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Surrogacy, human trafficking...(May 11, 2015)

2015-05-11 21:19:54 | 時事ネタ(海外)


今月8日、サイモン・ウィーゼンタールセンターが、イラン政府が運営するスペイン語放送のTV局(ややこしい)ことHispan TVとベネズエラのTelesur TVを非難する声明を出した。
・Wiesenthal Center Slams Iranian 'HispanTV' and Venezuelan 'Telesur' Netwoks for Anti-Semitic Blood Libel: “Julius Streicher, Editor of Nazi Regime Newspaper 'Der Sturmer,' Would be Proud of His Legacy”(2015年5月8日 wiesenthal.com;スペイン語版あり)

とりあえず、2015年5月8日分wiesenthal.com『Wiesenthal Center Slams ~』から前半部分を(略)

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The Simon Wiesenthal Center slammed Iranian Hispan TV (Spanish language News Service) and Venezuelan Telesur networks, which both reported, “Israel uses humanitarian help as a cover for trafficking of 25 babies in Nepal”.

The libel quotes unidentified NGOs as stating, “Among the 25 babies, 15 of them were born through Tammuz, an Israeli [surrogacy] company which provides services to couples unable to bear children, particularly homosexuals.” (see ttp://www.hispantv.com/newsdetail/Oriente-Medio/30389/Terremoto-en-Nepal-devela-trafico-de-menores-a-Israel).

This original wire from HispanTV was then reproduced by Venezuelan Telesur (ttp://www.telesurtv.net/news/Israel-trafica-con-ninos-de-Nepal-bajo-excusa-de-ayuda-20150505-0048.html).

“The ‘Tehran – Caracas axis’ even perverts humanitarian aid to victims of natural disasters such as the Nepal earthquake, just as they had accused the Israeli medical mission of harvesting body parts in the Haiti catastrophe. Through these Spanish language television satellites, Iran foments antisemitism across the Americas, just as it sponsors global terrorism, slanders the Holocaust and pursues its nuclear programme,” commented Dr. Shimon Samuels, Director for International Relations of the Wiesenthal Center.
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元ネタである Hispan TVの記事では、トルコの Yeni Akitの記事(参照(トルコ語))や ynetnews.comの記事(後述)も引用して、(出所不明の団体による)子どもを連れ去る云々という発言を補強していた。
↓Hispan TVが参照したynetnews.comの記事。

Israel to fly premature surrogate babies out of Nepal by helicopters
(2015年4月26日 ynetnews.com)

ちうわけで、2015年4月26日分 ynetnews.com『Israel to fly premature surrogate babies~』から中盤部分を(略)

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The surrogacy procedure and paternity confirmation in Israel is complicated.
According to the law, if the babies are born to a Nepalese surrogate mother, the newborn is a Nepalese citizen.
In order to allow for their flight to Israel, a DNA test must be performed to prove the father is an Israeli citizen.

Only then will the Israeli embassy issue the newborn an Israeli passport.
Interior Minister Gilad Erdan directed the ministry to remove all potential obstacles in order to allow for the newborns' speedy transportation to Israel.

One of the parents, Israeli musician Ohad Hitman, said that while parents were able to rescue their newborns from the NICU before its second floor collapsed, they were now without medicine or hot formula and needed help from the Israeli Foreign Ministry.

"I do not know how we will make it through the night here because we are almost through with our supplies," he said.

The Foreign Ministry will offer Israelis a ride home on the plane.
Meanwhile, the plan has yet to be set in motion because the local airport remains closed.
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・Why Israeli couples have surrogate pregnancies in Nepal(2015年4月27日 jta.org)

以下、2015年4月27日分 jta.org『Why Israeli couples~』から後半部分を(略)

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How does surrogacy work in Israel?

Heterosexual Israeli parents who choose surrogate pregnancy either can find an Israeli woman to act as a surrogate or a woman from overseas.
Although a bill to allow same-sex couples to have surrogate pregnancies in Israel passed an initial vote in the Knesset last year, it has yet to become law.
For now, same-sex Israeli couples must go abroad for surrogacy and are allowed to bring the child back to Israel.
The same applies for single parents.

About 270 Israelis choose to have surrogate pregnancies every year, according to Ulzary.
Approximately two-thirds of them choose foreign surrogates because the process is cheaper and surrogate mothers are easier to find.
Georgia and India are among the more popular countries.
Surrogacy in Israel costs approximately $64,000; surrogacy abroad can cost as low as $33,000.
Most surrogacy implantations succeed in bringing the babies to term.
When they don’t, couples do not pay the full fee.

Merav Levy, director of Israeli Surrogate Motherhood, which encourages surrogacy within Israel, says the Israeli process is safer and more convenient for a couple than traveling to a place like India to retrieve their baby.
To bring a baby to Israel from abroad, a mother and father must prove their DNA matches the baby’s and endure a bureaucratic process that can keep them from returning home for up to three weeks after the birth.

Why do some Israelis choose surrogacy in Nepal?

Though the quality of health care in Nepal is seen as second rate, at best, Nepali surrogacy has become a popular choice for Israeli same-sex couples who are barred by local laws from surrogacy in countries with better medical care like India, Georgia and Thailand, Ulzary says.
Israeli couples began having surrogate pregnancies in Nepal in 2012, according to Ulzary, who estimates that some 100 couples find surrogate mothers there every year.
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・International surrogacy traps babies in stateless limbo(2014年9月8日 reuters.com)

いずれにしろ、今回の騒動は、代理母出産における思わぬ落とし穴 --非常事態の際、国外の人の依頼による代理母出産に関わる女性や生まれた子ども達の扱いをどうするか-- の存在を示したと言える。
もっとも、Hispan TVやSimon~がその存在に気付くかどうか知らんけど・・・。


