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2008-05-12 20:23:06 | 時事ネタ(海外)
以前、UAE の構成国の1つである Abu-Dhabi で英字新聞が創刊されたことをネタにした。
・As markets emerge, newspapers find growth
(2008年5月11日 iht.com)

同時に、そうした国々へ西側諸国のメディア・・・特に Financial Times(本拠地は英国)の動きについて触れている。

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A jump in income in many emerging markets often corresponds with an increased desire for business news, as consumers become investors in local or international markets.
Meanwhile, an increasingly global financial system means that experienced investors are active in once far-away corners.

"We do see a big potential in emerging markets," said John Ridding, chief executive of The Financial Times, which is based in London.
"There is strong and growing demand from these markets for strong industry and business analysis."

In April, The Financial Times launched a Middle East edition from Abu Dhabi, which Ridding hopes will increase the paper's circulation "substantially" from the several thousand readers it currently has in the area.
In India, The Financial Times sees "big opportunities for expansion" and is working on an "exciting project," about which he would not elaborate.
Several sources in India who did not want to be named say the Financial Times is in advanced talks with the Indian media conglomerate Network 18 to produce a new daily business paper.

In China, The Financial Times is about to start a monthly Chinese language magazine called RUI, which in Mandarin Chinese means "intelligence."
The magazine, aimed at the upper-middle-class Chinese consumer, will carry a mix of lifestyle and money-management articles.
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Financial Times の試み(これが成功するかどうかはともかく)は、日本の新聞各社も参考にしたほうが良いかもな。

以下、iht.com の記事からその部分を引用。
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The proliferation of newspapers does not mean that journalism is necessarily flourishing.
In some of these new or fast-growing markets, absolute freedom of the press is untested, and unbiased news coverage is unfamiliar.
In others, editors and journalists are openly mixing advertising and editorial content.
Some founders do not even bother to pay lip service to the idea of spreading truth, uncovering injustice and comforting the afflicted.

"Of course it's all advertising-driven and nothing else," said one Indian newspaper executive who did not want to be named because he did not want to alienate readers or advertisers.
At the end of the day, if the paper is not making money, it will stop printing, he said.
Indian newspapers sell for about 1 or 2 rupees each, but cost many more times that to produce, so they are heavily dependent on advertising.
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