オサンポ walk - 燕の巣 a nest of swallow

2017年06月25日 | 日記

A nest of swallow
I found it by accident
I call it a today

思わぬところで思わぬ発見、それが"いいモノ"だったら嬉しいワケで。あれまこんなところに? 的発見で気分上々。なんとなく重かった感じのカラダも、ココロが軽くなってラクになったよーな気になってて、ヨシヨシでし。

I didn't expect about that at all, that's why I was really happy to see them. Oh, they are clever enough than humans, my feelings became good. I felt a bit heavy about my body but my feelings affected it in being better. Good.

*I'm not sure if my English grammars' are correct.
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