

P.1 Q&A (想像編)

2005年03月19日 | その他自宅学習
2. 今のそのセーターはどんなか
3. 何故彼はそんなに寒いのか/ もう一度暖かさを感じたいなら彼はどうすべきか/ もし自分が枯れの家族ならどうするか
4. 彼はどんな人か
6. 彼の部屋はどんなか


1. What kind of sweater was knitted by his daughter thirty birsdays ago?
His sweater was a ocher weaved pattern with a round-neck.

2. What does the sweater look like?
The sweater has lots of balls of fuzz (毛玉)and frayed spots(ほつれ). However, he holds it dearer than others.

3.Why does he feel so shiver? / What should he do if he wants to feel warm again?/ What would you do for him if you were his family?

Because , he might has been living alone at his house. He minght has had no hobby and some his friends already had passed away. (He is 80 years old.) He had better go out and meet people. If I were a member of his family, I would live with him, I would live with him ,visit him or call him every day.

4. What does he look like?
I guess, he is well-rounded, has white hair, wearing glasses which oval small frame. He always tidy up himself.(身なりをきちんとしている)

5. How is his daughter?
She loves her father. She might has a lot of her children. She wants to visit him more it was possible to be. However, she can't come to see him so many times.

6. What is his room like?
He's sitting on his rocking chair. The room has a fire place. but it hasn't used for a long time. His room might be simple. His booksheif is ceowded his books and picture of his family.