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New conspiracy over Arms Trade Treaty?(Aug 3, 2012)

2012-08-03 21:44:34 | 時事ネタ(海外)

先月のことになるが、国連で通常武器の輸出入を規制する武器貿易条約(ATT:Arms Trade Treaty)に関する交渉が行われていた。
・United Nations fails to agree landmark arms-trade treaty(2012年7月27日 reuters.com)
・質問なるほドリ:武器貿易条約、どうして交渉決裂?=回答・朴鐘珠(2012年7月31日 毎日jp)

以下、2012年7月27日分 reuters.com『United Nations fails~』から条約に賛成・反対した主な国の顔ぶれについれ触れてる部分を(略

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While most U.N. member states favored a strong treaty, activists said there was a small minority of states, including Syria, North Korea, Iran, Egypt and Algeria, who loudly voiced opposition to global arms control throughout the negotiations.

But ultimately, arms-control activists blamed the United States and Russia for the inability to reach a decision on Friday, as both countries said there was not enough time left for them to clarify and resolve issues they had with the draft treaty.

"Moving forward, President Obama must show the political courage required to make a strong treaty that contains strong rules on human rights a reality," said Scott Stedjan, a senior policy advisor at Oxfam America, which fights poverty and other injustices.
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米国が ATT に反対したのは、この手の話題になると合州国憲法修正第2条(Second Amendment )を持ち出して「銃を持つ権利を守れ」云々と言い続ける全米ライフル協会(NRA:National Rifle Association)の影響もあるっぺぇ。
・U.N. Arms Trade Treaty Fails On U.S. Opposition After False NRA Gun Rights Threat(2012年7月27日 huffingtonpost.com)

先月発生したコロラド州での銃乱射事件を受けて、米国における銃規制強化に反対する議員や NRA は ATT に賛成しないよう(さらに)強く求めていた。
以下、2012年7月27日分 huffingtonpost.com『U.N. Arms Trade~』からその部分を(略

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As the Colorado slaughter put guns back on the agenda this week, Sen. Jerry Moran (R-Kansas) and 50 fellow senators sent a letter to President Barack Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on Thursday, saying that they would vote against ratifying the treaty if it "restricts the rights of law-abiding American gun owners."

Moran, in a press release, quoted a National Rifle Association leader, who said members would "never surrender our right to keep and bear arms to the United Nations."
Treaty opponent John Bolton, ex-President George W. Bush's ambassador to the U.N., wrote that gun-control advocates "hope to use restrictions on international gun sales to control gun sales at home."

Both ignore the legal principle that says no treaty can override the Constitution or U.S. laws.
The Associated Press fact-checked claims by the NRA and Bolton on Friday and concluded their assertions were false.

The NRA has been "spreading lies" about the treaty, said Amnesty International spokeswoman Suzanne Trimel in an interview.
"Basically, what they're saying is that the arms trade treaty will have some impact on domestic, Second Amendment gun rights. And that is just false, completely false," she said.
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↓AP 通信による NRA の主張に関する反論記事(?)。
・FACT CHECK: Treaty unlikely to curb US gun rights(2012年7月28日 abc12.com;AP)

↑の記事では、ATT 案の問題点を述べた上で、ATT の性格についても(略)
以下、2012年7月28日分 abc12.com『FACT CHECK~』からその一部を(略)

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Treaties are government-to-government agreements and do not subject citizens of one nation to laws of another or to those of an outside body.

Also, the U.N. resolution that authorized drafting of the small arms treaty recognizes the clear-cut right of nations "to regulate internal transfers of arms" and says nothing in the treaty that emerges will affect "constitutional protections on private ownership" of firearms.

Beyond that, there are many court rulings spelling out the limits of treaties.
And if an act of Congress is inconsistent with a treaty obligation, the law passed by Congress prevails.
Legal scholars say this has been well established.

A proposed treaty to regulate exports and imports of small weapons has been on the U.N. agenda since 2006, and Bush ordered a U.S. veto of that move.
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にもかかわらず「銃を持つ権利を守れ」云々ってのを NRA や一部議員の方々が述べてるのは、Barack OBAMA 米国大統領が銃所持規制を強めるという説(つ~か陰謀論?)があるためだとか。
OBAMA 大統領は修正第2条を守ると述べてるのに・・・。
以下、2012年7月28日分 abc12.com『FACT CHECK~』からその部分を(略

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Treaties must be ratified by two-thirds of the 100-member Senate, or 67 votes.
And with pressure mounting from the gun lobby, led by the politically powerful NRA, a bipartisan letter opposing such a treaty already gained the signatures of well over 50 senators.

Even so, fears have spread on the Internet and on social networks lately, with some pro-gun activists suggesting the Obama administration was capitalizing on the Colorado killings to advance its case for gun control and others portraying it as a darker plot by the U.N. to expand its reach.

The controversy feeds into suggestions by many conservatives that Obama ultimately hopes to ban possession of firearms, even though he has stood up for protecting Second Amendment rights.

Some gun rights advocates acknowledge that a treaty by itself wouldn't likely undercut these Second Amendment guarantees.

"But there are all kinds of ways that international law insinuates itself into U.S. law even when there's not a formal ratification," said David Kopel, research director for the conservative Independence Institute.
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