

Ambassador to the UN Linda Thomas-Greenfield Hanged at GITMO
 Michael Baxter
August 8, 2024

Ambassador to the UN Linda Thomas-Greenfield Hanged at GITMO | Real Raw News

United States Ambassador to the UN Linda Thomas-Greenfield was hanged to death at Guantanamo Bay Monday morning, a GITMO source told Real Raw News.

As reported, the globalist was arrested, arraigned, tried, and convicted on charges of plotting to allow UN “Peacekeepers” to superintend voting locations in battleground states on Election Day 2024. She had said UN troops were needed in the US to stop MAGA insurgents from intimidating or harming Blue voters protecting Biden’s presidency—this was prior to Biden, or his body double, cowardly suspending his campaign. 

The deranged Deep Stater had testified against herself, submissively referring to herself as “this detainee” while simultaneously glowering and grimacing wryly at Vice Adm. Crandall during questioning, which ended with her saying that her execution would not halt the Deep State’s appropriation of the nation.

At 10:00 a.m., Thomas-Greenfield was escorted from her cell to the gallows, where Adm. Crandall and a few officers had gathered to oversee and witness the execution. Atop the gallows stood the hangman, whose uniform had no nametag, rank, or insignia, and a clergyman clutching a King James Bible in one hand and a crucifix in the other. The hangman had clenched his fists around a section of rope and was tugging it sharply. He nodded at the admiral.
Thomas-Greenfield, handcuffed and squinting at the morning sun, was led to the platform and asked by the clergyman whether she wanted him to administer Last Rites ahead of the trip to the afterlife.

“That’s not necessary,” she answered softly. “Christ the Redeemer knows what’s in my heart, and I’ve secured my place in Heaven and at God’s table. Have you? Only He can judge this detainee, and He’s guaranteed my place at His side. You people—you think we’re all Luciferians. No, I worship the Lord Jesus Christ, my savior who’s guided me to my destination—even here. May He protect Joseph Biden and Kamala Harris, his apostles.”
“Deep State delusion never ends,” said Adm. Crandall. “Let’s get this done.”
The hangman placed the noose around Thomas-Greenfield’s neck and a cloth sack over her head.
“This detainee forgives you, Mr. Crandall. You better hope He forgives you, too,” she muttered.
The admiral stayed silent.

The hangman pushed the button, and Thomas-Greenfield took the long drop, her neck snapping instantaneously.
A Corpsman present for the execution pronounced her dead at 10:47 a.m.










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