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第三の目とホルモン   Third eye and hormone

2020-06-12 19:18:13 | 





  『おそらく、ひとは、「第三の目」などというと、いかにも空想的な、馬  鹿馬鹿しいことのように思うかも知れない。しかし、ヒトは、たしかに第 三の目を持っていたのである。いや、げんに持っているのだ。人間のから

















(2020/6/12 19:13時点)





 「しかし、それを知っている人たちがいた。その代表が、ゴータマ シャカです。シャカは。成仏法”という名でこの霊性の場を再開発するシステムを完成した。そして古代密教が、これを受けついだ」


















 「、霊性の『場』が閉ざされてはたらかなくなつてしまったから、第三の目もはたらかなくなって、たんなる『残痕』になってしまったのだともいえるでしょう。要するに、この両者は、密接な相関関係にあるものですから 「ふうむ」


 「なぜ、人間は、その霊性の『場』を失ってしまったのですか? 退化、と























Third eye and hormone

In the sentence "Third eye and hormone",

”Maybe, people may think that it's a fancy, stupid thing to say, such as the “third eye”. However, humans did have a third eye. No, I have it. From human

However, when we examine the endocrine glands that play the most important role among them, it becomes clear.

Human has a very third eye, and that's what JD Ratcliff says. Even if you use it, you can actually see it. Recent scientific experiments prove it. Before introducing that recent experiment, one

”Let's examine the circulation of the endocrine glands that work as a controversial in more detail.”

I am saying this


Was there a fatal mistake in the design of the human brain?

"The third eye is the spiritual part.

Is it? "

”No, it's a little different. There is a close relationship, but a little different.

The third eye, like Ratcliff, is the pineal gland. The spiritual field is near the hypothalamus, a little deeper than that.''

"In a nutshell, the third eye is the eye that has the ability to perceive and see various phenomena in the spiritual dimension. The hypothalamus moves it. It's a place. That means, in essence, what we have today's normal eye-brain relationship.''

About why the hypothalamus is a spiritual place.

In "Secrets of Esotericism and Esotericity," we will discuss brain physiology, hormone secretion, and enzyme pharmacology.

It is clarified from three aspects.

This hypothalamus works in conjunction with the third eye

Sometimes humans manifest spirituality. In that ultimate,

, Kami, and even Hotoke. Humans had a spiritual field and a spiritual brain in the middle cortex between the neocortex, which is the place of intelligence and reason, and the limbic system, the locus of instinct. This balances humans. However, humans have lost the spiritual field in this diencephalon.''

”But there were people who knew it. The representative was Gautama Shaka. Shaka completed the system for redeveloping this place of spirituality under the name of. And ancient esoteric Buddhism accepted this.''

Why do you say ancient esoteric Buddhism?


”The posterity of esoteric Buddhism had the effect of Mahayana Buddhism and stylized the system that Shaka stood for. It made it completely different.”

Was there a fatal mistake in the design of the human brain?

”But Buddhist statues and paintings still represent ancient esoteric Buddhism. This is why many Buddhist Buddhist statues have a third eye.”

"It's an eye in the brow, right?"

"Yes, the Buddhist image that should be called the representative of the esoteric Buddhism is Mago Shura.

This is a transcribed version of the Brahma Mahegvara, and it is called "Daisenten".

It is translated into Chinese and is regarded as the presiding deity of the universe. There is a third eye between the brows, for a total of three eyes. We have two eyes. One of the two eyes is an eye that connects to the limbic brain, and the other is an eye that connects to the brain of the neocortex. These two form a pair to see the phenomenon world (material world). is. Besides this, there was actually another eye. It is a spiritual eye that leads to the brain of the hypothalamus of the diencephalon, the eye that sees the spiritual world. This is what we call the Third Eye.''

”And then, at the same time that the third eye becomes a “remain”,

Does that mean that "ba" has stopped working? "

"The spiritual "field" has been closed and it's been working so badly that the third eye isn't working either, and it's just a "residual". In short, both , Because there is a close correlation, "Fumu"

”Why did humans lose their spiritual “place”?

I can't think of that. Human mental activity is evolving and advancing at an extremely rapid rate since the primordial period, so it cannot be considered degenerate.''

"Why is that?"

I said.

-Why did the "third eye" disappear?

/> Of course, there is a big reason why the third eye was closed. The spiritual "field", located in the hypothalamus of the diencephalon, is, in essence, a spiritual realm that controls and sometimes denies material desires and instinct for longing for something more sublime. It may be said that it is a region of the neocortical system.

That is not the case.

The intelligence of the neocortex is to think about God (analyze and play) and try to understand the Buddha

On the other hand, a certain spirituality tends to become one with God and assimilate with Buddha.


Apparently it is different from that of the neocortical system.

The intelligence of the neocortex is

According to the expressions, we aim to “live better” and “live higher”.

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