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09/10/14(水) 「実践ビジネス英語」

2009年12月10日 21時55分37秒 | dictation
09/10/14(水) 「実践ビジネス英語」

☆ This time Pearson and Tyson talk about the imortance of leaders acting as servants and stewards of the organaization.
Managers should lead by example,take an initiative and inspire the colleages.

☆ "I see where you're coming from" is kind of a informal slangy way to say,"I understand including the idea of I understand how you arrived at that thought or that opinion.I think I see the background to your idea.

☆ You may heard the word "steward"related to men who work on airplanes as part of the cabin crew,serving meals and helping the customers.the people in the seats.But originally,a "steward"was a kind of servant who managed domestic affairs.
So they would be in charge of hiring firing other servants,so they would manage the bookkeeping and all kinds of things related to taking care of a large establishment.Another pharse you might hear it nowadays is shopsteward.The shopsteward is usually a union member who was elected to represent the group at union meetings.

☆ Tyson's last sentences are interesting,if you look at them together.He begins by talking about he or she,refering to a singlar leader.And that sentences find the way it is.But then he switches to "they","they" is much easier to use in English.Because you don't have to keep repeating "he or she","his or hers".It's very common nowadays especially in spoken English.
So,the following sentences he uses "they",but he also returns again to singlar,saying being a leader,who sets an example.
And then he switches back again to the plural.So,he can avoid saying,"his her".

☆ a pool of secretary 秘書室

☆ Talent scouts tend to be used,especially in the entertainment and sports world.You can use it in business too,I think.But I tend to hear recruiter or headhunter more often.

にほんブログ村 英語ブログ 英語学習者へにほんブログ村←ぽちっと御協力お願いします。