【シーズン6】人生が100倍楽しくなる、パスターまことの聖書通読一日一生(旧約聖書 新約聖書 聖書通読ブログ)


人生💯倍の励まし😊【聖書】列王記第二6章 どんな小さなことでも

2022年08月11日 07時42分28秒 | 列王記
6章 開かれた霊の目

1. no matter how small
This episode is described as "the most trivial story of Elisha, but it shows that the Prophet was willing to help even in small ways" (Dentang). The sunken ax episode, I wonder why such a small story is recorded. However, it seems that this was a borrowed ax that had to be returned. In everyday life, there are some troublesome situations like this, and it would be good to think that God's consideration extends to such things.
In that sense, the miracle that Jesus performed at the beginning of his ministry, turning water into wine, and the miracle of taking a statel out of the mouth of a fish may be similar. Once upon a time, there was a funny story about someone who lost his bicycle key and prayed to God to find it. In other words, what does this have to do with God, and even if you think it's your own failure or your own little negligence, God will take care of the troubled situation. Therefore, let's live together with God in such a way that we confide in God, no matter how small.
The important thing is that our eyes of faith are opened. It is to open your spiritual horizons so that there is God's control and God's care over even the smallest things. The Apostle Paul prays that "the eyes of your heart may be enlightened" to know the "spiritual blessings which are in heaven" (Eph.1:18). Indeed, the closing of our spiritual eyes is a major cause of our confusion and suffering. The next episode also teaches just how important it is.
2. Elisha besieged by Aram
There was constant war between Aram and Israel. However, strangely enough, the situation where Aram lost for some reason continued. This is because Elisha saw through Aram's strategy and gave advice to the king of Israel, giving Israel an advantage in the battle. At first, Aram suspected that their military secrets were being leaked because there was an insider in their family. But it wasn't. There was a prophet on the enemy side who could see through the strategy by the spirit of God.
So the king of Aram set out to capture this prophet, Elisha. During the night the king of Aram moved his large army and laid siege to the city of Dethan, where Elisha lived. At dawn, Elisha's servant was shocked and frightened when he found himself surrounded by a large army of Aram. But Elisha said, "Don't be afraid, for those who are with us are more than those who are with them" (verse 16). Elisha focuses his attention on the invisible rule of God, not on the visible reality. And Elisha prays that God's might, which is greater than Aram, may be seen by his servants. They will find that the mountains are filled with the forces of God, more than the armies of Aram that surround them. This is what it means to have your spiritual eyes opened.
3. create peace
Now King Joram, who had taken a large host of his enemies captive without fighting, decided to use this opportunity to inflict so much pain upon them that the Arameans would no longer invade. However, Elisha urges the enemy to be hospitable and sent back to his homeland unharmed. It was Elisha's idea to repay the sword with love. Considering the current conflicts with Russia and Ukraine, this is an unthinkable response. The vengeful exchange will not end until one of them reigns with sacrifice. Peace is not given, it is made by living in God's love. Living in the love of God on the cross is the foundation of peace. I hope you have a good day today.
<Quiz corner>
First, yesterday's quiz. Approximately how many kilograms is one talent in Shekels of the Sanctuary? ①20 kg, ②30 kg, ③40 kg, the answer was ②30 kg. Here's today's Bible quiz. What was “doves’ dung” used for in those days? (1) fuel, (2) food, (3) building materials, the answer will be tomorrow. I hope you have a good day today.
