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2019-01-04 | 伝統派 十世会


The Rome/SSPX Axis to destroy Ecclesia Dei

Could anyone seriously have imagined the day would come when the SSPX would allow itself to be used to subdue the spread of the Latin Mass for its own ends? For anyone who has wondered why Pope Francis has acted benevolently towards the SSPX whilst using the whip on the like of the FFI then here we have it. If this is true then we are now at the stage where the Latin Mass will be ghettoised within one Fraternity held on a short lease by Rome.
Read here

Also the latest Eleison Comments by Bishop Williamson is well worth reading - see below.

By spurning doctrine, what soul can shun Hell?
But world and flesh and Devil cast their spell . . .

God’s way is rarely the easy way. Here is an email from a reader of these “Comments,” elaborating on a point raised here often but that cannot be raised too often, because it lies at the heart of the problem and danger for the Society of St Pius X since 2012 and for the foreseeable future: the down-grading of doctrine . Here is what he writes, abbreviated and edited as usual for these “Comments”:—

When I think about the Society’s 2012 switch from doctrine before practice to practice before doctrine, ending in a secret agreement with things going unsaid but no less agreed, I do believe that the SSPX Headquarters have been behaving like the Communists whose tactic it was, in post-war France, to say to Catholics, “ Look, you want to help the working class just like we do, but you have the Faith, whereas we are atheists. Let us leave to one side questions of doctrine. You let us keep our Marxist ideology, and we will not ask you to abandon your Faith. Let us just act together to relieve the workers’ misery and to give back a bit of hope to the victims of modern society.” And by this means the large number of worker-priests who had consented to lead the lives of factory workers were turned into Marxists. The reason was, as St Augustine said, that if I do not act as I think I will end up thinking as I act. Pius XII forbade the worker-priest experiment to continue, but only after many priests had been lost to the priesthood. And the future Paul VI in Rome and the Archbishop of Paris rivalled with one another in undermining Pius XII’s ruling, because already then they believed 
more in action than in doctrine.

