納豆 Nattoh - 韓国/釜山へ travelling to Pusan

2017年02月21日 | 日記

Our Nattoh
Also Korean people
Have them

形式も似た感じで。基本?二個入りで(外見撮るのを忘れました) 外側に巻いてある帯を外すとこんな感じ。日本のとクリソツですね。

The package system is similar to Japan's. They are two in one package, wrapped by a long belt. (I forgot to photograph the outside)

上蓋の薄い膜を剥がすと中はこんな感じで、納豆に混ぜる醤油(? 柚子風味の微妙に甘いものでした) のミニパックと日本と同じ薄い膜が納豆にちゃんと被せてあります。

When I torn off the thin plastic cover, the inside is like this. There is a mini sachet that contained some sauce for the Nattoh, its taste is citron with soy?, it's a bit sweet.
And also, very thin cover is on the Nattoh. It's the same system with Japan's.
The texture of Nattoh is almost the same as Japan's.


The outside is like this. I photographed them at the supermarket. (Thanks) Some Tofu are on the above shelf. The corner might be for soy products.
The Nattoh that I bought was, I think, it was 2900won. Two are for around 290 yen... it's a bit expensive than Japan...

*I'm not sure if my English grammars' are correct.
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