


4K KOREA WALK - One of the 10 Fantastic Night View in Korea💃Ke Kai O Kahiki - Moku O Keawe 2010

2022幎07月04日 13時59分40秒 | å¹³å’Œ

4K KOREA WALK - One of the 10 Fantastic Night View in Korea, Nice & Clean Future city near Seoul

チャンネル登録者数 9.03䞇人
Songdo Central Park is located on Incheon Subway Line 1 and right in front of Central Park Station. Central Park Station is an hour and a half away from Seoul Station in the center of Seoul. It is a land-based site where the sea is buried, and the main facilities are International Passenger Terminal, International School, International Business Complex, Knowledge Information Industry Complex, International Chemical Complex, Landmark City, Bio Complex, Advanced Industrial Cluster, Aam Logistics Complex, and Incheon Techno Park. Some have been completed and some construction is under way.

I visit Songdo Central Park once a year, and every time I go, there are huge and wonderful buildings around me one by one, making the night view more and more spectacular. Sure enough, new apartment buildings were under construction again this time. I think it is a place with such a beautiful night view in Korea except Busan. Songdo Central Park is divided into two main areas, the eastern part of which is mostly visited by outside tourists, surrounded by surrounding skyscrapers. In the western part of the country, local residents can watch them exercise every evening or spend their time leisurely on the lake benches. It is impressive that the unique shopping buildings are built with a clean and pleasant atmosphere and old port warehouse style. This is Songdo Central Park in Incheon, one of the top 10 nightscape attractions in Korea selected by STW😉 Map Google - https://goo.gl/maps/taqLNQPABprtWuHJ7 Naver - http://naver.me/5bXd35N1 If you enjoyed the video, please like, subscribe, and set the alarm It is a big help in the process of filming, editing, and uploading the next video😍 Please watch the commercial videos in the front, back, and middle of the video until the end. Advertising income is a great motivation for my video work.🀩 E-mail: seoul.trip.walk@gmail.com


私は幎に䞀床束島セントラルパヌクを蚪れたすが、行くたびに呚囲に巚倧で玠晎らしい建物が䞀぀ず぀あり、倜景はたすたす壮芳になっおいたす。案の定、今回も新しいマンションが建蚭䞭でした。釜山を陀いお韓囜でこんなに矎しい倜景がある堎所だず思いたす。束島セントラルパヌクは2぀の䞻芁な゚リアに分かれおおり、その東郚は䞻に倖郚の芳光客が蚪れ、呚囲の高局ビルに囲たれおいたす。囜の西郚では、地元の䜏民は圌らが毎晩運動するのを芋たり、湖のベンチでのんびりず時間を過ごすこずができたす。ナニヌクなショッピングビルが枅朔で快適な雰囲気ず叀い枯の倉庫スタむルで建おられおいるのは印象的です。これは仁川の束島セントラルパヌクで、STWが遞んだ韓囜の倜景アトラクショントップ10の1぀です😉MapGoogle-https://goo.gl/maps/taqLNQPABprtWuHJ7 Naver-http://naver.me/5bXd35N1ビデオ、いいね、サブスクラむブ、アラヌムの蚭定次のビデオの撮圱、線集、アップロヌドのプロセスで倧きな助けになりたす😍ビデオの前、埌ろ、䞭倮の商甚ビデオを最埌たで芋おください。広告収入は私のビデオ䜜品の倧きな動機です。🀩Eメヌルsleep.trip.walk@gmail.com


私は 街の明かりより 森の月明かりの方が奜きですが

この映像は ずおもきれいです💕

Ke Kai O Kahiki - Moku O Keawe 2010


野性的な筋肉マンたちも 玠敵ね

Brian-Friedman Yanis-Marshall Heels-Choreography BritneySpears “BreatheOnMe” ブラむアンフリヌドマンずダニスマヌシャル


ツむヌト  迷子の犬🐶たちも 芋おやっおね。 

