Yassie Araiのメッセージ


Asanikki 200412 On Governor Koike Yuriko, as Very unfair way,and Todays drawing

2020-04-12 11:23:03 | 政治

Asanikki 200412 On Governor Koike Yuriko, as Very unfair way,and Todays drawing


Refering as the follownig,too.

朝日記200411 緊急事態下の戦線の指揮の混乱は全体の敗北必至である!!


Tsurezure Writing:  On Governor Koike Yuriko, as Very unfair way

Today's drawing is Morning Sunshine of Hakkaido

On Governor Koike Yuriko, as Very unfair way

I understand this state of emmergence is just to declaration of war against the evil virus of invisible power.

The leader of country should be to keep himself as chief commandar of war. He can do anything of necessary to rescue people and to defeat over the virus power.

Here,in Japan, Mr.Abe has now released the decision this emergence. He is taking the measure of gradual steps of feed back enforcement, first applying to seven ...districts, 4 ot including Tokyo, Kanagawa,Saitama,and Chiba, 2 of Ohsaka and Hyogo,and 1 of Fukuoka.

Target to 80 percent decreases level of contact each other from usual. By the way, at the very beginning, Tokyo had flying start of less conformance way with the neibours. The Abe government moves quickly adjustment between them. Why this disturbance happened to cause,is,as my thought, that some media did leak and open public such as the material under processing for setting up the available and appropriate fund applying.

Actually,the governor of Tokyo was standing very on herself of concern to separately as adding own fund autonmously to applying to her people the measure. as boosting her measure, before talking her neibour colleageue.It is consequntly against the Mr Abe.Government. Govennor Tokyo, Yuriko Koike,who, as my conclusion, was quite unfair and populist in way ,who had often offered her favor to her media favor,so far.

The counterpart governors have had very an embarrasment. So, I wrote this matter and send it to the Prime Minister Office, yesterday. And also,posted my fc page.



Morning Sunshine of Hakkaido

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1 コメント

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Beth Gordon,Coloradoから (あらいやすまさ  )
2020-04-12 12:00:24
From Beth Gordon,
Staying home except for food & medicine. Closing business such beauty shops, nail salons, restaurants except for drive through and non essential business. Most people are working from home including most newscasters, stock brokers etc.. can’t stress enough staying

Our death toll is much, much less the they predicted. And people being admitted in New York is less too. They were the hardest hit here mostly because they waited too long to shut down. Have a Happy Easter. 😍

