

文法強化レッスン 9回目 (クリア)

2005年10月13日 | ノート

For, While , During の使い分け

For + time priod

How long did she work?
She worked as a waitress for four years.

While + verb
While + cubject + verb

While links two wsentences together and answers the question, "When?"

When did she work as a waitress?
She worked as a waitress while she was a student.(in college)

During + noun

During also anwers the question "When?" and is used before...(書き取れず・・)

She worked as a waitress during the time she was in college.


適切な語を入れて完成させる問題です。for, whilie , duringの違い。

He usually takes naps for three hours in the afternoon.

The teacher spoke while the students listened.

Sue bought a lot of clothes during her shopping trip.

We had to wait for two months before we got a reply.

I started to feel dizzy during the flight.

I read a magazine while waiting for the bus.

She slept during the daytime.

I've worked for this company for ten years.



How long did Sam study? (three hours)
He studied for 3 hours.

When did Sue go to England? (summer)
Sue went to England during the summer.

When did they talk to each other? (when they ate dinner)
They talk to each other while they ate dinner.

When did you visit your parents? (the weekend)
I visited my parents during the weekend.

How long did Terry practice the piano? (10 a.m. ~ 5 p.m.)
Terry practice the piano for 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Terry practice the piano for 7 hours.

When did Larry watch the news? (when he waited for his sister)
Larry watched the news while he waited for his sister.

How long did Sharon live in Paris? (1990-1995)
Sharon lived in Paris for 5 years.

first, then, next, after that finally を使っての話をする。
1.link sentences
2.give instructions

Sam; took a shower/brushed his teeth/ had breakfast/ left for work

First, he took a shower, then he brushed his teeth , next, he had breakfast, after that , he left for work.
