
katorikku jyohou

ハンス・キュング死す これで公会議の奇奇怪怪な神学顧問はラッチンガー以外全滅

2021-04-10 | 左派(リベラル)

The Apostate "Priest" Hans Kung
Co-conspirator with Josef Ratzinger
Later to Become the Newpope Benedict-Ratzinger
The Pair Introduced at the Vatican II Anti-council
The Oecumenical Heresy
That "We All Worship the Same Gods"
And that "All Religions Are Equally True"
And Were Principal Founders of the Heretic Newchurch
Kung Was Suspended even by Newpope Paul VI-Montini
And Excommunicated Himself by Becoming a Freemason

As periti (theological consultants) at the Anti-council, the two "birds of a feather" were seen in the halls outside the Anti-council "vested" in coat and tie. They associated with their fellow heretics to take over the Anti-council and found the Newchurch of the New Order while Pope John XXIII lay dying of stomach cancer: Karl Rahner, Louis Boyer, Raymond Brown, Anibale Bugnini, Yves Congar, Charles Curran, Henri de Lubac, Thomas Merton, John Courtney Murray, Edward Schillebeeckx, Hans Urs von Balthasaret alii.



