say he’s batshit crazy, it’s an understatement. He’s used thousands of man-hours and a lot of taxpayer dollars trying without luck to figure out who we are,” the whistleblower said.


Wray’s frenetic lunacy continued into February when he demoted a deputy agent in charge for insubordination and a made-up infraction: failure to address him as “sir” when in the presence of Cabinet members or high-ranking military officials.


“Sometime near the end of February, and I don’t remember the date, Chris Wray—and by then he’s totally humiliated he couldn’t find any of us—meets with Lloyd Austin, a real piece of work, and brings a tenured FBI agent in charge with him. And this guy, and I don’t want to name him, has been in the Bureau for 15 years. And right in front of Austin, Wray just starts chewing this guy a new ass hole, saying he’s the reason the Bureau can’t find us. And this poor sap is just a guy who’s been doing his job. Chris Wray is dressing him down and telling Austin how he’s demoting him to desk work. And I know this because Wray bragged about it, and the special agent in charge became a pencil pusher,” the whistleblower said.


Wray, he added, hid his shame by blaming others for his failures. During his meeting with Austin, Wray suggested that the FBI join Austin’s military to expose and eradicate White Hat “insurrectionists,” a label he applied to dissident agents and anyone else opposing the criminal Biden regime. He told Austin he distrusted his people and wanted soldiers to help “capture or kill” insurrectionists, and he specifically requested Special Forces fill that role. Austin was forced to admit that he no longer controlled Special Forces but offered a different solution: He said “a Biden buddy” at the USAF’s Close Precision Engagement Team would abide by his commands.


Wray, the whistleblower said, chose 75 agents to work beside Austin’s 50-man unit, but in his haste to expose his enemies, wound up picking a few “5th Columnists” to attend the joint FBI-Black Hat task force, and they relayed intel to Gen. Smith’s office.


The joint force trained for 60 days at the FBI’s headquarters in Quantico and at Black Hat-controlled Travis AFB, California, where they practiced marksmanship skills on range targets using President Trump and General Smith’s face in place of a bullseye. They performed insurgency drills and mock interrogations and were taught to regard all Trump supporters with suspicion.


Meanwhile, Wray wrote list after list of potential offenders. He scoured the social media profiles of hundreds of agents—active and retired—for indicators of treasonous behavior, such as badmouthing Biden or espousing support for President Trump, execrable crimes, according to Wray.


“Wray would add names to his list. Cross off names. Re-add names he’d crossed off. He said White Hat sympathizers are guilty of maleficence and vowed to get us all,” the whistleblower said.


On April 2, Wray thought he hit pay dirt. He happened upon the social media profile of a former agent, Gary Belvin, who had resigned from the FBI shortly after the January 6 Capitol incident. The profile had a photo of Belvin, a 47-year-old black male who stood six-foot-five, sporting a Trump 2024 tee shirt and holding the Star-Spangled Banner. His comment beneath the picture said, “Potissimum libertas,” Latin for “freedom overall.” Another image was a selfie of Belvin standing at Buckman Tavern in Boston, captioned “on vacation in Massachusetts.”


“Wray blew a gasket when he saw the profile,” the whistleblower said. “He thought Gary Belvin left the Bureau to join the White Hats, and he wanted to get him badly.”


Wray learned at which hotel Belvin was staying and assembled members of his freshly trained task force to detain and interrogate him. He circulated Belvin’s photo among the task force, warning them that Belvin was likely armed and exceptionally dangerous, and he authorized deadly force.


On April 4, FBI agents and Black Hats stormed a Boston hotel room and struck the sole occupant, a Caucasian male in his 30s, with a stun baton, causing him to drop to the floor in agony. They handcuffed the man, dragged him to the bathroom, and tied him to a chair. One Black Hat drew a bath, ostensibly to drown the man if he refused to cooperate. None of the agents seemed to realize they had entered the wrong room and subdued the wrong person. They interrogated him for 30 minutes, threatening to kill him unless he named all “5th Columnists.” Only after 45 minutes did they check the man’s ID and understand their egregious error.


“The guy was an airline pilot on a layover. These bumbling fools had Belvin’s picture but still mistook a white guy for a black guy. They’re more a danger to themselves than to us. Belvin wasn’t even at the hotel when they raided it. Belvin doesn’t even have ties to the ‘5th Column’ or White Hats,” the whistleblower said.


When news of the botched raid went public, the FBI and DoD concocted a story obfuscating the actual event. Federal agents and military personnel, they said, were conducting a training exercise at a Boston hotel and interrogated an unsuspecting civilian after they entered the wrong room by mistake.



“It’s frightening that Wray’s people and military black hats have joined forces. If they get their act together, they could be a genuine threat. The ‘5th Column’ is safe now, and we aim to keep it that way,” the whistleblower said.[end]




By Michael Baxter -2023年4月9日


ロイド・オースティン・ニセ国防長官とクリストファー・レイ闇FBI長官は、ホワイトハット軍の「協力者密告者」を特定し、組織から孤立させ、恐怖に陥れることを任務とする特殊分断作戦タスクフォース部隊を創設するために、あらゆる情報リソースを収集し特定してプールしたと、寝返りしたFBI内部告発者でホワイトハットに加担している、つまり「5th Columnist」メンバーがReal Raw Newsに語りました。


「第5列5th Columnist」とは、闇FBIがマー・ア・ラゴ邸を不法に襲撃した後、ディープ・ステート賊軍を粛清するというミッションにおいて、ホワイトハット軍を密かに支援し始めた正規軍に加担している支援者、増え続けている正義のFBI捜査官の人々を指しています。エリック・M・スミス将軍事務所の情報筋は、「第5列主義者」の数を約500人と発表しており、この数字は内部告発者が認めたものであるという。彼らは、ホワイトハット軍が犯罪者&不正当選バイデン政権とその配下、腐敗した闇組織司法省を倒すのを、支援し助けると誓っている人々である。










「2月末いつかある日、日付は忘れましたが、クリス・レイ長官は、私たちの誰も見つけられなかったという屈辱を味わいつつ、ロイド・オースティン国防長官と面会していました。彼オースティンは、FBIの本当に仕事ができない人物=終身担当捜査官も連れて来ていました。この男、名前は伏せますが、FBIに15年いる人物です。オースティン国防長官の目の前で、レイ長官はこのダメ男に噛みつき始めた。FBIが我々を見つけられないのは 彼のせいだと言うんだ。このかわいそうな人は、彼らがただダラダラ仕事をしているだけなのに- クリス・レイ長官はオースティン国防長官を目前にして彼をこき下ろしたあと、彼をデスクワークに降格させると言い出した。私は、レイがそのことを自慢し、結局その担当特別捜査官が、鉛筆を舐めてハンコを押す係に降格されたので知っています」と、内部告発者は語ったという。


レイ長官は、自分の失敗を他人のせいに責任転嫁することで、己の恥を隠していたのだ、と彼は付け加えた。オースティン国防長官との会談で、レイ長官は、FBIがオースティンの賊軍にに加わり、ホワイトハット軍の「反乱分子」(反体制派のエージェントや犯罪者バイデン政権に反対するすべての人に貼られるレッテル)を、暴いて撲滅することを提案しました。彼はオースティン国防長官に対して、自分の部下に不信感を抱いており、反乱分子の「捕獲または殺害」を助ける味方の兵士が必要だと言い、その役割を果たす掃討特殊部隊創設を特に要求した。オースティンは、自分がもはやそのような特殊部隊をコントロールしていないことを認めざるを得なかったが、別の解決策を示唆提示した:彼は、米空軍USAF の近接精密交戦チームの「バイデンの仲間」が彼の命令に従うだろうと述べました。










4月2日、レイはダーツ標的にようやく当たったと、かなりの目玉情報を手に入れたと思った。彼は、1月6日キャピトル反乱事件の直後にFBIを辞職していた元捜査官、ゲイリー・ベルビン氏の投稿したソーシャルメディアでの経歴プロフィールを、偶然見つけたのである。その経歴プロフィールには、47歳黒人男性で身長185cm、トランプ2024の宣伝Tシャツを着て、星条旗を持っている姿のベルビン氏の写真が掲載されていた。写真の下のコメントには、"Potissimum libertas"(ラテン語で "自由全体 "を意味する)と書かれてあったという。別の画像は、ボストンの地バックマン・タバーンに立つベルビン氏の個人的旅行の自撮り写真(セルフィー)で、"マサチューセッツで休暇中 "とキャプションが付けられていた。








「その男は、乗り継ぎ航空会社の民間人パイロットだった。ブラックハット軍とFBI捜査官らは、ベルビン氏の写真を持っていながら、白人を黒人と思い込んで勘違いしたのだ。私たちよりも、彼ら闇特殊部隊員の方がよほど危険人物なんだ。捜査員が突入し入った時、ベルヴィン氏はそのホテルには居なかったのだ。 ベルビン氏は "5th Column "や "White Hats "との何の繋がりもない民間人の人物だった」と、内部告発者は語った。



















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