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人生💯倍の賛美😊【聖書】詩篇18篇 メシヤの勝利

2023年02月04日 06時22分36秒 | 詩篇
18篇 メシヤの勝利
Psalams 18: The Victory of the Messiah
1. background
The same song is recorded in 2 Samuel 22. The title says, "On the day the Lord delivered David from the hand of all his enemies, especially from the hand of Saul, he sang to the Lord the words of this song." This is a poem in which David, who replaced Saul as king of Israel, looks back on the past history and remembers that his present blessings have been brought about by God's grace. However, the New Testament apostle Paul and the writer of Hebrews also interpreted and quoted it as one of the Messianic prophecies (Romans 15:9; Hebrews 2:13). In other words, the psalm, while seeming to be a poem about David's personal experience, is actually said to speak of Christ's triumph. Let us read and savor the Psalm, including the interpretation of the early church.
2. David's Thanksgiving
Verses 1-3 are introductory words. David frankly praises God for being a strong fortress, protection, salvation, and strength. This praise can only come from recalling the experience of being truly sustained by God in the midst of hardship. Faith is a daily accumulation. It is not something that comes to you at a moment's notice and has the desired effect. If you take the Bible daily and make it the food of your heart, it will naturally nourish you.
David was indeed protected by God during the long days of Saul's attempts on his life. It was not Jonathan, or that man, or this man, who protected David. It was indeed God who stretched out His mighty hand to deliver and protect him when he called to Him in the midst of his very troubles (vv. 1-19). David recites that God fought on his behalf. God has brought the overwhelming strength of his enemies to naught (v. 17).
3. David's Confession
Now, beginning with verse 20, David confesses his righteousness (vv. 20-29). It says, "The Lord has rewarded me according to my righteousness, and has looked upon me according to the cleanness of his hands. I have kept His ways and have done no evil to my God." Certainly he would have kept God's Word and tried to live faithfully. But he could only say this for every moment of his life. He made many mistakes. No one can live a perfect life before God. The only person who can say this throughout his life is Christ. Therefore, it is most appropriate to read this Psalm as a Messianic Psalm. And in our case, our righteousness or reward lies in our confession of our sins to God and the forgiveness of our sins in the cross of Christ, in our attitude of dependence on Him. It is not our good works.
4. victory through God
From verse 30 onward, David looks back to the victory by God. This God is not only our help, but also shapes and grows our character (vv. 30-36). He trains us and teaches us how to fight (v. 34). God's help is great indeed. David is terrified that God would show so much compassion for his maggot-like self. David's life seemed to be over and done with when Saul tried to kill him, but God, as if by an act of providence, hears David's voice, rescues him, and puts him in honor. I would like to read again the life of David in the book of Samuel. There is no hope for our lives unless we believe in God's great mercy and works for the poor.
God is not the God of the dead. He is the God of the living, and He gives people a future in life (v. 46). Therefore, we should expect good things from God. But that goodness should be understood in Messianic prophetic terms, as Paul tells the Ephesians (Ephesians 3:6), as the fulfillment of the depths of Christ. It is not some personal good or benefit, but a blessing that Christ the Messiah will bring to all mankind. In fact, the apostle Paul cites verse 49 as the first of four prophecies that show that Christ has come not only for the Jews but also for the Gentiles (Rom. 15:9). The point is that the verse is best understood when read from an apocalyptic perspective. I wish you a good day today.
<Quiz Corner
First, yesterday's quiz. Who was the wife of a wealthy and powerful man in Maon and who became David's second wife? (1) Abigail, (2) Bathsheba, and (3) Micah. The answer was (1) Abigail. Now for today's Bible quiz. Which Psalm among those called the Messianic Psalms speaks of the Passion of Jesus? (1) Psalm 18, (2) Psalm 22, and (3) Psalm 110. The answer will be given tomorrow. I pray that today will be another good day.
