

強化レッスン 3回目 (ロバート)

2005年09月02日 | NOVA L4レッスン

The Passive voice

My friend painted this picture.
This picture was painted by my friend.

1. When we want to place great emphasis(強調) upon who does or did something.

My mother wrote this book.
This book was written by my mother (strong)

2. When we don't know WHO or WHAT did the action.

Someone stole my car!
My car was stolen(by someone)

3. When we DON'T WANT TO TALK about WHO or WHAT did something.....because we  WANT TO AVOID RESPONSIBILITY.

I broke all the dishes.
All the dishes were broken. (by me!)

4. When we are more interested in THE ACTION than WHO DID IT.

The post office sent the package.
The package was sent.( by the post office.)

Simple present
is/are + past participle

Simple past
was/were + past participle



  1. Sam repaired the boat.
  2. The royal family often visits this restrant.
  3. The president drives these cars.
  4. A famous person worn this jacket.
  5. The airline canceled all flights.
  6. I wrote this poem.
  7. A specialist checked my ears.
  8. Bears attacked the campers!
  9. The police stopped the demonstration.
  10. The secretary lost the files.
  11. The government raises taxes every year.
  12. People make mistakes in the company every day.
  13. Cosmetic companies use animals for testing.
  14. Spies steal secret information from computers.
  15. The children broke the window.
  16. Laura lost your book.




  1. English (  ) (  ) in elementary schools in Japan (by teachers)
  2. The meeting (  ) (  ) (by the manager)
  3. Uniforms (  ) (  ) in school (by the students).
  4. These photos (  ) (  ) taken by my sister.
  5. Many workers (  ) (  ) by this company.
  6. Her bag  (  ) (  ) on the train ( by somebody).


  1. Jenifer lied to me.
  2. I left the air-conditioner on.
  3. I deleted some important subjects.


Present Progressive
is/are + being + past participle

My car is being repaired at the moment.

Past Progressive
was/were + being + past participle

My car was being repaired yesterday.



  1. Students are taking the test .
  2. The actors were perfoming the play.
  3. The tailor is making a new suit.
  4. The cleaners were washing the floor.
  5. The staff is serving lunch.
  6. The manager is holding a meeting.
  7. The owner was training the dogs.




  1. The boat was repaired by Sam.
  2. This restaurant is often visited by the royal family.
  3. These cars are driven by the president.
  4. This jacket was worn by a famous person.
  5. All flights were canceled by the airline.
  6. This poem was witten by me.
  7. My ears were checked by a specialist.
  8. The campers were attacked by bears.
  9. The demonstration was stopped by the police.
  10. The files were lost by the secretary.
  11. Taxes were raised by the government every year.
  12. Mistakes are made by people in the company every day.
  13. Animals are used by cosmetic companies for testing.
  14. Seacret information is stolen by spies from computers.
  15. The window was broken by the children.
  16. My book was lost by Laura.


  1. English is taught in elementary schools in Japan.
  2. The meeting was canceled.
  3. Uniforms are worn in school.
  4. These photos were taken by my sister.
  5. Many workers are emploied by this company.
  6. Her bag was stolen on the train.


  1. I was lied to !
  2. The ari-conditioner left on!
  3. Some important subjects were deleted!


  1. The test is being taken by Students.
  2. The play was being parformed by the actors.
  3. A new suit is being made by the tailor.
  4. The floor was being washed by the cleaners.
  5. Lunch is being served by the staff.
  6. A meeting is being held by the manager.
  7. The dogs were being trained by the owner.


