

Marines Kick FEMA Out of Tennessee

By Michael Baxter -December 14, 2023


United States Marines on Monday unceremoniously ejected FEMA from Tennessee, where agents of the criminal agency had hoped to terrorize and loot God-fearing citizens whose lives turned to shambles after a freak winter tornado outbreak struck parts of Nashville and Clarksville Saturday night.


The violent twisters killed six, injured dozens, left thousands without power, and flattened homes, motivating city managers to phone Washington for federal disaster relief. When Clarksville Mayor Joe Pitts called FEMA Region 4 Administrator Robert Samaan, he was told FEMA was already packing its bags for a road trip to the Volunteer State. Neither Pitts nor Samaan knew they had an eavesdropper on the line; White Hats at U.S. Army Cyber Command (ARCYBER) overheard the conversation and notified their associates at General Smith’s Camp Pendelton office.


A source in Gen. Smith’s office told Real Raw News that White Hat leadership arranged for Marine expeditionary units to visit the storm-stricken regions, but he admitted that FEMA arrived in Tennessee ahead of the Marines.


“It wasn’t sluggishness on our part. It’s an issue of resource allocation. We’re presently involved in takedowns and national and international operations, clearing a path for President Trump when he officially retakes office on or before January 2025,” our source said.


Within hours of arriving in Tennessee Monday evening, the Marines began hearing stories about FEMA operatives robbing people blind. The Marines spoke with a man huddled beside his wife outside the splintered remains of their home. He told the Marines he had grabbed his emergency cash—about $2000—and a few family heirlooms and fled the house moments before a twister dropped down on it, shredding it like beets in a blender. The couple sought shelter with friends that night, with plans to find a vacant hotel room the following afternoon. While en route to the hotel, which tripled its rates, obviously price gouging, the husband and wife made a grave error: They made a pitstop at a FEMA aid station to fill out relief recovery forms and get a few bottles of water.


Before acknowledging the man’s concerns, FEMA wanted to know if he was armed. The man foolishly confessed he had a pistol in the glovebox, which FEMA said it must inspect to ensure the safety of its personnel. He told the Marines he capitulated to mollify the agitated agents and avoid a confrontation, as the agents carried sidearms on their hips. He claimed FEMA “seized” his lawfully owned Sig Saur P365 under the auspices of federal “Red Flag” laws.


“They said to me they was taking my gun because I was jittery and unpredictable. Yeah, I was nervous—I had four FEMA breathing down my neck interrogating me and all we wanted was the paperwork and water,” the man told a Marine lieutenant.


Having stolen the man’s pistol, FEMA then asked whether he was carrying “surplus” cash. Angered and confused, he bitingly said he had two grand so he and his wife wouldn’t have to sleep in the streets or bother friends for temporary lodging. FEMA insisted he show them the money—to determine if he qualified for immediate “financial assistance.” Agitated beyond the ability to coherently express himself, the man opened his billfold and counted 23 $100 bills, saying, “See, that’s all we got.”


The FEMA agent-in-charge glanced at him incredulously and said, “Why did you tell me you only had two thousand when there’s twenty-three hundred here? What else aren’t you telling us? What else aren’t you declaring?”


The man informed the agent he had no more, that Bidenomics had bankrupted him, and that he lived paycheck to paycheck, scraping together what he could to pay the mortgage on his now-demolished home and provide for his unemployed wife.


“Now I know you’re lying,” the agent reportedly told him, “because wages are increasing and the economy is booming. We’re confiscating this cash unless you can prove you gainfully earned it. We can do that under civil asset forfeiture laws.”


Broke, defenseless, and unable to afford a hotel room, the man and his wife had to seek refuge with neighbors whose homes survived the storm.


“It’s not that the Marines didn’t believe this story. In fact, it aligned with FEMA’s past actions. They did want firsthand confirmation,” our source said.


Monday afternoon, a Marine sergeant disguised himself as a displaced storm refugee. He had replaced his uniform with dirty jeans and an oversized hoodie, and he had pulled a knit cap over his head to hide his high and tight haircut, a telltale sign he might be military. He tucked a sidearm in the back of his waistband before approaching the FEMA “aid station” while his fellow Marines lurked a short distance away and watched his every move.


“Hold it there, buddy, you don’t look so healthy,” a FEMA goon said as the Marine neared the aid station. “Are you sick? Have you been in contact with anyone who’s had Covid in the last 14 days?”


The sergeant said he was in perfect health but was concerned about looters ransacking and pillaging what remained in his dilapidated home.


“Do you have cash or gold there? Or on your person?” the FEMA agent asked.


“Well, no, I just need some water please,” the Marine sergeant said.


“What do you have to barter?” said the FEMA agent. “If you don’t have anything on you, we can browse what’s in your rubble.”


“Well, I do have something,” the sergeant said.


“And what’s that?” the FEMA guy said.


“This!” the sergeant exclaimed, drawing his sidearm and putting two bullets in the agent’s chest. He then switched targets, emptying his magazine into the two other FEMA hoods who had been chuckling raucously only a second ago.


The Marines found a lockbox with $16,500 in cash and gold jewelry at FEMA’s relief station.


Systematically, Marine reconnaissance and scout/sniper squads assaulted six FEMA aid stations around the Clarksville and Nashville areas, reportedly killing or grievously wounding 27 FEMA personnel and forcing 50 more to flee the disaster area.


According to our source, the Marines destroyed four FEMA vehicles trying to flee Nashville along Interstate 24, and they recovered over $140,000 in stolen cash and jewelry from nine FEMA aid stations in Clarksville and Nashville.


“We don’t have a full battle damage assessment yet, but we’ve pushed the federal marauders out. We had some minor injuries—no fatalities. We’re making sure these poor people get their money and belongings back,” our source said.




By マイケル・バクスター - 2023年12月14日














12日月曜の夕方、軍がテネシー州に到着してから数時間以内に、海兵隊員たちはFEMAの闇工作員共が、人々の目を奪ったという驚愕の話を聞き始めた。海兵隊員たちは、自宅の破片が散乱した災害跡地の外で、朦朧として妻のそばにうずくまっていた男性と話をした。彼は海兵隊員たちに、2000ドルほどの非常用現金と家宝を手にしてから、ツイスター嵐が彼の家に落下し、ミキサーにかけられたビーツのように、家屋が破壊され細切れになる寸前に逃げ出したと語った。夫妻はその夜、友人の家に避難して、翌日の午後にホテルの空き部屋を探す予定だったという。そのホテルに向かう途中、夫妻は重大なミスを犯した:間違って FEMA(連邦緊急事態管理庁)の家屋エイドステーションに立ち寄り、被災者救援のための書類に記入したのち、数本の水を手に入れたのだった。



FEMA賊軍は男性の懸念を認める前に、本人が武装しているか否かどうかを知りたがった。闇FEMAは職員の安全を確保するために、まず所持物検査しなければならないと言ったという。彼らが、腰にサイドアームをつけていたので、興奮していた闇捜査官をなだめすかし、対決を避けるために降参したと、のちに彼は海兵隊員らに語った。彼らは、FEMAが連邦政府の "レッドフラッグ "法に基づき、合法的に所有していたシグ・ザウルP365銃を "押収 "すると主張したという。






避難民からピストルを盗んだFEMA賊軍兵士は、次に「余剰」現金を持っているかどうか尋ねた。怒って混乱していたので、妻と路上で寝たりして、一時的な宿泊のために友人に迷惑をかけたりする必要がないように、2千ドル持っていると正直に言った。FEMAは、即座に「財政支援」を受ける資格があるかどうかを判断するために、その金を見せろと主張した。避難していた避難民男は、自分の気持ちをうまく表現できないほど興奮しており、札入れを開けて100ドル札を23枚数え、"ほら、これで全部だ "と投げ槍に言った。






















変装した海兵隊員が救護所に近づくと、FEMAの幹部が「ちょっと待ってください、君はあまり健康そうには見えません」と唐突に言った。 「病気ですか? 過去 14 日間に Covid に感染した人と接触しましたか?」とぶっきらぼうに尋ねたのだ。




「そこに現金か金はありますか? それともあなたの隣りの人に?」 FEMA職員が尋ねた。




「何を物々交換する必要がありますか?」 とFEMA職員は語った。 「もし何も身につけていない場合は、瓦礫の中身を調べさせていただきます。」




「それで、その所有物は何ですか?」闇 FEMAの人が端的に尋ねた。


その時「これだぜ!」と 軍曹は叫び、懐のサイドアームから銃を引き抜き、闇FEMAエージェントの胸に2発の銃弾を打ち込んだ。 それから彼は標的ターゲットを切り替え、ほんの1秒前まで高笑いしていた他の2人の闇FEMA捜査官のフード頭にも打ち込み、弾倉を空にした。








「この戦闘による損害の完全な評価はまだできていませんが、わが軍は連邦軍の略奪者をほぼ追い出しました。 自軍に軽傷者はありましたが、死者は出ませんでした。 私たちはこれらの被災者の貧しい人々が、奪われたお金と持ち物を確実に取り戻せるよう取り組んでいます」と情報筋は語った。(おわり)意訳文責ハルジャス】






避難市民に変装した海兵隊員が「救護所」に近づくと、闇FEMA兵のチンピラが告げて言った。「其処に現金か金はありますか? それともあなたの隣りの人に?」 FEMA職員が意味深に尋ねた。







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